Having seen too many future champions, Daigoshi had some ideas in his mind. He himself was already very powerful, and it was no problem for him to be the champion of Hoenn now. He had many champion-level Pokémon, and even several legendary Pokémon.

But the power of one person is always limited. Think about Yulongdu, running between Kanto and Chengdu, the four kings were not all together, and there were frequent traitors, so he could only fight crime all over the world. On the other hand, even if Sakaki was powerful, he was only a regional champion at best. He managed the Rocket Team into the first evil organization in Kanto and Chengdu without revealing his identity. It is conceivable how important it is to have enough manpower and power.

Daigo also had the idea of ​​creating his own power. In order to avoid the people of those evil organizations from jumping too much in the future and save trouble, it is necessary to cultivate his own power. He named this power "Dawn". As for the current "Dawn", he is the only one. Although Daigo and his friends are potential stocks, their strength is still too weak. Even if they are recruited, they have to wait until they become stronger in the future.

Dai Yue took Sirona out of Zhenshang Town, and the two headed towards Zhuqing City.

The two walked into the forest, surrounded by lush trees. The tender leaves on the branches turned into lush branches and leaves. Those leaves like small fans formed a big green umbrella, blocking the suntightly.

After walking for an unknown period of time, the two came to a huge lake.

"This is Xinqi Lake!"

Sirona said in surprise.

"It is said that Xinqi Lake was a volcano a long time ago. Because of the volcanic eruption, a huge depression was formed. After the depression was filled with water, it became the current Xinqi Lake. The Pokémon named Emrido guards this place. Emrido flies around, giving people the birth of happiness and sadness in life."

Dai Yue talked freely.

"I didn't expect you to know the origin of Xinqi Lake. Do you know Emrido?"

Sirona was surprised that Dai Yue knew the origin of Xinqi Lake so well.

"It is believed that Uxie, Emrido, and Akonom were Pokémon born from the same egg. Emrido sleeps at the bottom of the lake, but it is said that its soul will fly around on the water. When Emrido flies around, people gain "emotions" such as joy and sadness in life. It teaches people the pain of sadness and the preciousness of happiness. It has the alias of the God of Emotions. It is said that it will make the emotions of those who disrespect it lose control, so it is feared by people."

After hearing what Dai Yue said, Sirona completely changed her mind. She originally thought that a Pokémon doctor like Dai Yue had discovered the fairy system, mega evolution and fossil resurrection technology, but she didn't expect that he was so knowledgeable about mythical and legendary Pokémon.

Just as Sirona and Dai Yue were discussing Emrido, the sound of fightingcame from not far away.

The two looked at the source of the sound and saw a forest turtle being besieged by a group of Alidos. The leading Alidos had already wrestled with the forest turtle.

Pokémon: Forest Turtle

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Lush/Hard Shell Armor

Qualification: Half-Step Master

Level: Peak Skilled

The Forest Turtle's shell turns yellow and breaks into several pieces. A small tree grows on its back, occasionally producing brown nuts that look like acorns. There are three long brown ridges on the Forest Turtle's shell. The Forest Turtle's yellow jaws extend from its cheeks to form two triangles. The Forest Turtle's feet are also yellow, with three claws on each foot.

Pokémon: Alidos

Attribute: Bug/Poison

Feature: Sniper

Qualification: Elite

Level: Mid-Elite

Ariados looks like a spider, with only a head and abdomen. It has a horn growing out of its red head and purple eyes. Its abdomen is red and black, with two pairs of yellow and purple legs. There are two black spots on the back of its abdomen, and a yellow horn.

Seeing the data of the Forest Turtle, Da Yue's eyes lit up. This was the fifth time that Da Yue had seen a Pokémon with half-step master qualifications, which made Da Yue very excited.

He actually didn't want Metagross and the others to participate in this Lily of the Valley Conference, because their strength was already enough, and the League Tournament would not improve much, so he needed a new team of Pokémon to participate in this League Tournament. The current Shiny Milotic, Blaziken, Shiny Blade and Mini Dragonite are the lineup he is preparing to train to participate in the competition.

Alidos spit out dense poison needles and hit the Forest Turtle. Because the forest was very bulky, it couldn't avoid Alidos' poison needle attack at all. The Forest Turtle directly retracted its limbs and retracted into the shell. The turtle shell helped the Forest Turtle resist most of the attacks. Seeing this, Alidos, who was the leader, called on his subordinates to launch an attack together, and the overwhelming missile needles went towards the Forest Turtle.

"Come out, FlameChicken, use Explosive Flame!"

Looking at the forest turtle in crisis, Da Yue decisively sent out the flame chicken.


The flame chicken jumped into the air, spewing out hot flames to burn the surrounding Alidos with the forest turtle as the center. The powerful flame directly burned the Alidos in the front row and made them lose their combat ability.

The remaining Alidos were full of fear when they saw the sudden appearance of the flame chicken. But at this time, the flame chicken had fallen into a state of stiffness, but its eyes were still cold, which made the Alidos dare not move forward. During the few breaths of waiting, the flame chicken was able to move freely again. He pretended to spit fire again, which scared Alidos so much that he spit out silk to drag his injured companion away and disappeared into the forest.

Da Yueand Shirona appeared in front of the forest turtle. At this time, the forest turtle had stretched its limbs out of the turtle shell and looked at Da Yue and the others with fear.

"Hello, forest turtle! "

Da Yue came to the tree turtle and greeted him warmly.


The tree turtle tilted its head and looked at Da Yue with a puzzled look, then moved its heavy limbs to the lawn next to it. When it came to the lawn, the tree turtle lay down directly, shaking the ground, which showed how heavy he was.

"Shulin turtle, are you willing to travel with me? "

Da Yue followed and expressed to the Turtle that he wanted to subdue him.

However, the response to Da Yue was the Turtle's "snoring", which stunned Da Yue, and Shirona laughed.

Looking at the sleeping Turtle, Da Yue directly chose to throw the ball to try his luck. Da Yue took out the Poké Ball from his waist and threw it at the Turtle. The Poké Ball hit the Turtle, and the Turtle turned into red light and was sucked into the Poké Ball. The Poké Ball shook twice and stopped shaking. The white light flashed, indicating that the Turtle was successfully subdued.

This stunned Shirona on the side, and even Da Yue himself was stunned for a moment.

"What a lazy turtle!"

Da Yue said while looking at the Turtle's Poké Ball.

After subduing the Turtle, Da Yue and Shirona continued to head towards Zhuqing City.

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