"You are also Haoli!. No need to hold back!



How powerful!"

Afterwards, Hao Li and Hot Monkey had the most primitive battle. . Hot monkey's catch.Crazy grab. .Even rampage. Haoli's farmer monkey and Haoli have more and more injuries. And it's obvious that the hot monkey will not be able to support it soon, after all, he is only the elite peak L and Haoli is the king of the sky, the hot monkey To be able to support up to now, it is still relying on deep breathing to continue to recover

Shiba watched Xiaozhi's hot monkey can't help but fight with the king until now. Xiaozhi, your hot monkey is very strong. But it's over ⊥ How powerful hell rolls! "

"Holi Mountain"

Hearing Sheba's order, Haoli moment

He rushed to the front of the hot monkey and caught him and then used his own trick to roll in hell.Xiaogang, who was watching the game, shivered.Xiaoxia Xiaoxue also looked at the hot monkey worriedly.


With Haoli's last throw, Hot Monkey fell heavily on the ring. But Hot Monkey still stood up with the deep breath taught by Xiao Zhi.Xiao Zhi looked at Hot Monkey and said, "Enough is enough Hot Monkey.

Shiba nodded in agreement after hearing Xiaozhi's words.

"Are you going to throw in the towel? But your choice to surrender is indeed correct."

"It's not our trick

Enough is enough ⊥ The last of the hot monkey! G depth 9L_ The end of the outbreak! "

"Roar L⊥⊥⊥"

With the roar of the fiery monkey. _He rushed to Haoli quickly, and Shiba shouted, "Use protection!"


Just when Hao Jiu was about to use protection, he found that his body was out of control.

"G depth 91 This is a level that can already seal the enemy's actions! Hot monkey hit that punch 1.⊥l. "

"Roar L⊥⊥⊥"


With the hot monkey punching in the body of Hao Li

Haoli's eyes gradually widened.

"Holi ⊥⊥"

Along with Haoli's scream, the ripples that had been punched into Haojiu's body began to erupt, and then a violent vibration was generated in Haoli's body, and Haoli fell to the ground with his eyes rolled over. stand up.And the hot monkey! is standing gasping for breath. Waiting for the referee's judgment.

I Gongding⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥

"Appeared ⊥⊥l" The champion is Hot Monkey" LL L 1 He defeated Hao Li to win the P1 Grand Prix!,"_ 1 1


"Wow wow wow wow wow"!""! "N

After hearing that he is the champion.Hot Monkey finally stopped supporting the slow downfall of L, but just when he was about to fall to the ground, a man stopped him.


It was only when the hot monkey looked at the person beside him.Ash was looking at him with a smile on his arm.

"How can you let the champion fall at such a time. I will also bring you the championship belt."

"Mingshan" (host)

Hot Monkey feels his eyes are wet, and Pikachu and Meow also get from

The other side held Hot Monkey_As for Xiaozhi's stupid duck, he also hugged Hot Monkey's legs.

Seeing Xiaozhi and the others, Shiba smiled.

"Oh, it's pretty good."

And Xiaoxia in the stands shouted with joy when she saw that the hot monkey actually defeated the king. "It's great⊥Hot Monkey won!" Xiaoxue looked at Xiaozhi and the others holding the fire, "It's still the same gentleness as before, Xiaozhi.

Two-one dividing line --

The championship gold belt was brought by Xiao Zhi himself for Hot Monkey, and Xiao Zhi who watched his Hot Monkey surrounding the championship belt praised with a smile __ "It's not very good.

Wrong Hot Monkey This championship belt is perfect for you. "

"Hoohoho 1!" (Of course!

Shiba came over and looked at Xiao Zhi and said

"That's really good. Is that your own creation?"

"Yes, Hot Monkey did a good job this time."

"Interesting, really interesting, I'm looking forward to your competition in Quartz Plateau more and more⊥" came over and said, "Your hot monkey is very talented, he may be a fighting genius, how about you let me help You trained him to be a professional fighter."

Glancing at Fan Dou Xiaozhi, he pushed the hot monkey behind him.

Pulling it, he said, "Forget it. Just like you: the training method is not good at all. It is enough for me to train the monkey._"

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