"Ah, I know, Nazi is actually pretty good, but she's just too lonely."

"Nazi will ask you."

Then Nanami said goodbye

Before kissing Xiao Zhi, he left.

Looking at the two cruise ships that started to leave, Ash snapped his fingers gently.Then the Tyrannosaurus agate jellyfish and howler whale kings escorted the two cruise ships to the surrounding area.

"Old violent! I'll leave you alone for their safety! I'll cook you the supreme roast fish when I go back!"

"Roar!" (Boss An Xin!)

For the safety of the people he cares about, Xiao Zhi has never let his guard down.


Chapter [-]: Maiden Gorge

"Hum hum hum! hum hum hum!"

Looking at Xiaoxia who was constantly humming and watching the pool by the pool, Xiaozhi and Xiaojuer looked at each other helplessly, while Xiaohuang was curiously watching Xiaozhi's Pikachu courting her Qiuqiu.Xiaogang watched Xiaozhi and Xiaojuer's heart-to-heart look at each other silently, leaving tears of a single dog.

At this time, Xiaozhi and the others were taking Xiaozhi's Ninghai to the sea in the Golden City.

"Xiaoxia, although I know you are very happy to subdue Mohaima and Agate Jellyfish, but you have been like this for a long time, right?" Xiaozhi silently looked at Xiaoxia, who was walking with six parents who didn't recognize the steps.

Because she was afraid that she would be beaten, she could only remind her aloud, while Xiaoxia smiled and hugged Mohaima in the pool and turned around and said, "But Mohaima is so cute! In addition, I subdued the agate jellyfish again. Ah~ it's heaven!"

"Oh, that's it, be careful not to be beaten, then Xiao Ju'er, let me tell you, our family's self-created electricity-type trick is absolutely perfect, Xiao Huang, you also let Qiuqiu learn it, although it may not be useful. Ao, but the lightning field is still possible. With the lightning field, one's own electrical skills will be greatly enhanced."

Xiaoju'er and Xiaohuang were dazzled when they looked at Xiaozhi's functional notebook, and the above was simply

Teaching for fools, but that's why it's written in great detail.

"Well, I think it's better to let my Pokémon learn your ultimate volt now. After all, my thunder and lightning zebra's collision ability is better." Xiao Ju'er did not blindly listen to Xiao Zhi's ideas, but based on her own The situation has made a choice, and Xiaozhi also respects Xiao Ju'er's choice, so he turned to the page of the ultimate volt and said: "The ultimate volt is indeed suitable for thunder and lightning zebras, after all, as long as you hit it, you can paralyze the enemy, and then you can do whatever you want. Attacked. But if you can, it is better to cooperate with the rapid electric ball, Xiao Huang's Qiuqiu and your conductive flying squirrel are very suitable..."

"Ah~ Xiaozhi, you should come here!"

Watching Xiaozhi surrounded by beautiful women, Xiaogang left a single tear.

"Why! Xiaozhi's summer is so full, but I..." After saying that, Xiaogang glanced at Xiaoju'er who had been holding Xiaozhi's arm, "Why is Miss Kamizlei getting married! Woah ah ah !!!!"

Looking at Xiaogang, how could a group of brothers who have been staring at Xiaogang for a long time let him harass other tourists, so a muscular elder brother directly called the strange force next to him to come to a strong man.

"I'm sorry, we will take this young fellow, come on, little brother.

Your gym is waiting for you! "

"No! Xiaozhi save me!"

However, compared to Xiaogang who asked for help, Xiaozhi said that it is better to be with beautiful women. Although Xiaojuer and Xiaoxia and Xiaohuang may have some sadness, but it doesn't matter. I will help them in the future. !

At the back of the Ninghai, the three of the Rockets were lying in the bathtub and crossing the sea together, and Xiao Zhi just let his subordinates turn a blind eye to their behavior.

Musashi: "Hey, why do we have to suffer here, brats, they can eat and drink and have fun on the boat."


Jiro: "I think it's because the ship belongs to him..."

Meow Meow: "Hey, it would be nice if there were fish Meow..."

Just as Miaomiao was saying this, a big fish was thrown over, and Miaomiao looked at Xiaozhi's Miaomiao who threw the fish to him.

"Eat me meow, I just remembered something from the past meow."

"Thank you! Wait! Musashi Kojiro is my fish! And it's still raw!"

Musashi: "It doesn't matter if he is raw or not, as long as he can eat it!"

Kojiro: "It's really impossible to light a fire."

"You give me loose

Open your mouth, meow! "

And in this atmosphere, Ash and his party finally arrived at the port of Maiden Gorge.It's just that after arriving at the port of Maiden Gorge, Xiaozhi has been staring at a huge stone, because Xiaozhi seems to have heard the voice of a girl.

"Finally, you are back, Lord Yalang..."

"Hey, hey, you won't be staring at me, right?" Xiaozhi still has an impression here in Maiden Gorge, but there is a thousand-year-old ghost here, and the ghost of this Maiden Gorge really exists.

'Lord Yalang, I finally see you again...'



After hearing the name Yalang, Xiaozhi's head exploded with a buzz, the severe pain made Xiaozhi hold his head in pain, and Xiaojuer immediately supported Xiaozhi when she saw this situation and asked: "Xiaozhi Chi, are you alright?!"

"It's okay, it's just a sudden headache, let's go to the elf center first... Geely Egg help me press it..." After saying that, Xiaozhi fainted, and Geely Egg immediately held Xiaozhi's head.


"Brother Xiaozhi."

"Little Chi."

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