Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Xiaogang glanced at him a little surprised.Taiwu, on the other hand, patted Xiaogang on the shoulder and said, "It's surprising. Xiaozhi would actually admit that he is not good at it."

4 The heart is indeed so..”

"To be honest, I

When I first got along with Xiao Zhi, I thought he was the kind of Guan Cai who refused to admit defeat.But when I was treating my eyes, I realized that I was wrong. After treating my eyes, Xiao Zhi didn't say that there was no problem, but asked me to go to a high-level hospital for re-examination and treatment.At that time, Xiao Zhi was shy on the sidelines and did not point fingers the whole time.I only asked some questions after it was over, and my eyes were completely healed with the help of him and the doctors. Speaking of which, Taigo gave a nostalgic smile. He still remembers the picture of Ash and the doctors discussing the condition of his eyes. It is precisely because of this that he considers Ash as his best friend.


Although Chi is usually a bit strong, he is really trustworthy. "

"Is that so?."

Xiaogang was a little touched when he saw Taiwu's nostalgic smile, he didn't expect the friendship between the two to start like this.

"1uckyL" (Someone came to __ to grab my position as the big baby of Xiaozhi's father. Set 1)

And just when Xiao Zhi and the others were observing Ibrahimovic, Geely Egg was looking at these little Ibrahimoves with the same face, but the champion-level boss Geely Egg looked at the little Ibrahimovic and trembled, and then he went to look for them. The individual hides in his arms.


"S_- that L over there, don't get into Xiaozhi's father's arms⊥


Ibrahimovic, who was told by Geely Egg, immediately stayed in Xiaozhi's arms and couldn't come out, because Xiaozhi's arms gave her a strong sense of peace of mind.

"1uckyLLL!"_- don't pretend to be inaudible! 1)

Just when Geely Egg was a little jealous and mad, Meow and Pikachu quickly stopped it.

"Calm down meow! You've grown too long meow!"

"Pickupee!" (You're a champion now, don't fight

A baby-like!)

"1ucky!" (I'm baby L Xiaozhi, please hug! 11 )

Looking at Geely Egg, I'm also a baby and I'm even more withdrawn. Xiaozhi can only put Ibrahimovic into his clothes first.And little Ibrahimovic also stayed in Xiaozhi's clothes, only showing his little head, looking at the auspicious egg in fear.

And Xiaozhi patted the big head of Geely Egg, who was afraid of anger, and said, "Okay. Don't be funny. You're already too childish."

"1uckxL Lucky on --⊥" (No I'm still a baby!)

Looking at the interaction between Xiaozhi and Geely Egg, everyone showed a kind smile. Isn't Geely Egg jealous because he likes Xiaozhi? It proves that Xiaozhi is loved by his Pokémon. "

Chapter [-] Bishas

Because Geely Egg was jealous and scared the Ibrahimoves before, Xiaoxiadi quickly found a group that matched with them.After all, Geely Egg frightened Ibrahimovic into the arms of the person who felt the most direct sense of security.

But this time, Xiaogang finally did not meet the previous mini-dragon, but Bu ran to Suo's arms for comfort.And Xiaozhi found an Ibrahimovic that meets Nazi's needs in the leftover Yizai.

"Zhubu. I'll tell you, do you want to be an elegant and powerful sun elf today?"

As Xiao Zhi unfolded the picture, the picture of the shark and the sun spirit was displayed in front of Ibrahimovic. After seeing the picture, little Ibrahimovic immediately had little stars in his eyes.

.Seeing that Zhiyue took out a photo of himself and Nazi together, he said.Di is a super power trainer. Di herself has super powers. You can learn from her when the time comes.

Yubu took a good look at the insurance on the photo, and looked at the thief with a message from Darong on it, but made a point.

"Okay then I'll teleport you later-"

"No. I came by myself."

Accompanied by Nazi's voice, it sounded beside Xiaozhi

, The earth has moved over instantly with super power.And Nazi's sudden appearance made the crowd move forcibly, but after seeing that it was Nazi from the Golden City, Bi Yin

The master of the Golden Gym, Na Pii, has super powers, but the whole Guan is famous for it

"Super power is really convenient. This little guy has a very high affinity with you."

According to Xiaomeng, Nazi and Xiaoyi and Ibrahimovic looked at each other and laughed.

"It really does get along well with me.


"Boyee!" Uncle Tsuibu said to the housekeeper when he saw that it was over.

fly.Send the other Eevee babies back. "3rsen

"I don't need it anymore! I have accepted all the pumping babies here."

Before Uncle Bu finished speaking, Ying Zhang's voice interrupted him.And then two giant spider grand robots slowly appeared. Seeing this robot knew the situation, Xiao Liuliu said a few words by the side of Nalu County, and Li Zi nodded after hearing it and then had a red light in her eyes.

Wu As the giant spider-shaped robot approached, everyone saw a man with a mask sitting on it.

"The Pokémon here are produced by she-I came to receive them."

Seeing the masked guy Ash shrugged and shouted suddenly. "It's now Shanaido's Prison Light Technique!"


With small

With this sound of wisdom, Shanaido quickly came out of the Baojian ball and used a flashing technique. When the strong light flashed, the face person had to avoid it. Although he was wearing a mask, the function of being seen by Yinbaojian was not something he dared to do. Hardwired at will.And when the flash was over, other people in the mask lineup had already put away the Pokémon and hid.Only Xiao Zhi and Tai Wu were in front of him.

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