. "*6_

After Dr. Damu listened to Xiaozhi and the others' explanations, he finally understood what Xiaozhi and the others had seen during their travels.

"I see. There are people like this. It seems that we, Bo Shi, have something we can't take care of."

"I think it's because the old Kirby is used to it. After all, this is the experience that the old Kirby spent countless years accompanying the Kirby."

"It's amazing, maybe this is also a kind of life?"

Thinking of the beauty of the village and the leisurely life of the old man Kabimon, Taimu Botu had some understanding.

PS: The trajectory of the star wing, comprehensive, the first book of the newcomer, the front is so-so.Slowly writing it up later.Daily updates are guaranteed

Help people to push the second, although I don't know if it will be useful: [-]

Chapter [-]: The New Legend of the Dark City

Dark City, as its name suggests, this city doesn't know why the whole city feels heavy, but there is something wrong with the atmosphere here. Xiao Zhi and Lin, who have good fighting power, prepared their own weapons directly. .Xiaozhi brought his own finger Hulin and put his knife in a place where he could easily pull it out.

Xiaogang looked at the dilapidated city like a small town and said strangely, "This is a dark city, but I think it would be better to call it a town? This place is too dilapidated, isn't it?"

Pikachu on Ash's shoulder looked at the ruined town and shook his head.


It seems that there is no "Huaxia restaurant" in our house.)

"1ucky" (here it seems; it is often carried on the shelf L

Geely Egg looked at the broken wooden houses around and came to a conclusion. Miaomiao looked around and said, "Boss, someone is spying on us, it's on the first floor of the house."

"Okay, Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue, stay close to me and Lin. If someone attacks, we will teach them to be human Pikachu. You are ready to order someone at any time. For Geely Egg, pay attention to the sky, and Da Duck to help protect them."

Xiaogang watched Xiaozhi and Lin protect Xiaoxia Xiaoxue, pointed at himself and asked, "Then I


"Men have to protect themselves and don't you have a little punch to them?"

"Oh, yes go"

Whoosh whoosh!

Just as he was talking, three stones were thrown at Xiaozhi and the others, but they were blown up by Xiaozhi when the three stones were in the air.

"Pikachu uses electric shocks!"

"Pi" Ka~chu!_⊥l! "

After determining the attacker's direction, Pikachu directly used the electric shock trick, of course, it was not very powerful, and with the yellow electric shock attacking the three attackers, they felt the cordial greetings from Pikachu.


"Wow ah ah" ⊥L! "*3

Then the three children fell off the roof of the house, and when he saw that they were three children, Xiao Zhi straightened his finger and looked at them with red light.

"To actually attack us, it seems to be a well-prepared enemy. Miaomiao prepared a super-sized needle and saline, I want these three boys to know the fate of attacking others!"

"Pickup?!" (So cruel.?⊥)

"Boss, are you sure?_"

I shuddered when I heard Xiaozhi say that the needle tube of the super-sized needle was hit.And Xiaozhi

Yes nodded and said, "That's right, I'm sure! For this kind of kid who attacks others for no reason, they need to be right on their three views,"

"All right,

Then Miaomiao took out a large needle tube from her bag. At the same time, she inserted a too large needle on it.

"For your boss."

"Very good L. Poke your little ass, I want you to improve your memory

The three children were a little scared to see Xiaozhi holding the big thick needle and kept approaching him, but they were still numb and couldn't run.

Xiaoxia looks at Xiaozhi like this

He couldn't bear to say, "This is not good?"

"You are too kind, Xiaoxia. The correct three views need to be established from childhood. Now they will attack people with stones, and they may attack people with Pokémon in the future." I am now teaching them what a good boy is!"

Xiaoxue looked at the needle in Xiaozhi's hand and said helplessly, "But your needle is obviously for the iron-clad rhinoceros."

And Lin said directly, "You are just revenge for them throwing stones at us.

"Ha⊥ Wife, you guys are so smart 1_ That's right, I'll say revenge, L Geely Egg hold them down" It's time for the injection


"1uckyL" (OK___

The three children finally screamed in despair when they looked at the big needle in Xiaozhi's hand.

"Don't come here L⊥.1⊥!"*3

On that day, countless children in the dark city understood one thing, be a good person. L Otherwise, there will be a devil wearing a hat to carry needles for your ass, three brave little friends have used their own Butt sacrifice in exchange for this terrible lesson.

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