No need for Ash to say.. At the moment of protecting the broken, Ora of Hot Monkey did not stop, and Ash and Hot Monkey were also meditating on the depth level at the same time.

_'G depth 4'*2_

"Can't let him attack anymore! Haoli attacks Hot Monkey with his bare-handed jade!"

"Can't dodge, block him!"

"Pride Up"

The power of the Heavenly King hit Hot Monkey's arm, causing him to take two steps back, but this also inspired Hot Monkey's fierceness.

"Come on Hot Monkey

! Attack with all your abilities!"

"You are also Haoli!. No need to hold back!


. "Hero!"

Afterwards, Hao Li and Hot Monkey had the most primitive battle.. Hot Monkey grabbed, grabbed wildly, and even rammed into each other.Powerful farmer with three punch megatons and brute force.Hot Monkey and Haoli are getting more and more injuries, and it is obvious that Hot Monkey will not be able to hold on anymore.After all, he is only the peak of the elite L and Haoli is the king.The hot monkey is able to sustain up to now and is still recovering by taking deep breaths.

Sheba looks small

Wisdom's hot monkey Pi nodded and said, "Your hot monkey is very strong at the peak of elite, but it's over! Powerful hell rolls!"

"Holi 1,"

Hearing Shiba's order, Haoli immediately rushed to the front of the hot monkey and caught him, and then used his own trick to roll in hell.Xiaogang, who was watching the game, shivered.Xiaoxia Xiaoxue also looked at the hot monkey worriedly.


With Haoli's last throw, Hot Monkey fell heavily on the ring, but Hot Monkey still stood up with the deep breath taught by Xiao Zhi.Xiao Zhi looked at the hot monkey and couldn't help but say:_ "Enough is enough.

Burst monkey.

Shiba nodded in agreement after hearing Xiaozhi's words.

"Are you going to throw in the towel? But your choice to surrender is indeed correct."

"It's not enough for our unique tricks. L Hot Monkey is the last."

"Roar L⊥⊥⊥"

With the roar of the fiery monkey, he quickly rushed in front of Haoli. Seeing this, Shiba also shouted, "Use protection!"


Just when Haoli was about to use protection, he found that his body was out of control.

"C depth 91. This is a level that has been able to seal the enemy's actions. Let the hot monkey hit that punch! 1 small."



With Hot Monkey-Punches at Hao Lishen

Haoli's eyes gradually widened.

"Holi 1⊥⊥"

Accompanied by a scream of Haoli.The ripples that had been punched into Hao Jiu's body before began to erupt, and then a violent vibration was generated on Hao Li's body, and Hao Li rolled his eyes and knelt. The monkey stood panting, waiting for the judge's decision .


"Appeared ⊥L11 Champion is Hot Monkey ⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥ He defeated Howell to win the P1 Grand Prix Champion L Mountain 1 1_⊥⊥""NL

After hearing that he was the champion, Hot Monkey finally stopped supporting the slow downfall but just as he was about to fall to the ground - a man stopped him.


It was only when the hot monkey looked at the person beside him.Ash was looking at him with a smile on his arm.

"How can you let the championship fall at such a time, 00, I will bring you the championship belt."



Hot Monkey felt his eyes wet], and Pikachu and Meow also supported Hot Monkey from the other side.Even Yu Xiaozhi's stupid duck hugged Hot Monkey's leg.

Seeing Xiaozhi and the others, Shiba smiled.

"Oh, that's pretty good." "

In the stands, Xiaoxia saw that Hot Monkey actually defeated Tian Wang and shouted happily, "That's great 1 Hot Monkey won⊥" Xiaoxue looked at Xiao Zhi and they supported Hot Monkey to keep him from falling, I couldn't help laughing - "It's still the same gentleness as before. Xiaozhi.."_

one-one dividing line-one


The championship gold belt was brought by Xiao Zhi himself for Hot Monkey, and when he saw his Hot Monkey surrounding the championship belt, Xiao Zhi praised with a smile, "Very good Hot Monkey, this championship belt is very suitable for you."

"Hohoho Mountain_1"_" (Of course"

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