Seeing the Bijian team who ran over as soon as they heard that they had a big meal, Xiao Zhi and the others couldn't help but laugh.

two-two dividing line

"Thank you so much for your help

.The solution of the water source problem in the village is really helpful. This is a big meal prepared by everyone to thank you.You're welcome, eat as much as you want,"

. As Ash said.The people in the village specially prepared a big meal for Xiaozhi and the others to thank them for their help, and Xiaozhi also explained the problem of the water source.

"To put it bluntly. It's those thorns that block the water source, so that's why it's so troublesome. But it's easy to solve the trick, that's just let the kabbits help to eat it."

"It turns out that the Kirby beast can solve it this way, then I will say a thank you to the old man of the Kirby beast."


After talking about the solution, Elder Carson was also relieved. After all, it can't always be like this. Luckily, Xiao Zhi came here to help.

And while eating, Lin looked at the town with spring water, _ found that there is. After the spring water, it is really beautiful.

"." I think, I have some understanding of the reason why you said that you don't want to destroy the peace here, Xiaozhi. "

"It's beautiful, that's why I don't want to destroy the tranquility here. Although a village-type town like this may be quieter, I really don't want people to break it. After all, with the development of Taicheng, it is so peaceful and peaceful. There are fewer and fewer places."

While talking, Ash touched the head of Duck Duck, who was drinking water.

"How? Is the water good here?"


After letting out a comfortable breath, Da Duck nodded and hugged Xiao Zhi's leg to make it easier for Xiao Zhi to touch.

"You guys will enjoy it."

Although Xiao Zhi touched the head of Duck Duck and said to Lin, "If you destroy this place, you will be punished by God."

"Hahaha, as expected of you, Xiaozhi, and only you can say such things.

Carson on the side laughed after hearing Ash's words

For a moment, this is why he and Xiao Zhi became friends in previous years.

Unlike the big bosses who just want to make money.Xiaozhi's reverence for nature is something they don't have, and Xiaozhi's love for the beautiful scenery of Yucun is real brother a_

One hundred and sixty-six chapters have awe

Saying goodbye to Elder Carson, Xiaozhi, and the others, they also went to visit. After all, the old Kabi beast suddenly woke up someone else's Kabi beast to help him eat. After all, the old Kabi beast only knew about it. He smiled and waved his hand and said that if he thanked him, he would make a good meal for him.

Originally, the old Kirby beast was just talking about it.But Xiaozhi, who played cards out of common sense, let Miaomiao prepare the pot and start cooking, and after cooking, Xiaozhi even took out a gourd and two wine glasses.

"Come on, old man, let's make two cups!_"

"Cough cough!" .

Suddenly Xiao Zhi felt a wave behind him

The terrifying eyes were looking at him, while Xiao Zhi silently put down the wine glass and said to the old man Kirby. "Forget it. I can't drink during the trip now, sir, you can only drink by yourself."

The old Kabibeast looked behind Xiao Zhi. Lin, who exuded a terrifying breath, smiled and said, "It's okay, young man, you have prepared enough. I even have peanuts here. I can drink it by myself and feel comfortable. Alright. You guys eat some with me too. By the way, I can tell you a little about Kabimon

_ "Small up"! "

Xiaogang shuddered when he heard the words of the Kirby Beastman, and he still remembers the blowing kiss from the Kirby Beast.

And as Xiaozhi and his party accompany the old man and chat with him, only to find that the old man is actually specializing in cultivating Kirby beasts, so he is called the old man of Kirby beasts.Of course, to say that it is to cultivate is actually to wake up the Kirby beast regularly to eat.However, for the old man who has been with the Kirby beast all the year round, he has many habits of the Kirby beast, and he is in charge.And these experiences have also become the learning materials for Xiaozhi and Xiaoxue Xiaogang. After all, the Kirby beasts have used almost two generations to accompany the Kirby beasts. His understanding of the Kirby beasts has already surpassed the so-called enough research. .That

Be Accompanying - Cattle's Understanding 2


After drinking a few glasses of wine and eating fried vegetables, the old man lay on the stone contentedly.force


"It's good to be able to talk to you young people about the beautiful and beautiful beasts. Oh, I haven't talked about this for a long time. I'm happy, but it's time for the old man to rest." It's almost time for you to leave, let's go. ".

"Thank you for your information, then let's go."

"Thank you for teaching Grandpa s

Although Xiaozhi and the others expressed their gratitude, the only one who responded to Xiaozhi's snoring

Seeing this, Xiaozhi smiled and took the blanket from Miaomiao's hand and put it on the old man's body, then immediately. .

But after Ash and the others left, the old man Kirby knocked slightly on the corner of his mouth, then adjusted the blanket and then went to sleep.

"I never thought that the (bf_ai) old man would know so much _ah."

Xiaogang was surprised when he thought about the differences in some of the materials pointed out by the Kirby Beastman when he introduced the Kirby Beast, and Shaozhi said with a smile, "So, it is correct to have awe, after all, you I don't know when someone more powerful will come to break your cognition, just like

Uncle Ibrahimovic and their understanding of Ibrahimovic.And the old man's understanding of the Kirby beast just now. By the way, this information is just for the doctors to see.Miaomiao prepare the machine, this information needs to be seen by Dr. Damu. "

"Okay old lady, I'll pass it on.

Then, not long after Miaomiao passed the information, Dr. Damu's communication came.

"Xiao Zhi!, where did you get this information?.⊥ There is such a detailed information on the habits of the kapi!"

Looking at Dr. Taimu's surprised appearance, Xiaozhi and the others said with a smile, "We got it from one meal.

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