"This is..." Kona and Sundae looked at the candy in Xiaozhi's hand and looked at each other. Although they had heard of it, they didn't expect that there was such a thing, and it looked like a lot. It seemed that Xiaozhi was hiding. There are many more.

And Xiaozhi looked at Chenglong's eager look, smiled and said, "Open your mouth."


Chenglong opened his mouth to let Xiaozhi put the candy in her mouth, and then closed his mouth happily and felt it carefully.

At the same time, Chenglong's realm began to stabilize.

The three of Kona Sundae, Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang were speechless when they watched this magical scene, while Miaomiao said with saliva, "It's so good, I really want to try it again, meow!"



Pikachu and Ghillie Egg both agree, apparently they too.And Xiaozhi touched Miaomiao's head and said, "Okay Miaomiao, I'll give it to you after you are promoted to the champion. After all, this kind of candy is the best to stabilize your realm."

"Understood meow."


Chapter [-] Invisible pretending is the most deadly

"Xiao Zhi, the one you fed Chenglong just now..." Ke Na looked at Xiao Zhi in disbelief, and Xiao Zhi took out some candy from his pocket and said, "That's right, it's definitely not for sale. Magic candy, this thing is very laborious to make and does not produce energy, but the effect is absolutely great, and the taste is also very good." While talking, Xiao Zhi directly took out a magic candy and ate it himself while the crowd was stunned. "But you can't let Pokémon eat too much. It's not good for them. These are what I eat as snacks. They taste really good, but unfortunately I can't sell them."

"Don't eat something so precious!"*5

Accompanied by the roar of four people and a meow, Xiao Zhi shrugged helplessly and said, "Is it expensive? Although it is not sold on the market, I must make it myself and eat it at will."

"Do you know how much this kind of thing can make you a sought-after existence?!" Sundae is about to be mad at Xiao Zhi now, and such a valuable thing is so casual.However, Xiao Zhi looked at her helplessly and said, "Please, it's not like you haven't eaten."

"Huh? Could it be that what you gave me to eat at that time?" Sundae seemed to think of something and his face darkened instantly, while Xiao Zhi nodded his head mortally and said, "Yes, at that time.

Isn't that what you want to eat? "

The sundae gave Xiao Zhi a gloomy look, and then made a phone call: "Hello, Shirona? Xiao Zhi went on a trip..."

"Yuto Sundae!!! You betrayed me!!!!"

"Who told you to tell me such terrible news!!!"

"Xiaozhi?! Where are you? I want a strawberry sundae here!"

"Quickly turn it off!!!"

After a while, Xiao Zhi and others finally stopped, and Xiao Zhi took out some magical candies and distributed them to everyone present and said, "Really, I have a lot of them here, why are you doing this?


"Xiao Zhi, don't you know that your magical candy alone is enough for many people to break their scalps? You'd better be careful..." Kona looked at his fiancé speechlessly, although sometimes he was very strong , but sometimes it is very speechless.

"Oh, do they have that ability? Do you really think that Dr. Damu and the others are the best in Zhenzhen Town?" Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth when he said this. Maybe others would be afraid, but Xiao Zhi really didn't worry, if any guy dared to dare Playing yin, I'm sorry, Xiaozhi used magic candy as a reward, I don't know how many people will help Xiaozhi solve it perfectly.


Xia looked at the bizarre candy that Xiao Zhi gave her and couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Zhi, you don't give this to many people, do you?"

"No, I've only sent some people I know. In fact, I think it's pretty low to send candy."

'Do not!Absolutely not low! '*5

And just as Kona and the others thought, all the families or people who had been given candy by Ash all offered the strange candy, and of course those who were close to Ash must have been given more.Such as Dr. Ogi and Nanako, such as Ash's godfather Sakagi, such as Xiaoju'er and Karuna.In fact, because the magical candy Xiao Mao has not been beaten less...

"Grandpa, why do you have to donate the candy that Xiao Zhi gave me? Just let my Pokémon eat it and it's over?"


"Idiot! Don't rely on strange candy. This candy is best used to help Pokémon reach high levels or stabilize the realm."

"But isn't this candy given to Ash if he wants it?"


"So thank him so much for me! You will be content with him as your brother! And I will let your dad supervise you, and you will only be allowed to feed your magical candy to your Pokémon after they reach the standard."

Of course, Dr. Damu knows that Xiaozhi has a lot of magical candies, but this does not mean that he will be disrespectful to ask for more, although he knows that as long as he wants Xiaozhi, he will definitely give it, and there is even a jar in Damu Nanako. , but Dr. Ogi did not intend to move, after all, it was given to Nanako by Xiaozhi.

On the side of Xiaozhi's godfather, Sakagi, the real bird looked at the jar of candy that Sakagi put beside him and said, "Boss, the technical department really wants to study..."

"Let them not even think about it, some things can't be touched." The real bird who understands the relationship between Sakagi and Ash like a real father and son has long known that Sakagi would say this, the only thing she needs to do

Just to report.

"Got it. I'll remind them."

"Well, you go down."


After the bird left, Sakagi took out a magical candy and looked at this thing that could be scrambled by countless people and said with a smile: "If I didn't know Xiao Zhi, maybe I would have grabbed it long ago, really, I did it myself. It doesn't look like me anymore..." Saying that, Sakagi touched the cat boss in his arms again and looked at a photo, which was a photo of the young Sakagi with his wife and a little girl.

"Xiao Lan, where will you be now? Xiao Zhi has developed a device that can make your mother

The medicine for waking up is now waiting for you to come to a family reunion..."

Of course, it is a little troublesome for Dr. Xiang Damu and the others to solve it easily, and Xiaojuer's side is a little troublesome.

"Huh? I don't want it. Why should I go to Ash for it? I'm not the kind of woman who is arrogant and arrogant."

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