

With the terrifying maliciousness that the wolf dog radiated as soon as he appeared on the stage, even the fighting-type Sha Hulang and Abilang were intimidated and took a few steps back.


Looking at Xiaozhi's fierce-looking wolf dog, Cologne felt that he might have encountered a tough stubble.And just when Cologne and Shangzhi were a little shocked by the strength of the Great Wolfdog, the referee raised his hand and said, "The first round of the Gentleman Crow and the Great Wolfdog against Abillon and Chavaran! The game begins!"

"Come on! Abby Lang attacked with a sonic punch. The Great Wolf Dog!"

"Go on Chavaran attacking with a flying knee

Great wolf dog!"



As soon as they heard their master's order, Abilang and Sha Hulang directly used a trick to run towards the Great Wolf Dog, and Li Lin knew what they were thinking when he saw it.

"'It's okay if it's a normal person but Ash's words'

"Gentleman crow, _attack with wings."


With the white light flashing on the Gentleman Crow's wings, it charged directly towards Sawarang and Abillon, and I Shangzhi hurriedly said, "Abilang uses protection to resist!"



With Abillon showing a green protective layer in front of him.The attack of the gentleman's crow was blocked.And Cologne said excitedly, "I got it."

"Really? Great wolf dog, clear the sand."

Hear Ash's order.The great wolf dog that had been prepared for a long time directly pulled out two piles of sand and sprinkled it on Sawarang's eyes.And Sawarang was attacked in the eyes and kicked and was directly avoided by the wolf dog. At this time, Xiao Zhi took a mask from Miaomiao and put it on his face, and then said in a low voice. "The big wolf is big, and it bites deeply."

"roar up"


With a roar of the great wolf dog.It opened its mouth and bit Sawarang firmly and then began to tear it up continuously.And Xiaozhi's group of younger brothers immediately cheered when they saw it

"The exclusive trick of Mr. L's wolf dog has appeared! Deep Biting ⊥ 1 Mountain is a trick to destroy the enemy with terrifying tearing after biting the enemy, go 1. !"

"Oh oh oh go 1⊥"*N


Cologne didn't expect that his Sha Hulang's attack was actually cracked by one-calling Sha, and now he was pressed down on the ground by the Great Wolf Technique and bit him.

"Abillon support

Sawarang!_Using Sonic Punch! "

Shang Zhi saw that his eldest Shawarang was under control and quickly asked Abilang to help, but he forgot one thing.

"It will be troublesome to forget me, gentleman!"

"Wow on"

"too bad"

As the gentleman crow quickly passed by Abillon.Abillon fell unconscious and lay on the ground. At this time, Ash saw that Lilin had finished dealing with Abillon and said. "The big wolf is big, throw him up and use the ultimate shock

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, the wolf dog that bit Sawarang and kept tearing

He threw Sawarang directly into the sky. Then he hit him hard when he fell.


with a loud noise.Sawarang was hit against the wall.Then he lost consciousness and lay motionless on the ground.

"Sawarang and Abilang lost consciousness in the first game! The winners are Gentleman Crow and Great Wolfhound!"

Cologne looked at his Shawarang by the evil elf even though he looked at Xiao Zhi L in disbelief, but his pupils shrank when he saw Xiao Zhi's mask.

"A mask with a malicious smile.,

"Introduce yourself again, I'm here

Ash, a new A trainer from True Heart Town.At the same time, he is also an evil trainer. Alpha Wolf One. !

Chapter [-] The boiling arena

One day, when you were going to hang up the child happily to let him know the cruelty of the world, what kind of mood did you feel? 3 Should it be very comfortable?

So how would you feel if that kid - just tossed his clothes and found out he's just wrapping himself up like a kid is actually a super muscular guy and ready to set you up?

Cologne is in such a mood now. He originally thought he was going to get engaged to Lilin by defeating the child, but now he realizes that he is the real child.

head wolf.Although this name is famous in the evil circles, Cologne is trying to get along with

Li Lin has a blind date, so there must be some research on Li Lin's dating information.And among her friends.Needless to say, the four heavenly kings such as Kona Huayue. The most mysterious thing is the alpha wolf who has never seen his real face in Cong, and the name Xiaozhi is indeed there, but it is often mentioned in one stroke, such as Lilin's younger brother , a small follower and the like.Only now did Cologne realize that it turned out that the deepest hidden person was this so-called Li Lin's younger brother!

"Lilin Tianwang::This is not the same as what I said:"

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