After hearing Li Lin say this, Xiao Zhi asked a little strangely. "Sister, with your combat power, even the opponent who uses restraint may not beat you. What's the use of calling me?_"

What Xiao Zhi said here is the truth.. If you want to say that you can beat Lilin, there are indeed.But it's definitely not something that a cat or a dog can do, and Li Lin said helplessly 1_ "That's right, so the other party told me to find someone to play doubles, not the four kings and the champion,

As long as the person I'm looking for loses, it will be a feud. "

"And then, sister, you think of me?".

"That's right ⊥"

Li Lin said this with a malicious smile.

"I didn't look for the Four Heavenly Kings, did I?"

Xiao Zhi also showed a wicked smile and said, "Sister, you are good or bad. But I like it! I am good at bullying ignorant Xiaobai!"

"That's right. The other side also requested that my teammates also use the evil type L. You understand what I mean."

"Understood, I'm going to call my evil little darlings, it just happened to be a month without a relationship.

They met. "

Then Xiao Zhi turned to Chuxia, Xiao Xuelin and Xiao Gang.

"Exactly, let's take a look at the battle of the king level. It will also help you in the future."

Everyone has no opinion on Ash's proposal. After all, as Ash said, the battle of the king is indeed rare.

"Brother Xiaozhi". Sister Lilin on "NL

At this time - a group of cyclists all looked at Xiao Zhi and Li Lin with pleading eyes, and Li Lin said cheerfully, "Well, for the sake of you calling me - Big Sister, let's come together. Let's go!" (ag



Then, under the leadership of Xiao Zhi, a group of people went to the Continental Hotel to rest first. After all, Xiao Zhi asked someone to help transfer his Pokémon.

Two-one dividing line --

In a huge treasure courtyard in the Chengdu area, Kongmu Botu came to a place and shouted: "Heilu and Xiaozhi need you: .."


Before Kongmu Botu had finished speaking, a terrifying Heluga appeared in front of him, and looking at the overlord Heluga, Dr. Kongmu swallowed and said, "

Xiaozhi said he needed your help::"

"Wangshan" (Lead the way"_ )

And Dr. Soragi's situation is similar to Oda Maki Hiroshi.At this time, he was facing an overlord Great Wolfdog and overlord Absol, and that Absol Odamaki knew that it was the champion.

"Xiao Zhi needs your help."

"Wang Shang" (go" to the master immediately! )

"Woo Shang" (Let's go. Go to Xiaozhi

When the two doctors were too sweaty to send the Heluga wolf dog and Absolu.Xiao Zhidi released the three of them in time. ,

"Wow! On"*2 J


As soon as the three Pokémon came out, they happily rushed towards Xiao Zhi.And Xiaozhi put his arms around the three of them and said, "It's hard for you to watch the house."

"Wang Khan!"*2

"woo go"

After seeing the three of them, Meow Meow smiled and walked up _ and said, _ "You guys are here Meow!"

"Pickup" (this time it's up to you)

"1ucky!"_(Don't lose_ the reputation of Ash's father". )

"Wang!" (Don't worry.. I can't take care of my life of biting the opposite side")

"Woo up" (I will wall off all the guys who stand in front of Ash)

Looking at Xiaozhi's three evil-type Pokémon, Li Lin showed a strange smile, and when she looked at Xiaozhi, she licked the corner of her mouth a.

'Don't blame me, Xiaozhi, who made you the most suitable for my husband-in-law, you can't run away. '

After looking at Xiao Zhi like this, Li Lin cast a grateful glance at Lin again.

- 'Thank you for not dismantling'

"'You're welcome'

Hmm: Xiaozhi doesn't know

I was sold by my wife before I knew it :-: [-]

Chapter [-] I am Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, a rookie trainer!

He didn't know himself. Xiao Zhi, who had already entered the set, still thought that Li Lin was just asking him to help. He didn't know that this time was actually an assessment of him. .After all, the Lilin family is mainly dominated by evil-type Pokémon, and they will not agree to the evil-type in the future.

And when Xiaozhi Lilin and a group of younger brothers arrived at the designated location, Lilin put his hand on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said: "This is my little brother named Xiaozhi, he is a new trainer who just set out, he is suitable for you guys. the standard 2.”

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