who I am?where am I?Why is that Pikachu's tricks so scary? !

However, since he lost, Kuailong is very open to the fact that he was subdued. After all, he was relying on Pikachu.

Just beat him, then Xiaozhi's ability as a trainer is quickly recognized.As for the fact that a group of people checked their bodies early in the morning, with Xiaozhi's explanation, Kuailong also understood that it was for his own good, so he obediently let Joey and Xiaozhi check.

Although Zhenghui on the side wanted to join in, he was stopped by Patriarch Joey on the grounds that Kuailong needed to check his body first.

"Really, you doctors can't wait. If you can think about the body of the Pokémon first like Ash, we won't have to worry about it."

After Patriarch Joey finished speaking, he continued to examine Kuailong's body, but she also

Pulled Xiao Zhi out.

"You haven't slept all night. Now let me rest. Dr. Damu, your son-in-law, take care of yourself."

Dr. Ogi was observing through the treatment at this time, and when he heard the words of Patriarch Joey, he said to Nanami next to him: "Nanamei, come and let Xiaozhi rest."

Hearing what her grandfather said, Damu Nami smiled and took out a wrench and said, "No problem, come on Xiaozhi, you need to rest now."

"Sister! Don't make trouble! It's going to kill you!" Seeing Nanami who was approaching her with a wrench, Xiao Zhi panicked a little, because she wanted to avenge her private revenge.


"Then give me a good night's sleep!"

"I can not sleep..."


With Nanami's auspicious egg in a physical sleep behind Ash, Ash lay in Nanami's arms.

"What a distressed fool..." Nanami, who was holding Xiaozhi, sighed, then looked at Xiaoxia and Sundae and said, "Let's go, let's take this fool to a quiet place to rest first. a bit."

Xiaoxia was startled when she heard Nanamei talking to herself. She already knew that this person was one of Xiaozhi's serious fiancées.

This is a little confusing.

"Don't be afraid, if you want to teach a lesson, you will also teach some foolish fool." Nanami seemed to have seen something, so she just smiled plainly.

"Although this guy is ambitious, he is really good at taking care of people, so it is normal to be attracted."

Xiaoxia saw that Xiaozhi was obviously asleep and couldn't help but say, "Sister Nanamei, can you see that?"

"I've seen it for a long time, this guy's ability to provoke girls is not small, as far as I know, there is another person who is entangled with this guy.

A breeder, a Latin American girl and a Chinese medicine seller. "


Xiaoxia and Sundae looked at Xiaozhi lying in Nanamei's arms speechlessly, while Xiaogang couldn't hold back.

"Damn! Why is Ash so popular! Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

After that, Xiaogang ran away. Of course, Xiaogang has been noticed by the people present. He is checking the body of Kuailong. Are you doing something wrong?


Chapter [-] Open

"Boss, this is the key to your deluxe room."

"Okay, thank you, Xiaoxia Sundae, Xiaohuang, the three of you are still in one room, sister Nanamei, sister Xiaojuer and sister Xirona, you are in one room, Dr. Damu, please, you and Xiaogang are in one room, mother, you and me. one."

Everyone agreed with Xiaozhi's arrangement, but Hanako shook her head and said, "Okay, I don't need to share a room with you, Xiaozhi, I can just share with Xiaohuang and the others."

"Is that so? Okay, by the way, Sister Xirona and Sister Xiaojuer, if you have time, come here. I have something for you here."

"Okay, we'll go after we've put things away." Then Xiao Zhi and his group started to go back to the room to sort out their things.Soon Shirona and Xiaojuer came over as agreed, while Xiaozhi took out two cans of magical candies from his black technology backpack and said: "You two each have a can, and then Shirona I am here. Are you in touch with your grandma?"

"That's right, be careful, grandma has a bad temper recently."

Hearing Shirona say that, Xiaozhi swallowed, and then dialed the number.

On the other side, Xiaoxia Sundae Xiaohuang and Hanako came out and found a group of people listening against the wall,

The same is true for Xiaogang and Dr. Damu.

"Sister Nanami, who are they?" Xiaoxia asked the helpless Nanami with some doubts, but Nanami said, "It's okay, a group of people are just eavesdropping."

"Stinky boy! Taking advantage of my granddaughter and still hiding from my granddaughter! Don't let me catch you! You must give my granddaughter an explanation today!"

Soon a very irritable voice came from the room, and Dr. Omu was excited.

"It's starting! It's starting! Shirona's grandmother is notoriously short-tempered!"

While looking at Dr. Ogi and Little

Just like this, Nanami and the others sighed helplessly.

In the house, Xiao Zhi looked at Shirona's grandmother with a look of flattery and said, "Grandma, don't you see that I have already admitted my mistake, the dowry can be set off at any time, you see..."

"Stinky boy! If it weren't for your kid taking care of Shirona, you'd be able to take care of the whole thing, don't you know! Listen to me! Although Shirona is very strong in battle, she is usually too sloppy. I used to worry that this silly granddaughter would not marry well. Get out, but I won't say anything more since your kid hit the gun."

"Grandma, don't say that to Sister Shirona, after all, Sister Shirona is also a beauty champion. I like it.

She's definitely a lot. "

"If you can talk, come to us if you have time! I have something to tell you! Do you understand!"

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