"Yes! Don't worry, Grandma! Absolutely complete the task!"

Shirona's grandma finally gave Xiao Zhi a warning with her eyes and said, "Cut, the stinky boy is cheap for you." Then she glanced meaningfully at the sugar bowl that Shirona was holding and closed the communication.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi is relieved, the biggest boss is solved...

However, what I don't know now is that Grandma Shirona is being questioned by a group of people.


Why did you agree to Shirona's marriage, this is her own opinion, right? "

"Yeah, what qualifications does that guy named Xiaozhi have? I think my grandson is pretty good..."

"Shut up!" Listening to the words of the clan elders, Grandma Shirona interrupted them with a grumpy temper, and then said: "A bunch of guys who only know how to make a fortune by relying on the help of the clan, you think I will let them go. Shirona married that worm? Look at this for yourselves!"

Saying that, Shirona's grandma played a video.

"This is given to me by the old guy from Damu. Who do you think can do it?"

The video is very simple, that is the battle between Xiaozhi's Pikachu and the giant fast dragon. Watching that a Pikachu in the video actually defeated the giant fast dragon with his skills, a Pokémon that has reached the next level of the beast, a group of elders are silent. Now, I even shut up when I said that my grandson is like us.What can I do?Let my grandson go over and estimate that he will be scared to pee first and then take a dip.

"No more to say? Let me tell you, I have decided on one thing for your question today. No one can touch Shirona's things!"

Thinking of the introduction about magical candy by Dr. Ogi, Shirona's grandma has decided that this gang

A messy guy should never try to touch his granddaughter's stuff.

Unlike Shenao, Ash is enjoying his good time.

"Ah, sunny beach plus a beautiful fiancée, heaven!"

Seeing Nana Mei Xiaojuer Shirona Xiaoxia Sundae and Xiao Huang in swimsuits, Xiao Zhi was in a good mood.Of course, the hands are not slow.

"Come to Shirona, your strawberry holy land."

"Thank you, I'm here for a chocolate." Shirona took Xiaozhi's sundae with a smile and then said another flavor.Ash, on the other hand, immediately opened the mold and started making and said, "Understood.


Xiao Ju'er, who was eating ice cream, watched Shirona begin to eat the fourth sundae and couldn't help but sigh, "I finally understand why Xiao Zhi finally helped Shirona get it."

"The money fan is really good at eating..." The sundae, who was eating banana splits, was speechless when he saw that Xiao Zhi had already played tricks and made a pile of ice cream.

And Xiaoxia ate an ice cream cone and said, "It's Xiao Zhi who should be in trouble now. I see a lot of people coming to him."

As Xiaoxia said, a bunch of people started to gather towards Xiaozhi, because Xiaozhi's ice cream looked good.And Xiaozhi can only

He said over and over again: "I'm sorry, I'm not a merchant here. I'm a private person. I'm giving you Pikachu. This is yours and Qiuqiu. So these are not for sale. If you want to buy them, you can go elsewhere."

While talking, Xiao Zhi made another cup of new land and handed it to Shirona.

"Nana, what flavor do you want next for your cantaloupe ice cream?"

Shirona said while starting the ice cream: "Pineapple."

"no problem."

Looking at Xiao Zhi's powerful boyfriend, many female companions of tourists began to pinch their other half.

And right here

Under such an atmosphere, the beach beauty contest is about to begin.


Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: I have the ability to make money

Granny Jin, the owner of a small shop in Lampurchi, is in conflict with Ash's Continental Hotel, for the simple reason that she thinks the mainland has to steal her business.

The Continental Hotel cooperates with many shops on the beach, but Granny Jin is an exception. She always likes the lion's mouth wide open. Even the Continental Hotel that believes in harmony and making money will not be used to this kind of stuff. Therefore, with the Continental Hotel. The cooperating stores are making money, and Grandma Jin can only watch.

And now it's Granny Jin who wants to take revenge on the mainland hotel.

On the other hand, Nanami was tired of chasing Xiao Mao, so she naturally took Xiao Zhi's juice.

After drinking, Xiao Zhi patted Xiao Mao on the shoulder and said, "My dear, my brother-in-law."

"Damn! Xiaozhi, if you have the ability, don't move out of my sister!" Xiaomao is in a bad mood now, after all, he will really call Xiaozhi brother-in-law in the future.Thinking that his best friend, brother and enemy (confessing himself) would become his brother-in-law, Xiao Mao was speechless and his sister was willing to marry Xiao Zhi.

"Now that you're used to it, you won't be embarrassed. Come on, call it, you'll get used to it."

"do not want!"


Just as Xiao Zhi happily provoked Xiao Mao, Team Rocket's Tyrannosaurus dived

The boat appeared, and as soon as it appeared there was a panic.Seeing this situation, Xiao Zhi took the microphone and said, "Attention all units! There is a submarine suspected of being an enemy! Protect the audience! The security team is here for me!"

"Yes!" *N

Then the staff's eyes changed, it was like a hungry wolf!

"Go! Ironclad rhino!"

"Go! Big Rock Snake!"

"Go! King Nido!"...

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