Shiba came over and looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "It's really good, is that your own creation?"

"Yes, Hot Monkey did a good job this time."

"Interesting, really interesting, I'm looking forward to your game in Quartz Plateau more and more⊥"

And just as Shiba was talking, Fan Dou came over and said, "Your this

The hot monkey is very talented. He may be a genius in fighting. How can I help you train him to become a professional fighter? ."

Glancing at Fan Dou Xiaozhi, he pulled Hot Monkey behind him and said, "Forget it, your training method is simply not enough. It is enough for Hot Monkey to be trained by me._"

"That's extreme training!."

"Shut up the guy who doesn't know how to combine work and rest, the champion is my hot monkey, not your Abillon!"

"Damn 1 you wait⊥ I will become stronger with Abillon 1 of course at home." Glancing at his daughter, Fan Doumo

Silently threw aside Xiaogang, who was being courteous.

"After all, I couldn't be more wrong."


At this point, the P1 Fighting Grand Prix ended with the hot monkey defeating the king to be promoted to the king and winning the championship.

Chapter [-] It's great that the hot springs are their own

"It was a quiet night..."

Lying in bed looking at the night sky.Xiao couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and Xiao Zhi also said, "Yeah, this kind of quiet night is really good. My King Nido and Youzibat both like this kind of eyes full of eyes::"

"Well, although the moonlight is really beautiful. But is it okay for the three of us to sleep together?⊥"

Xiaoxia, who was lying on Xiaozhi's arm, said the current state of the three of them. The three were lying together and Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue were resting on Xiaozhi's arm.

"It's okay" Jiu San Tu. No one expected that so many people came today, and the wilderness

There is also no place to rest in Ling.In the spirit of humanitarianism, I broke the money and let them rest first. "

Seeing Xiaozhi Xiaolu speaking so righteously, she said speechlessly, "I think you are just trying to take advantage of me and Xiaoxue"

"You're so smart, so good night my little mermaid and chubby chick."

"Didn't you say not to mention fat?"

"It's all the same in my eyes. Hurry up and go to sleep. I'll go to the Light Red Gym tomorrow. I'll be ready by then. That guy Aju is probably going to sell Lingya again. :"

When Xiaoxue heard this, she touched the soft flesh on Xiaozhi's waist.

Said, "What's up with this Aya girl?"

"You'll know tomorrow. Go to bed now, good night..."

I felt Xiao Zhi hug him slightly.Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue smiled and then fell asleep together in Xiaozhi's arms.

Early the next morning, Xiao Zhi and the others were in a good mood and ready to set off.

"Then Ash. I'll go first. Don't be too slow."

"You are Xiao Mao. Don't forget the surrounding scenery just because you are patronizing Kuaan. It's better to spend more time with those around you."

"Got it, by the way, what the hell is a lecher. Xiaomao, the heavy object, looked at Xiaogang and didn't harass him any more.

His girlfriends were a little surprised, but Xiao Zhi said with a smile, "Yesterday, the brothers in the fitness paradise took him to feel the oath and went to L.

"Oh~ it's really amazing, Wang De is so smart"


"Isn't that of course."

"Hey hey hey!"*2 ,

Two-one dividing line - one

"The front is the light red gym, the boss. That is to say..."

"Pikapie!" (The guy is coming to sell his sister again)

"Ah.. I know Meow Meow. Pikachu. Gilly Egg is on alert from now on

As soon as he found the trace of the guy suspected of Aju, he attacked directly. "

"Pickupee!" (Absolutely electric he can't take care of himself 1. )

"I'll greet him with a shadow ball."

"1ucky" _ (Sun Flame__ can fire 1 at any time. )

Seeing Xiao Zhi so much like an enemy.Xiaoxia Xiaoxue is even more curious about what kind of talent Aju is, to be able to make Xiaozhi so vigilant.And Xiaogang, who was still a little depressed, remembered something.

"Wait? Aju? Isn't that the poison king of the Chengdu Alliance?"


, as expected of Xiaogang.It was indeed that Ah Ju, anyway, that guy is really annoying, so be careful. , let's go first


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