"That's extreme training!"

"The guy who doesn't know how to combine work and rest, the champion is my hot monkey, not your Abillon"

"Damn! You wait 1 I will become stronger with Abillon 1. Of course at home." Glancing at his daughter Fan Dou, he silently threw aside Xiao Gang who was attentive.

"After all, I couldn't be more wrong."


So far, the P1 Fighting Grand Prix has been hit by a hot monkey.

The defeated king is promoted to the quasi-king and won the championship. _Collect, recommend, share 1. (zhan_gtianhae88) Support Fei Lu's original works and enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter [-] Sheba, you really deserve to be single

"This Chavaran is the signing wizard of our company. You are responsible for helping to find his renter together. I don't know where this unfortunate customer is now::"

"Sand Five." (Wei Xie)

When the staff of Tailu Hotel was about to start searching for the unfortunate customer, Xiao Zezhi looked at Xiba, who was about to ask something, and said, "I think it's almost time for dinner, why don't we go together? ?_"

"That's a good feeling. In fact, I also have some things I want to ask you." Sheba was not polite.After all, he does have something to ask Ash.

Inside the Continental Hotel, Xiaoxia Xiao

Xue was a little stunned when she watched Sheba quickly sweeping the food on the table, while Ash explained - while ordering the waiter to add dishes - "This is normal. Sheba is a fighter after all, so his needs for food are also , very large.

Xiaoxue looked at the pile of empty plates beside Shiba and said speechlessly, / "Even so, it's quite edible. I remember we didn't eat so much when we were exercising, right?_"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I forgot to eat when I came to the competition, so I'm a little hungry."

"It's alright, then Master Xitian, do you have anything to do with me? Ruxian created his own technology.

It's not that I don't want to teach, but that there is no specific way to carry the depth of G. "Xiao Zhi silently pushed some plates to Xiaoxia Xiaoxue and Xiaogang, and said quietly, and Xiba also understood, _" Although I really want to know, but the preciousness of self-created skills I still understand, what I really want you to help with is the Haoli thing.Haoli, come here!


He was chatting and eating with Xiaozhi's hot monkey, Hao Li, who came over suspiciously, while Shiba leaned on his Hao Li's shoulder and said a set of thoughts. Actually, I heard that you have medicines here that can treat dark wounds. this old guy because of the dark injury

I can't evolve and therefore the strength of the king has been unstable, so I was thinking if I could buy one for him to use loe-Xiaozhi put down his chopsticks and walked forward and started to touch his body and ran, and he didn't cooperate. action.

"Huh? Really, there are still a lot of secret injuries. I said how could the time of the G depth 9 seal be prolonged? It turned out to be the secret injury.

After confirming Haoli's condition, Ash returned to his seat and said, "I can treat his condition."

"Oh oh oh go _ that."

"But" I'll make one for now, so let's eat first. "

I heard it but

Shiba and Haoli were both heartbroken, but they were relieved when they heard what Xiaozhi said that they needed to do it now, "It scared me to death_, I thought it was something, but what do you tell us to eat? I have to go to dinner...".

"We can eat as long as we can!_Come on Xiaoxia Xiaoxue, you should eat more. Don't worry about your body, travel is very hard, you can't lose your mouth." Giving Xiba a look that you deserve to be single, Xiaozhi started Serve Xiaoxia Xiaoxue with vegetables, as for Xiaogang? Men don't need to help L

Two-one dividing line - one

"Hey. To be honest, it's very troublesome to make Chinese medicine pills, and it also needs to be classified according to the Pokémon family.

Come on, Xiaoxue, you and Xiaoxia will help me share the medicinal materials.Xiaogang asks Xiaoquan Stone to smash the divided herbs together with you. It is best to use fists. "

Xiaoxia was a little dazzled when she looked at the two piles of medicinal herbs placed on the table.And Xiaoxue said with a smile, _"_ 1 Xiaoxia, you can choose a look. For example, this one."

Saying that, Xiaoxue took out an herb that looked like another, and Xiaoxia thanked her and said _ "Thank you, then I'll choose this.

Shiba looked at Xiaozhi and the others were too embarrassed to stand still, so he asked Xiaozhi, "Well, do you need my help?"


Then talk to Xiaogang: Start mashing the herbs, don't bother me now, don't you see this is delicate work?" Xiaozhi never took his eyes off the props in his hands when he spoke, and he didn't dare to blink. When Xiao Zhi said this, Xiba also went to help out angrily. As for Xiao Zhi's attitude? Please, they help Hao Li dispense medicine. Xiba wants Xiao Zhi to be more serious, but looks at Xiao Zhi - point-: point He was a little speechless when he poured some medicinal powder onto what Xiao Zhi called a weight.

"Does it need to be so delicate to make medicine?"

Seeing that Xiba was so puzzled, Xiaoxue could not help but explain, 2 "This is actually Xiaozhi's habit.

If it's all about dispensing, you'll be fine, but if you're talking about Xiao Zhi, you'll usually try to be the best.So it's a lot more precise. "

"I see.".!

Chapter [-] Doctors are always popular

"Come on Haoli, spit Ye Mo!"


It's a little strange to watch Xiao Zhi stretch out this strange bowl to him and make himself spit.And Xiaozhi said with an expressionless face, ∠ "What's the matter? Could it be possible for me to leave? Friendly reminder to wait for what you want to eat.

"Holi ⊥⊥⊥"

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Hao Jiu quickly spit into it, and Xiao Zhi quickly started to make medicine.

"Usually a special source of water is needed, but now there is no way to replace it with saliva. It's a folk remedy."

Looking at Ash

The expressionless Daoyao Shiba couldn't help but take a step back.

'This guy.Maybe a lot scarier than imagined.2

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