After the news, Xiaoxue replied with some worry, "Is it a poacher?"

"Yeah. It's probably because of the thylacine, it should be a hunter organization...

"Wait a second!"

Xiaozhi just finished talking about being organized.The Rockets ran out in groups of three.These three people who were beaten by Xiao Zhi Jiang were a little strange.

Musashi, "Since you are sincere and sincere."

Xiao Xuanlang "I'm too merciful

Musashi, "To prevent the world from being destroyed"

Kobeiro, "In order to protect the peace of the world"

Musashi. "Consistent

Love and Evil! "

This Lang_"Cute and charming villain!"

Musashi, "Musashi!"

Kosakuro, "Kojiro,

Musashi "We are the Rockets traveling through the galaxy"

Konoro.White hole white tomorrow waiting for us

Meow r_ "That's it!"

Xiaozhizui twitched and watched Team Rocket endure the oil moving on the bricks and said, "Okay. After you have introduced yourself, you can now say five things."

meow meow

Xiang Xiaozhi said solemnly, "Little devil. This time we will help you once ⊥. "

Hearing what Team Rocket said, Xiao Zhi tilted his head and asked.

Go back and say, "Why help us?"

Musashi, "Those damn hunters actually bombed us with cannons" 4 Konoro, "That's right, that's a cannon. We must avenge this revenge!"

Looking at the revenge of the Rockets trio

Xiao Zhi nodded and said

"Well, come with me, the three of you might be able to help too much.


"Thank you kid!" Super

"Book L, I'm fifteen years old, and I'm an adult A. And I have a fiancée. Forget it, I just left! We have something to help here."

Seeing that Xiaogang was still picking up Sister Shan, and the helplessness on her face.Ash stepped forward and grabbed him by the neck.

"Let's go, don't let people see that they are very good and helpless? I'm sorry ma'am. My companion has caused you trouble. "Go on"

"Can Miss L Xiaoxing invite you to dinner? Xiaozhi

Facing the request of the small drama.

Xiaozhi directly chose to ignore and grab Xiaogang's neck and walked back, while Xiaozhi's backpack went towards the person who had just been approached.

The embarrassed sister waved her hand

The elder sister looked at Xiao Zhi and couldn't help but said, "If my little handsome guy has a car with me, he can return it to the guy for an interview, how come Xiao Dai's family is so slow? It hurts me. Trained by strange people!"

After speaking, the suspected sister left first without looking at her face.

left.And what she didn't know was

I will soon have a lot of fate with Xiaozhi and the others.Fei Lu wakes you up to read three things

Collect, push and support Fei Lu's original works, and enjoy the joy of reading"

Chapter [-] The Black Technology Trio

Jun Sha felt that he was right to ask Xiao Zhi for help.After a phone call, help came from all directions.Seeing a group of people with all kinds of equipment begin to prepare here. Jun Sha also breathed a sigh of relief.

And the Rockets trio is eating too much at this time.

"I didn't expect the kid to prepare food so thoughtfully!"

“It’s been a long time since I ate at Huaxia Restaurant.

"Meow! Fish! It's all fish!"

Watching the Rockets trio eat Heisei.Everyone didn't say anything. , these three abilities have been introduced by Xiaozhi.. So for the capable

People they will respect.And Xiaozhi is here.It is to greet- : a character that the Rockets could not have imagined.

"Sister Bird, you are here"

"Pfft!" 3

Hearing the name of the real bird, Musashi Meow Meow Kojiro directly sprayed it.Isn't Zhenwu his "supervisor?" L

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