As the entire staff threw a super-strong barrier of apparently elite-level Pokémon, both Team Rocket and Granny Jin, who was secretly observing, were frightened.

One hop.


What surprised them even more was behind them, only to see a silver-haired woman who had been playing the role of the housekeeper before throwing her baby ball directly.

"Come on! Salamander! The prize is ours!"

"Violet salamander?!"

The salamander, also known as the blood-winged flying dragon, is the quasi-god of the dragon system in the Hoenn area, and Shirona's gaze changed when she looked at the woman.

"Xiao Zhi, I remember that there was an illegal hunting group in our Shenno area..."

And Xiao Zhi also nodded and said quietly: "Yes, she

It's Hunter J, who disappeared before. She and her subordinates are now working under me, because the price I pay here is much more than they go to illegal hunting, and I have all the elf trainers who can't. Something to refuse isn't it? "

Shirona looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly. Could it be that the rich can do whatever they want?

"In short, their mission is to protect the Pinghai. If you need help in Shenao, they can help you. They are very happy about this kind of thing, after all, there is extra money."

"..." Shirona felt that she understood the feelings of the Junshas.

and another

On the one hand, J's salamander had chased Team Rocket's Tyrannosaurus submarine, and Team Rocket rushed to Granny Jin's shop in a panic.

"Don't come here, you idiots, mother-in-law!"

Hearing Granny Jin say that, how could a group of people still not understand that Granny Jin is doing something, so Xiao Zhi said directly: "Since the other party has made such a trick, then there is no need to keep it! The bonus is [-] Alliance Coins! I hit!"

As soon as they heard the ten thousand alliance coins, all the staff's eyes glowed green, and then roared together: "Destroy the death light!" *N

With countless destructive death light attacks, the submarine directly


"What a disgusting feeling~"*3

"You three idiots! Mother-in-law!"

Watching the three idiots finally fly away, Xiaozhi also felt a lot better. Xiaojirou's woman's attitude made Xiaozhi's temper almost explode. If his beautiful fiancée was not by his side to save his eyes, Xiaozhi was afraid that he would let Pikachu come directly. Add a super electromagnetic gun to the lightning field.

In the end, the beauty pageant also came to an end. After the selection champion was won by a royal sister, Xiao Zhi can also understand the reasons for the audience's choice. After all, the charm bonus of the royal sister is high!

After that, Xiao Zhi and others decided to

After resting for the night before leaving, everyone went to an entertainment room to play, and everyone's Pokémon also played with each other. Ash's Pikachu was frantically courting Qiuqiu, and Miaomiao was holding A wooden ginseng was playing, and everyone else was chatting about things they were interested in.

However, just in the middle of playing, Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered that the potion he had made before has not been put away, so he said, "I have a potion that I forgot to put away, so go get it first."

After that, he left first, and Xiaojuer quietly followed after seeing it. Xiaozhi's mother Hanako smiled and said after seeing it: "It seems that we can prepare some blood-enriching food."

On the other side, Xiao Zhi planned to go back after packing up the medicine, but Xiao Ju'er had already entered the room and locked the door by the way.

And seeing this battle, Xiao Zhi, who is not low in emotional intelligence, immediately understood what was going on, stepped forward and took Xiao Ju'er's hand and said, "Don't you wait until you get married?"

Xiao Ju'er shook her head and said, "If you want to do something, just do it, you still need to wait."

"Understood." Holding Xiao Ju'er's hand, Xiao Zhi looked at her seriously and said, "Thank you, Xiao Ju'er, for holding your hand and growing old together."

"Don't make me cry, you know?"

"Is it okay to have a child crying happily?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's answer, Xiao Ju'er smiled and said, "As expected, this is the answer, you have never changed, Xiao Zhi..."

"Yes, it has never changed, I like your mood."

There was no dynamism and no misunderstanding and parting. The relationship between the two has gone so smoothly to the present. Everything started with a simple nutritious meal, but maybe this is not bad.


Chapter [-] No need to guess

As for the fact that Xiaozhi doesn't like some perfumes, Erica really can't say anything wrong. What Xiaozhi doesn't like is the mixed type of perfumes. Those perfumes are made by industrial methods. It's just torture.Ash's favorite is Erica's perfumes made with plant-based extracts. At least those plant-based fragrances are much better than mixed industrial perfumes.

"Okay, these herbs can be purchased, and I'll ask you to prepare more." After finally determining the materials he needed, Xiao Zhi also took the documents handed over by a clerk and signed it.

"By the way, usually not

Is Joey's family in charge of purchasing the medicinal materials? Why did you come in person this time?" Ellie asked her doubts when she saw that Xiaozhi was done, and Xiaozhi said helplessly. "This batch is for me to make a new potion, so I need to get it myself, just as I have started traveling, I can solve it on the way. "

When I heard Xiao Zhi said that she had traveled, Erica couldn't help but ask: "So you are going to challenge my Rainbow Gym?"

"Well. I'll challenge it later."

"Wait a minute" I'm not a suspicious person, go really "Trust me, go"

While the two were talking. Outside the perfume shop

There was a commotion.Then Xiaozhi and Erica saw the second gang of police officers taking an A away from a

"I just want to buy perfume, go _"

"Hmph, we've been watching you for a long time! You idiot - sticking to the glass window. Don't think we can't see it! Second go!"

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