one by one dividing line one by one

In Fuzi's house, Xiaozhi and Fuzi sat opposite Fuzi's parents, while the others were eavesdropping.

"Xiao Zhi 2"

Fuzi's father looked at the ribbon on Ash's arm and smiled.

He also used to be nervous that our grassland children dare to love and hate. Since it is the choice of Fuzi, we will not stop it, and Shipin can be assured of you.I just hope you don't disappoint her and Lin. 2"

Xiaozhi hugged Fuzi and said to Fuzi's parents. _ "Don't worry about your father-in-law and mother-in-law_ A fool would do this."

Fuzi blushed a little when she was hugged by Xiaozhi, but she smiled and leaned on Xiaozhi.Seeing a rich child like Fuzi's parents was relieved, but then asked again, _ "I heard that Lin is going to travel with you.

, what about your herbs?"


"Flying mantis, Lada, I will ask you to protect the medicinal materials on my side. Lada, you can take care of your ethnic group."

"Lada on"

Then Xiaozhi looked at a flaming horse beside him.

"Xiao Huo Ma is not malnourished, but a Pokémon. Are you relieved now?,"

"Hey!" (Thank you, Master)

"Fuzi's safety is up to you, Feitian Mantis and Lada, Fuzi is the first priority. And every month

I have my subordinates on a regular basis to stock up or sow seeds. You should pay attention to the following, you need to eat medicinal herbs, but you must leave enough shares.I'll let Tomiko supervise. "

Both Feitian Mantis Flame Horse and Lada nodded their understanding, and then Xiao Zhi said to Fuzi, "You pay attention to your body, if you need it. Contact at any time, you can also call the people in Tailu Hotel at any time, there are - Feitian Mantis Lada and Liyan I can rest assured that the three overlords of the horse will protect you. The flame horses will continue to hide at ordinary times, but don’t worry., If there is a problem, they will teach those enemies to be human, and

Watching Xiaozhi ramble on and on, Fuzi listened patiently.

- with a slight smile.She knew it was a sign that Ash cared about her.

"Okay, don't worry, 2 I will take care of myself, hurry up and continue your adventure, you are my man, and it is my pride that your footprints can travel all over the world."

"Understood, by the way, my mother may come to see you recently. She said she wanted to see the new daughter-in-law."

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Fuzi blushed a bit_

"You said it all?"

"Yeah, then it's time for me to go" "Goodbye Wife"

"Goodbye, husband."

Lin sees Xiaozhi

After returning, he asked with a smile, "Has it been arranged?"

"Well, it's all right. Let's go, Lynn."

"Got it, got it, then let's go Ash."!

Chapter [-] Hunter Strikes

With the addition of Lin, the team of Xiaozhi and his party became more lively, but Ranxi's little touch teacher was a worker in the country, but he was very sad.

You want to eat dog food every day.. Seeing that Xiaozhi can always talk and write with his three beauties (although Xiaoxia doesn't count in his opinion) fiancee.Xiaogang also started to post wall pictures and kept chatting with Mrs. Tai.

Looking at Xiaogang who was rejected again.Lin frowned and asked Xiaozhi quietly, Xiaozhi.Xiaogang, is he always like this?

Xiao Liu hasn't answered yet, but Xiaoxia is opening first.

"There's no dimension at all, as long as she's a beautiful elder sister, he'll go out. It's caused a lot of trouble for Don't."

After hearing Xiaoxia's answer, Lin clicked and then whispered in Xiaozhi's ear, "Xiaozhi.. Don't be damaged." Xiaoneng looked at Lin Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue followed.

Xiaozhi looked

-Silk smile. _

"There are three around me that I can't even see."

"You can talk _-

Miaomiao looked at Xiaozhi and then took out a pen and notebook and started recording wildly.

"Take a note - note down! Meow"

Duo L which!

Just when Meow Meow was taking notes.One of Ash's communication devices

The communication device rang and Ash's face turned serious immediately after receiving the communication.

"I'm Xiao Zhi, is there something wrong with Sister Junsha?"

"I'm sorry Xiaozhi bothers you at this time, but we need your help here. The illegal hunter group has begun to plan to attack the wild Pokémon reserve. It's very close, so let me know that you are far away.

In the communication, Junsha's voice seemed to be very anxious, and Xiaozhi comforted her after hearing it (Ccbfh)L "It's okay, Sister Junsha. I will prepare the staff immediately."

"Thank you Xiaozhi."

- "Don't worry, the reinforcements will be over soon.

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