Hearing the agent said that the elder of the family wanted Xiaojuer to ask for more magic candies, Xiaojuer refused without thinking. Xiaozhi has already given enough. Don't mind doesn't mean Xiaojuer doesn't mind, she is not a commodity, and she and Xiaozhi

The relationship between them didn't arise because of these. What she Xiaojuer always liked was Xiaozhi's younger brother who had been taking care of her when he was in Hollywood. This has never changed.

"Really, I'm going to look for Xiaozhi in Kanto, so that the shameless old people in the family don't have to make a fuss. I'll see what they do when the grandparents, mom, dad, and the others leave the customs."

Xiaojuer used the magical candy given by Xiaozhi to help her elders break through the championship level. This is why those elders in the family make trouble. After all, although it is good for people in the family to break through to the championship, but If it's all from Xiaoju'er's family, not many people hope

see it.Of course, if these elders knew that Xiaozhi had a jar of magical candy waiting to be given to Xiaojuer, I wonder if they would regret offending Xiaojuer, and Xiaozhi didn't send the magical candy because he was worried that someone would steal the courier. Take, although Xiaozhi doesn't take the magical candy that he can make casually seriously, it doesn't mean that Xiaozhi will really take this thing away, although even if he takes it away, he can't make it without knowledge of Chinese medicine. now...

"Thunder zebra, eat this."

After feeding her last magical candy to the Thunder Zebra, Xiaojuer began to prepare to go to Kanto.

"Hmph, a bunch of shameless old people, I'll call Xiao Zhi first, and see what you guys do when the time comes!"


Chapter [-] Give You A Jar of Sugar

"Oh? Okay, I get it, don't worry, they won't be allowed to succeed. I also need you to take your jar to take it easy, yes, don't worry, only you can take it, yes, see you later."

After the phone call, Xiao Zhi feels very comfortable, why?Because Xiao Ju'er is coming, after all, they are already fiancée couples, so of course they will be happy to meet, but looking at Xiao Zhi's comfortable smile, Ke Na has a 'nushan' smile on his face.

"Alala, it must be a good thing to see that you are so happy? Can you tell me about it?"

Being looked at by Kona so 'nuclearly good', Xiaozhi slightly turned to Geely beside him

Dan leaned back and said, "It's okay, I just want to come with Sister Xiaoju'er."

"Oh, I said, so that's how it is~" Kona's eyes became more and more 'nuclear', and Ash raised Lalulas and said, "Lalulas protect me..."


Laluras was really powerful and actually stretched his arms to block Kona, and Kona couldn't help but smile when he saw Lalulas, and then said: "Well, I won't scare you, your fiancee is coming. Just get ready."


Yuto Sundae looked at the surprised Xiaogang Xiaoxia and patted Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Lan said, "Don't look at this guy like this. In fact, he has many fiancées, even Jun Sha and Joey's fiancées."

"No way!"*2

Looking at Xiaogang Xiaoxia, who was already shocked, Sundae asked Xiaozhi, "Is it okay?"

"Anyway, I don't mind."

"Okay, then let me tell you what the identity of this guy who is traveling with you is! In front of you is the founder and largest shareholder of the Continental Hotel, and the maker of the Star series medicine! wisdom!"

"What! Maker of the Star Potion?! Ash

!You are so great! "

As soon as he heard that Xiao Zhi was actually the maker of the Star Potion, Xiao Gang grabbed Xiao Zhi's hand, while Xiao Xia on the side asked strangely: "The Star Series potions seem to be divided into ordinary, intermediate and , the series with the three advanced levels?"

"That's right! Xiaoxia, you are not a breeder, you don't know. For every breeder, the star series potions are simply things that must be known, because the star series potions can perfectly help the elves heal their injuries, while for ordinary people A bottle of ordinary star medicine is enough for a while!"

"What about the intermediate and advanced

use? "

"Let me tell you, the intermediate level potions are specially used to help some Pokémon or people to treat dark wounds, so they will be much more expensive, while the advanced level is used to treat frequent death. It is made from raw materials, so in order to make enough resources, Joey's family seems to have specially invited people to plant medicinal materials. However, when you buy advanced medicines, you usually save them for the most dangerous time. After all, although advanced resurrection agents and panacea are effective No problem, but the price is not cheap.”

"Che, let me tell you, this guy is a money junkie who wants money. With all these discoveries, all he thinks about is making money!"

Xiao Zhi patted his head afraid of the sundae and said, "A guy like you who is treated like a little princess won't understand, you can't do it without money! Anyway, I'll support the family..."


"Okay, I'll leave after visiting the principal's grandfather. I'll go to Deadleaf City to win the badge."

"Really, let me show you the money fan." As soon as he heard that Xiao Zhi was going to find his grandfather, Sundae volunteered to lead the way, and Kona was about to leave.

"Then I have to go first, although I really want to travel with you, Xiaozhi, but the work of the Four Heavenly Kings is still

is a lot. "

"Wait a moment for Kona, come with me."

"What's the matter?" Although it was strange that Xiao Zhi had something else to do, Kona still followed Xiao Zhi and left first, while Sundae pouted angrily.

"Wealth fans! Sex ghosts!"

Xiaoxia looked at the sundae and couldn't help but ask: "Sundae, you don't... like Xiaozhi, right?"

"What!? Me? Like money fans? Stop being funny! How can I like that money fan who has many fiancées!"

Looking at the performance of the sundae, Xiaogang could not help but feel sad.

"Damn Xiaozhi, the damned winner in life! Why is Xiaosheng not liked by girls!"

On the other side, Xiao Zhi and Ke Na came to a secluded corner and Ke Na looked at Xiao Zhi and asked, "What's the matter? It's so mysterious?"

Xiaozhi took off his backpack, and then fumbled for a while, took out a can of magical candy and handed it to Kona, saying, "Take it, since it's my fiancee, this is the standard configuration."

"...You, be careful not to be deceived in the future..." Looking at this jar of magical candy, Kona understood that any language is pale now.

"Ah, to

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