one by one dividing line one by one

In a huge treasure courtyard in the Chengdu area, L Kongmu Bo Shi came to a place and shouted, "Hei Lu and Xiao Zhi need you:."


Before Kongmu Bo Shi finished his words, a terrifying Heluga appeared in front of him, and looking at the overlord Heluga, Dr. Kongmu swallowed and said, "Xiao Zhi said that he needs you.


"Wang Shang" (Let's lead the way⊥)

And the situation similar to Soragi Hiro-t is Dr. Oda Maki.At this time, he was facing an overlord Great Wolfdog and overlord Absol and that Absol Odakimaki knew.It's a champion.

"Xiao Zhi needs your help...".

"Wangshan" (Go! Go to the master immediately)

"Ming!" (Let's go. Go to Xiaozhi

When the two doctors were barking and sent the Heluga wolf dog and Absolu, L Xiaozhi immediately released the three of them.

"Wang Khan!



As soon as the three Pokémon came out, they happily rushed towards Xiao Zhi.And Xiaozhi put his arms around the three of them and said, "It's hard for you to watch the house."



Meow Meow smiled and walked away after seeing the three of them. He came up and said, "You guys are here Meow"_"

"Pikapi⊥" (I'll leave it to you this time)

"1uckyL" (don't fall for Ash's father's reputation L)

"Wang Shang" (Don't worry. You can't take care of yourself if you absolutely bite the other side⊥)

"Ugh!" (I'll split everything that stands in front of Ash)

Looking at Xiaozhi's three evil-type Pokémon, Lilin showed a strange smile, and she licked the corner of her mouth when she saw Xiaozhi.

'Don't blame me Ash.Who made you the most suitable for my son-in-law selection criteria? a You can't run away. ,

After looking at Xiao Zhi like this, Li Lin cast a grateful glance at Lin again.

'Thank you for not dismantling'

'You're welcome'

Hmm: Xiaozhi was sold by his wife unknowingly::I ⊥

Chapter [-] I am Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, a rookie trainer!

Xiao Zhi, who didn't know that he was already in the trap, still thought that Li Lin was just asking him to help. He didn't even know that this time was actually an assessment of him.After all, the Lilin family is also dominated by evil-type Pokémon.In the future, the uncle will not be able to do evil, and they will not agree.

And when Xiaozhi Lilin and a group of younger brothers arrived at the designated location, Lilin put on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said, "This is my little brother. It is called Xiaozhi, and he is a new trainer who has just set out. It is suitable for you. Standard bus?"

The person on the opposite side looked at Pikachu on Ash's shoulder and nodded at Meow Gili Egg beside him.

"did not ask

Question L, but please don't forget Lilin Tianwang, you can only use evil-type Pokémon in this battle. ~”

"Of course, my little brother specially brought evil elements to help me."

"That's good. Hello little brother, I'm Cologne and next to me is my assistant Shang Zhi.

Seeing Clone introducing himself, Xiao Zhi also said very politely, "Hello, I'm Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town. I just started a trip recently, and this time I was called by Sister Lilin to help."

Seeing Xiaozhi being so polite, Cologne was stunned for a moment.Then he smiled and shook his head. It seemed that he was a young man who admired Li Lin just like the cyclists. .So

It's also necessary to let him know the brutality of Pokémon battles.

"This battle is a best-of-three game, Miss Lilin. Since you are Tianyu, if your younger brother is defeated, it will be considered a loss.

"Of course, that's a good idea."

Seeing Li Lin so refreshing, L Cologne and Shang Zhi looked at each other - : Eyes later - he threw his precious ball.


"Abby on"

It was Xiaozhi's old acquaintances who appeared on the scene, a Savaran and an Abillon. After releasing his own Pokémon, Cologne and Shangzhi stared at Xiaozhi. The intention was simple.

Straight is too obvious.

"Hehe, it's really a fighting type, so I'm not polite, go gentleman!

"Then the younger brother is also showing his ugliness, go, too wolf dog!"

As soon as I heard Xiao Zhi say that the Great Wolf Dog Cologne and Shang Zhi looked at each other, it was stable⊥. Their plan is very simple. 's Pokémon is the pinnacle of the elite, and it's easy to deal with a kid who just debuted.

However, when Li Lin's Squire Crow and Xiao Zhi's Great Wolf Dog were released, their faces turned green.

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