Then Xiao Zhi took out the communicator with trembling, and dialed the number under the gaze of a group of people, and when the number was dialed, the other side answered in seconds.

"Ara, who am I talking about? Isn't this some Ash who forgot to contact me for a trip?"

"Sorry sister, I have something to do here so I forgot to contact you."

"Oh, something is wrong, then it's understandable."

Li Lin on the other end of the communication seems to be very talkative, but Xiao Zhizhi

A real storm is coming.

"Now my mother wants to see you! Immediately~_lshan"

"Oh, sister, I can't help it. After all, I have already traveled here. You can't make it here in Chengdu, right?"

Hearing Li Lin say that, Xiao Zhi also expressed his helplessness, but Li Lin in the communication looked at Xiao Zhi with a smile and said, "Oh? So you can come here as long as I am in Kanto?"

"This. To be honest, it depends on my travel route. You also know that I am going to a gymnasium to participate in the Quartz Conference."

Hearing Xiaozhi say that the cracked forest is a black line.

"Are you going to slaughter the young::"

"No, I'm just a rookie trainer. It's normal to go to the competition, isn't it?"

_"It's weird that it's normal, forget it, I'll find you myself"


Hearing this, Xiao Zhi felt that something was wrong, and then I saw that the cyclists collectively gave way to a gray-haired beauty. "On the head of Miss Lilin" *N

"Yo. Ash. No surprises"

"It's frightening two"

Xiao Zhi looked at Li Lin I with some helplessness, while Li Lin held Xiao Zhi's shoulder and then moved towards one.

Lin next to him greeted, "Yo._Lin long time no see."

Seeing Li Linlin, she also smiled and said, "I haven't added Sister Lilin for a long time. Why did you come to Kanto?"

"Of course I came to solve the problem, but I didn't expect to meet Xiao Zhi. I originally planned to take it away with a sap, but I didn't do it because he just remembered to communicate with me."


After hearing Li Lin's sturdy speech, Xiao Zhi and the others didn't know what to say.However, the cyclists looked at Li Lin with admiration.One of the girls even more - said with a look of admiration. "As expected of the elder sister Lilin, there is only the elder sister.

Dare to knock Xiaozhi's sap on the head⊥

Hearing the girl say that, Xiao Zhi looked at her speechlessly.

"Meisha, there's nothing to admire about this, by the way, Xiaoxia, Xiaoxue, Xiaogang, you may not know, this is Lilin L, my sister."

Seeing Xiaozhi introduce himself, Lilin greeted the three with a smile, "How are you, Y, I'm Lilin, from the Chengdu area.

"Lilin King of the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu! It's a pleasure to meet! Xiaosheng is Xiaogang L. Could you please:

Seeing Li Lin, Xiao Gang couldn't control himself anymore and went straight up to confess, but Xiao Zhi - as soon as he grasped his

The hand was followed by an over-the-shoulder throw.

"Don't make fun of me at this time"

"Oh oh oh go" *donkey N

Seeing Xiaozhi knock Xiaogang down with one move.Cyclists are collectively excited.

"There is _ on. Boss Xiaozhi's over-the-shoulder throw L. Until now, no one has been able to counter it!"

When Xiaozhi used a shoulder throw to solve Xiaogang, Xiaoxia Xiaoxue and Lilin also knew each other.

"Oh, so that's the case, one is Ash's old acquaintance, and the other is Ash's new girlfriend. I'll just say it. With Ash's obviously carnivorous nature

It's impossible for you to know what we used to call Xiaozhi?"

Hearing that Xiaoxia, Xiaoxue and even Lin were a little curious.

"What's it called?"*3

"Head wolf, puff hahaha!.": [-]

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi's evil Pokémon

Alpha Wolf, this is Ash's dark history_ and the reason why Ash can get this honor is Ash's Pokémon in other regions.

Xiaozhi has - help evil-type canine Pokémon, and each of them is trained by Xiaozhi's fighting ability is very strong, so among the trainers who like evil-type - the name of a head wolf is also quite famous, but the head wolf is very famous. Although the name is famous, because Xiao Zhi was doing things with Mian County at that time, so he knew that Xiao Zhi was the first wolf. Apart from Lilin and the Four Heavenly Kings in the Fengyuan area, there were only a bunch of Xiao Zhi's younger brothers at that time.

At that time, Xiao Zhi was sweeping the area with a bunch of evil-type Pokémon, causing a burst of excitement.

After the blood and blood rain was cool for a while, it disappeared. After all, although it was cool to do things, Xiao Zhi still had business to deal with.It's impossible to keep doing things

After listening to Zong Lilin's introduction, Lin nodded in agreement.

"It's really something that Ash will do. I said - how did he train him at that time? He is so famous as Heluga and the big wolf. But it's not quite right, doesn't Ash still have an Absol?"

"Ha, after all, his symbols at that time were the wolf dog and Heluga and a bunch of hyenas and Darubi. It was also because they fought hard enough that the trainer who led them was called the head wolf. normal."

Li Lin explained with a smile, then pulled Xiao Zhi and said, "Okay. I just need your help here, and my family arranged a blind date for me. You know what I mean?

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