Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, Xiao Zi was stunned-. But then he smiled and said, "Okay Xiao Zhi. Then the road is small." 1_

"You too, although there are ghosts to protect you, but you still have to pay attention to safety.".


In the communication, a little Pikachu jumped. On the shoulders of Xiao Zi and Xiao Zhi carried a greeting while Xiao Zhi smiled and nodded.

"Little Pikachu, you have to be obedient. Then I will continue the journey."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Xiao Zi said with a smile, "Yes, I will wait for you at home, Xiao Zhi."

one by one dividing line one by one

Along the way, Xiaozhi-pedestrian finally arrived at the destination of this time, Stone Town, and when they arrived at Stone Town, the first person who greeted Xiaozhi and the others was not Uncle Ibrahimovic's family, but a person who gave Xiaozhi a little headache. people.

"Xiao Zhi, you are finally here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Gray hair and the clothes that Xiaozhi has always been familiar with, the person who came is Taiwu, the champion of the Fangyuan area, and Xiaozhi could not help asking a little speechless when he saw that it was Taiwu.

"I'm not talking about you, Big Brother. As the champion of the Fangyuan area, you always go to Kanto, and you have no opinion on the Elf League?"

Dawu rushed to Xiaozhi and said without caring, L Lan, don't worry, my dear friend, I'm on leave this time, but I brought what you need on purpose, look. "

Speaking of Taiwu, he took out a big box, and when he saw the Taibox, Xiaozhi immediately held it tightly in his arms.

"Thank you so much. Is this exactly what I need?"

"Don't worry, I made it according to what you said, and the colors of the gemstones are different. We Zvoch

You can still trust the company's craftsmanship. "

."Thank you for your name"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoyiyi handed the big box to Miaomiao to help him put it away and said to Dawu, "I'll give you the upgraded version of that trick later, thank you very much this time."

"You're welcome. I got paid after all."

When Xiaoxia saw Xiaozhi's so precious box, she suddenly remembered something and asked Xiaozhi with a narrow smile, "What makes you so nervous, can you show me?"

Seeing Xiaoxia like this, Xiaozhi immediately stopped her and said, "Don't make trouble, this is a very precious thing.

How can I open it casually and go to Uncle Ibrahimovic.You still need to see Ibrahimovic. "

"Let me see, it's alright

"It's related" Okay, let's wait and see when no one is there, everyone walks on."

Although Lin and Xiaogang were a little curious about what was in the big box, since Xiao Zhi said so, there was not much room, only Xiaoxue who knew the situation showed an intriguing smile. ,

And Dawu looked at Xiaozhi and couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's really a good youth. If I didn't like Shi Wei, maybe: I would be like you, Xiaozhi."

"so you

Can you divide your hobbies evenly to find a daughter-in-law? Last 2 Uncle German has already asked me to enlighten you on more than one side.”

Xiaozhi-While stopping Xiaoxia to prevent her from going to Miaomiao to get the box, Ye Cao said a word.Then he carried Xiaoxia to the manor of Uncle Ibrahimovic's house.Taiwu, on the other hand, smiled and followed _ up.

"Wife? I don't think I have such an idea yet. Maybe I haven't met the right one yet."

Hearing Dawu say that, Xiaozhi can only take a moment of silence for his friend Du Juan in Fengyuan

'Sorry, Du Juan, it seems that he doesn't plan to find a girlfriend in the near future. I hope you can wait until

He swallowed the day he was enlightened. '

And the cuckoo far away in Fengyuan is sneezing wildly.

."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Strange 2. Does anyone miss me?"

Du Juan, who is preparing the textbook, will not know that he has been pitied by Xiao Zhi. _I”

Chapter [-]: Jealous Eggs

"Xiao Zhi 1, it's great that you can choose Ibrahimovic⊥ I'll say you can definitely enlighten Mi!"

Accompanied by the exaggerated voice of an uncle.At the evolution party of Ibrahimovic's family, everyone's eyes turned to Uncle Ibrahimovic.And Xiaozhi reluctantly pressed the face he was about to come over and said, "I have never underestimated any magical treasures, Taishu, please don't come over, please? I have a fiancée here, and I don't want to let myself be passed down. There is a special tendency to go out.”

"I do not have either"

Uncle Ibrahimovic glanced at Xiao Zhi speechlessly and then said. "It's not cute. Forget it. We are ready for the Ibrahimovic you said_ Tube

Bring home the Ibrahimovic! "

"It's my lord!"

Following the housekeeper's command, the servants moved a bed over.And above are two Ibrahimovic who seem to have just been born

"Booy! Booy!"*N

"Wow! So cute!,"

Xiao Lu was directly so cute by these little guys.And Xiaoxue looked at these Ibrahimovic and said with admiration, "It's really amazing.. The breeding methods of these Ibrahimovic are better than our blind breeders."

"Humph. That's right, our family specializes in training Ibrahimovic.

Shi must know better than you." Hearing Xiaoxue say that, Uncle Ibrahimovic also showed a smug smile, after all, this is an affirmation for them

Xiaozhi touched the head of a little Ibrahimovic, observed its color, nodded and said, "Indeed, there is a specialization in the surgery industry. I can't achieve this level of breeding now. At least for Ibrahimovic, my uncle They drive me a lot at home",. "

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