Xiao Ju'er looked at Xiao Zhi who was surrounded by elves at this time, and couldn't help but smile and said: "This is my Xiao Zhi, it's really shining to the extreme..."

So far, the agate jellyfish and stinger jellyfish attack incidents have been blocked by Xiaozhi

Easily defused with his Pokémon Legion.


Chapter [-] ends

"Why are you arresting me, mother-in-law! Stop it, mother-in-law!"

At this time, Jun Sha and a group of police are arresting Granny Jin, while Granny Jin is constantly struggling.

"Think about what you've done first, and now you keep silent for me!"

"I just want better development, mother-in-law! That is an ultra-luxurious water and underwater park, mother-in-law!"

Seeing the mother-in-law Jin being taken away, everyone was relieved. After all, she caused this incident. Before Junsha and the police officers were reminded by the Continental Hotel to help fight the agate jellyfish, now the time is over. put gold mother in law

The culprit was caught.

And on Xiaozhi's side, Xiaozhi is not very happy, because now Xiaozhi is surrounded by his own elves.Minas is pestering Xiaozhi to make him unable to move, the tyrannical carp dragon is constantly rubbing against Xiaozhi, and King Nido is ready to give Xiaozhi a loving hug at any time.

"Okay, everyone, I know you like me very much, but there is still business to do now, so Minas, please stop pestering me..."


Although she really wanted to keep pestering Xiao Zhi, but since Xiao Zhi had already spoken, she could only reluctantly let go of Xiao Zhi, while Xiao Zhi smiled and touched her

The head said: "Okay, I have a task that needs to be handed over to you later, and when you complete it well, I will continue to travel with you."

"Beauty!" Minas was happy again when he heard Xiaozhi say this, and then the giant big rock snake and the others also lifted the defense net after making sure everything was safe.

"Thanks mate."

Xiaozhi patted the body of the huge big rock snake, and the huge big rock snake also smiled and rubbed against Xiaozhi, and then Xiaozhi also looked at everyone and said with a smile: "The incident is solved perfectly."

"Xiao Zhi!" Seeing that Xiao Zhi was safe and sound, Xiao Ju'er and the others hugged him excitedly. Although there were a lot of people,

Xiaozhi enjoyed it himself.

And Dr. Damu and Xiaogang are observing the Pokémon called by Xiaozhi.

"Oh! The carp king that Xiao Zhi took care of has evolved into a tyrannical carp dragon, and there is also a huge giant rock snake." Dr. Damu knows some things Xiao Zhi has done over the years, but he did not expect that Xiao Zhi actually to come up with a bunch of Tyrannosaurus carp dragons.And Xiaogang looked at the pile of rock-type Pokémon that Xiao Zhi called and said, "Are these all Xiao Zhi's Pokémon? They're all strong."

"Although I don't want to admit it, that guy Xiaozhi is very popular among Pokémon, and he has been feeding him since he was rich.

Feed these guys. Seeing that Xiaogang was very strange, Xiaomao explained it to him, then touched a rumble stone beside him and said, "Really, that guy has a lot of overlord elves, but these elves are all He asked him to protect Aunt Hanako. "

"Really? Is Xiao Zhi so powerful?"

Now that the matter has been resolved, the next step is to reward the elves. When Xiaogang watched the top-level Pokemon food delivered by truck after truck from the Continental Hotel, he couldn't help but complain: "It's only Xiaozhi who has this kind of food. Money can afford them..."

Hundreds of elves eat together

The scene is spectacular, but the scene on the other side is even more frightening. At this time, the huge stinger jellyfish has been released by Xiaozhi and let the giant fast dragon carry him, and Xiaozhi is standing on his nose and pressing his head. : "Boy, have you served it now?"

"Woooo!" (Served! Master, I have served!)

"Boss, he said he was convinced."

"Very well, listen carefully, as long as you are obedient, then I will not do anything to you, but if you are not obedient, I will let you know how sour my original tricks are."

"Woooo!" (Don't worry, boss! I'm absolutely obedient!) Looking at Xiaozhi's shoulders

With his own Pikachu, the stinger jellyfish doesn't dare to go crazy now.

"Good boy."

When all the dust settles, Shirona and Sundae will also be going to Ash's boat to the private airport, so everyone has to say goodbye here.

"Nana, bring my Minas first. She will teach you some of my tricks to your Minas during this time, which will be very helpful to your Minas."

Saying that, Xiaozhi touched Minas' head, and Minas also understood his mission and rubbed against Shirona.

Shirona did not shirk in this matter, after all, the relationship between the two does not need these falsehoods, so she

He took Minas's baby ball and said, "Thank you for Xiaozhi, I will take care of her during this time." After speaking, Xiaozhi suddenly kissed Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi happily accepted the offer of his fiancee. kiss.

When the two separated, Shirona blushed and said, "Then I'm leaving, Xiaozhi, you have to take care of yourself." Then she ran away first, and Sundae patted Xiaozhi's shoulder and said, "Then I Thank you for your help, and you were really handsome before." After saying that, he kissed Xiao Zhi's face and ran into the boat.

Finally, in everyone's goodbye, Sundae and Shirona left by boat, and at the same time, the boat they needed to do was also

Going to go.

"I won't bother you anymore, Hanako Nanami, I'll get on the boat first." Dr. Ogi knew very well that he didn't make a light bulb.After saying a word, he got on the boat first, while Hanako looked at Xiaozhi and said, "Don't do such a dangerous thing next time."

"I see... sorry for worrying you."

"Although I'm very happy to see your achievements now, but you are the most important, so Xiaozhi must protect himself." After saying that, Hanako and Xiaozhi hugged and left the time to Nanami.

And Ash looked at Nanami a little embarrassed, because Nanami is

His first fiancee, but it seems that his first time was given to Xiao Ju'er.And Nanami smiled when she saw Xiao Zhi, and then threw herself into Xiao Zhi's arms and said in a muffled voice, "What I said before is really handsome, it's great to be cherished by you."

"Who made you all my most precious treasure."

"Then, I'll be waiting for you, Xiaozhi, in Zhenxin Town, and next time you're going to see Nazi, be careful not to be turned into a doll."

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