When an exquisite pill was brought to Haoli and Shiba, Xiaozhi was already tired and resting on Xiaoxue's legs. Although Chirulian was very envious, she finally gave up after looking at her little arms and legs_ The idea of ​​pulling Xiaozhi over, and Xiaozhi took the umbrella and said, "The last friendly reminder, prepare the umbrella and let Haoli take the medicine. God, it's really hard to make medicine for the king-level Pokémon. , it would be nice to use the super domineering version like the fast dragon-."

Although Xiaozhijian

Yi Shiba prepared an umbrella first, but Shiba, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't wait any longer.So he handed the pill directly to. Howe.

"Come on Haoli, eat it!"


Watching Shiba hand him the pill.Howe could feel that his body was craving this medicine madly _ it could bring him back to life.Then Hao Li directly put the pill into his mouth, and the power of the pill was quickly absorbed by Hao Li.

_"Heroes on"

With a loud cry from Haoli, he felt something in his body rushing out.


"Raise the umbrella!!" lbj

Satoshi, who was lying on Xiaoxue's legs with a powerful expression, shrank his eyes and raised his umbrella with a loud roar.And the magical negatives watching on the side also raised their umbrellas obediently, but the only day when he didn't raise his umbrella was Shiba who kept looking at Haoli.


With a splashing sound, a pile of filth in Kuailong's body was sprayed out from Haoli's body and Shiba on the side was directly sprayed. Seeing these filth just shivered 1 He has a psychological shadow.

And Haoli didn't care at all at this time. He felt that his body was like

Regained the same vitality as the new life, screaming in the sky

"Holi ⊥⊥⊥⊥"

Then the light of evolution began to appear, because of the dark injury: the heroic power, which has been unable to evolve, finally evolved.

"Strength! 1!"

Shiba watched his buddy finally evolve, and his eyes were a little wet.

"Hao Li, I should call you now. It's great that you have finally evolved in strange power!

Just when Shiba was about to embrace the strange force, the strange force avoided it.I saw that strange force was covering his nose and looking at Shiba with disgust.

"Strange Power" (good on you


"Hey" what do you mean by disgusting me. Is it smelly? I became such a bastard because of you! No way! I want to wipe you all over"

Saying that, Shiba rushed directly to the strange force, and the strange nine could only make a desperate cry.

"Weird"!⊥⊥⊥"_ (Don't come here, ah⊥⊥⊥⊥)

Two-one dividing line --

"Thank you so much this time, you can say whatever you want in the future.

When they were about to part, Xiba solemnly thanked Xiaozhi and others again.And Xiaozhi is slightly protecting Xiaoxue and Xiaoxia back.

After a while, the smell of Shiba hasn't gone away. ,

"You're welcome if I can help you, and if you can, you'd better wash it and then go to Rainbow City to buy a bottle of perfume.".

"You're really welcome:" Sheba looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly, but after looking at the hot monkey, he asked, "How? Do you want to fight again?"

"No, what Hot Monkey needs now is to stabilize his own quasi-king realm. It's better to fight with the peak of the king of your strange power. Of course, if you want to fight with my Pikachu, I think Pikachu is happy to accompany him.

"Your Pikachu." Shiba glanced at

Pikachu, who seemed to be ready to fight with a small glove, shook his head.

"Free: I have no inclination to seek abuse."

"Me neither, so do you think I'll let my hot monkey fight your now fully recovered monster?!"I ⊥

Chapter [-] Someone actually grabbed the stinky mud food? !

After saying goodbye to Sheba. Ash's next stop is a troublesome place. It's a place full of unique smells.

"Ah, Heiyun City really lives up to its reputation. The smell here is really strong. Fortunately, I have prepared a mask!"

Even with a mask, Xiaogang can still smell the smell of Heiyun City, so he is very proud of the fact that he has prepared a mask

"I said Xiaogang, why are you- z talking to yourself? Don't you need a gas mask?

"What? Put on a gas mask?"_"

Looking at Xiao Zhi wearing a gas mask, they are a little bit

Strangely asked, _ "When did you bring 2"

"Just when you are wearing a mask, we called you, but you still didn't respond, but I was prepared for the trip, and Miaomiao can also make some small equipment at any time."

"." Xiaogang suddenly felt so stupid:

Inside the underground waterway of Kuroyun City.The Rockets trio are preparing for this 'own move'

"Listen, meow. You use the diving suit I prepared to enter the A into the water. Then rely on the sewers to sneak into the Pokémon Center and steal all the Shen Er Pokémon inside⊥"

Looking at the sewers with a pile of filth, Musashi and

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