And Xiaozhi patted the big head of Geely Egg, who was afraid of anger, and said, "Okay. Don't be funny. You're already too childish."

"1ucky! L Lucky ____⊥" (No L I'm still a baby!)

Looking at the interaction between Xiaozhi and Geely Egg, everyone showed a kind smile. Isn't Geely Egg jealous because he likes Xiaozhi? It proves that Xiaozhi is loved by his Pokémon. _

Chapter [-] Bishas

Because Geely Egg was jealous and scare Ibrahimovic before, Xiaoxia and the others quickly found L and Ibrahimovic who matched her. After all, Geely Egg was so frightened that Ibrahimovic went directly to the person they felt most secure. 's arms.

This time, Xiaogang finally did not encounter the embarrassment of the previous mini-dragon, and Ibrahimovic ran to her arms for comfort.And Ash found an Ibrahimovic who met Nazi's needs among the remaining Ibrahimovic.

"Ibrahimovic, I ask you if you want to be this elegant and powerful Sun Spirit 2"

As Ash unfolds the picture book, the picture of the sun elf is shown in front of Ibrahimovic, and this little

Immediately after seeing the picture, Ibrahimovic had little stars in his eyes.When I saw Xiao Ibrahimovic hooked on Xiaozhi, he took out a photo of himself and Nazi and said, "This is Nazi. She is a super power trainer, and her super power is also very powerful. You Then I can learn a lot from her."

Ibrahimovic looked curiously at Nazi in the Zhao film, and nodded at Nazi with a sincere smile on it.

"Okay, then I'll send you over later."

"No, I'm here myself."

Accompanied by Nazi's voice sounding beside Ash, she has moved over instantly with her super power.

Although Nazi's sudden appearance caused a commotion in the crowd, she understood after seeing that it was Nazi from the Golden City.After all, Nazi, the owner of the Golden Gym, is famous throughout Kanto for her super powers.

"Superpowers are so convenient: how this little guy has a very high affinity with you."

Xiaozhi held little Ibrahimovic into Nazi's arms and Nazi and little Ibrahimovic looked at each other - they both laughed

"It's true that he and I get along very well.


"Boy!" los;

Uncle Bu said to the housekeeper when he saw that it was nice

.Send the other Eevee babies back. "

"I don't need it. I have accepted all the Pokémon here."

Before he could finish speaking, Uncle Ibrahimovic interrupted him with an arrogant voice. Then a huge spider-shaped robot slowly appeared. Seeing the robot, Xiao Zhi, who knew the situation, said a few packets in Nazi's ear. After hearing this, Nazi nodded and then her eyes flashed a red light.

And as the giant spider-shaped robot approached, everyone saw that there was sitting above: - A man with a mask.

"The Pokémon here are received by (bc_di) me."_.

Seeing this masked guy, Ash shrugged and then suddenly shouted, _ "It's the Shanaido Flash Technique now ⊥_"


With Xiao Zhi's voice, Shanaido quickly came out of the baby ball and raised his hand, which is a flash technique. When the strong light shines, the masked man has to avoid it. Although he wears a mask, the function of the Pokémon is not He dared to pick it up at will, and when the flashing operation was over, the mask found that the other people in the queue had put away the Pokémon and hid. And now, only Xiaozhi and Taiwuxiren are still outside.

"Bishas, ​​Rockets

The cadre in the Chengdu area, according to the investigation of the attack on the San Annuo cruise ship, was arranged by him. "

Xiaozhi's Miaomiao handed the masked person's information to Xiaozhi with a tablet in hand.And Xiaozhi looked at it and handed it to Dawu.

"Looks like a disgusting guy.

"That's true, but I'm even more surprised that a Yubu in the Chengdu area came to your Kanto for what? Ibrahimovic shouldn't have such a big attraction, right?"

Taiwu glanced at the important information written on the document and calmly nodded to Xiaozhi.And Bijas didn't hide his identity when he saw that his identity had been revealed, but said with a smile.

_ "I didn't expect you to be able to get my information. In this case, you should understand the power of my dark Pokémon. Obediently hand over your Pokémon and I can make you suffer less, otherwise...

Saying that, Bishas threw a dark ball, and then a Bangira with black stripes appeared in front of Ash and Dago.

"Otherwise you will become rotten meat L⊥ Hahahaha!" v

Chapter [-] Wu Village and Yu Sheng

Just when Bishas released Dark Bandera to terrorize Ash and Taigo.Not far away, two men in gray Rocket uniforms were looking at Bishas.

A strong man with yellow hair looked at Bijas in the distance and asked the silver-haired youth beside him, "Don't we have to help Yusheng?"

Yu Sheng glanced in the direction of Bishas, ​​then looked at Xiao Zhi and said to the strong man beside him. "There is no need for Wu Village, we have other tasks, and the idiot Bishas has no idea who the two in front of him are."

"Uh, I know one of them is Master Ash, but is the other famous~?"


So let's take a look at the materials prepared by the Continental Hotel. That person is called Dawu Zfuqi. He is the son of the president of the German company in Fengyuan area and a friend of Master Xiaozhi. At the same time, it is also very important that he is from the Fangyuan area. the champion _. ",

Hearing Yu Sheng's words, Wu Village was stunned, then pointed at Tai Wu and said secretly: "The champion of Fangyuan area?

"We in the Kanto region did not have a championship because the four heavenly kings restrained each other. Yulongdu in the Chengdu region was easily restrained by Master Kena, the fiancee of Master Xiaozhi, so it is not a concern. This Dawu in the Fengyuan area belongs to Master Xiaozhi.

My friend, the champion of the Shenao region, Xirona, is the fiancee of Mr. Ash. The champion of the Hezhong region, Adek and Mr. Ash have no intersection, but the ability of Mr. Ash and Mr. Sakagi is not a concern at all. The champion of the Carlos region: Karuna and Shirona are already engaged to Master Ash. As for Alola, the identity of the Royal Mask is a mystery, so we don't know.But he's not a champion either. "

After listening to Yu Sheng's introduction, Wu Du was a little stunned and then said speechlessly, "If that's the case, we won't be able to conquer the world long ago."

"It's not as simple as you think, it can't be done by force alone, but Master Ash and Boss Sakagi have already

The whitewashing plan is in place. All we need to do is push - a real bad guy. "

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