Hearing Yusheng say that, Takemura glanced at Bishas.

"Oh I see, then what are we doing here?"

"We've been under the command of Young Master Xiaozhi from now on. Now we'll just wait here and wait for the apprentice to come.".

"I'm already here."

Accompanied by Nazi's voice, Wu Cun and Wen Sheng hurriedly turned their heads behind them.And Nazi was holding her Ibrahimovic looking at them.

"It's good to go to Nazi."*2

"You are the connector that Xiao Zhi said.

Nazi hugged Ibrahimovic and looked at the two.Then his eyes flashed red and a box appeared in front of the two of them.

"Xiao Zhi asked me to hand this enterprise over to you, then I'll go first."

After saying that, Nazi launched Super Nine and left. Although she knew that the two were Xiao Zhi's subordinates, Nazi was still very cold towards people she didn't know.

After Na Zi left, Yu Sheng opened the box and there was a tablet, two cards, two strange stones and four Poke Balls.Yusheng turned on the tablet and the tablet first scanned Takemura and Yusheng after it was turned on.After determining the information

Ash's image appeared on it.

"This is Xiaozhi, if you can see this message, it means that the right person has opened it. Wu Du Yusheng, you two will return to my work from now on, and I will contact you through this tablet for follow-up tasks. Now The first task for you is to deliver the two stones in the box to Yufu. Don't worry, the staff of Tailu Hotel will assist you to complete it. The Western Gold Card is my gift to you. The monthly meeting will transfer 50 alliance coins into it, and the Continental Hotel will also open up resources to the two of you for free. If there is a need, the staff of the Tailu Hotel will also assist you to complete the task, and transfer money or something.

No problem, the bank is our own.Inside the four Poké Balls are two Arbors and two Cordora, both of my Pokémon children.But these four are all straight and arrogant little guys. Whether you can be recognized by them is up to you, but I think your record should be fine.There is one more thing you need to pay attention to. The poison of the two Arbor snakes is a sharp weapon against people. I don’t need to say more about how they are. Their poison will even attack the steel and poison types, so don’t underestimate them.In the end, if you contact me in the future, I will use my code name. My code name is Sebastian. Remember, by the way, if that idiot Bishas is caught, save him later.Whitewashing plan

Can't live without this guy.That's it. Done. "

After the communication was over, Yu Sheng glanced in Xiao Zhi's direction and said, "Thank you very much.

Takecun picked up a gold card and looked at his own information on it and said with a smile, "Oh, the boss is really generous, it seems that we have developed this time."

"I don't need you to tell me. It's time to complete the mission. The two stones are to be delivered to the old lady. Lord Sebastian also said that Bishas can't be completely caught yet."

"Understood. We'll save him when he's taken into the game. 22"


That's it, but Ibis' cunning and Ash-Master will release water, so he should be able to escape this time.Don't waste time when you're gone, new partners still need to get acquainted. "

"Okay okay. Just listen to you.

Chapter [-] Fetters

The matter of Wudu and Yusheng, two of Ash's new subordinates, is just a small episode for the current Ash and the others. After all, the current Ash and Dago are facing Bangira who has been strengthened by the dark ball of Bishas. .

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

Seeing this strengthened Jinping lose his mind, Bangera Xiaozhi frowned slightly. Although Bangera looked very irritable, in the eyes of Xiaozhi, the doctor, Bangera was howling in pain.

"It turned out to be a disgusting reinforcement method."

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Taiwu asked a little strangely. "What did you see

? "

"Bangira is now getting reinforcements by shortening his lifespan_"Zero Force Zero"._This guy:-"

"I see. This kind of guy doesn't have to be merciful at all, Potukola!"

After realizing Bishas' disgust, Daigo didn't say anything and directly called out one of his trump cards - Boten Codola and followed Botu Codola's appearance.An aura of the peak of the king instantly swept across the darkness of Bangira and Bishas.


Steel Claws for "Poten Cordora"


With Potucadora's roar, its left paw hit Bangira with white light.The huge force made Bangira take a few steps back and let out a painful roar.

However, even though it was so painful, Bangira still spewed a dead light towards Boscordora.


With the appearance of the green protective film, Bandera's destruction and death light were blocked. And Potucadora used his steel tail to hit Bandera without Dawu's reminder.

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

Bangira, who was hit again, took a few steps back, but then his eyes became clear.

red.After seeing it, Ash said to Daigo next to him, _" Ordinary attacks are useless to him, the dark ball of the masked man has made Bangira spend her life to improve herself. I want to solve Bangira and save him It has to be defeated quickly."

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Bishas was stunned, but then he looked at Xiaozhi with a smile and said, "It's pretty awesome, boy, but can you do anything? Bangira is constantly getting stronger and stronger in pain. Recovered! And this Bangira is not my best!"

Watching the arrogant Bisha Taiwu silently took out his other Poké Ball, but Ash shook it.

The head then handed something to him.

"Use this.. it's Bosco Dora

Dawu was stunned when he saw what Xiaozhi handed over, he didn't expect this thing to be in Xiaozhi's hands.

"Xiao Zhi you."_ ,

"Let's use it. The Pokémon in my family that were originally prepared for you are all bound to me and evolved. This thing is useless to me. So, Big Brother, can the bond between you and Potucadora inspire it?"

Taiwu nodded with a confident smile when he heard Ash's words.

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