"wearing a bear

Mom? 2 I don't know how mom is doing now 2"

Hearing the name of Mama Bear, Lin showed a look of nostalgia. When she, Xiaozhi and Fuzi went to Arora Liu together, Neng's mother took good care of them.

"Don't worry, I specially let the people from the Continental Hotel and the store plant fruits regularly at Mother Bear and send it over" a bee's honey, which is absolutely nourishing. "

Thinking of the able mother Xiaozhi who takes good care of herself, she also unconsciously tasted a smile. If you have time, let N get in touch with the mother bear.

And N, who was far away in Hezhong, shuddered unconsciously.It seems that something is terrifying

things like e

On the other hand, Xiaozhi said with a little speechless when he saw that Xiaozhi actually missed Mama Bear so much. "Ma'am, are you sure you miss wearing it?"

"Of course_ L how good the mother bear is to us. She brings us fresh fruit to eat every day and also helps me perfect Bajiquan. More importantly, the mother bear also practiced with me, the mother bear who takes care of us like you said. Where to find it?"

Miaomiao's eyes twitched and finally she could only say helplessly, "Just be happy, old lady."

Of course, it's not that Miaomiao doesn't like the mother bear in the mouth of Xiao. Chi, but the mother bear is really too scared


Xiaoxue saw Xiaozhi and Lin so interested and asked Miaomiao, "Miaomiao, what is the mother bear that Xiaozhi said?"

"To be honest, I really don't want to remember.. Let's show you guys::"

Saying that, Miaomiao took out her tablet and opened it. The album in it opened a photo in a file written with Alola, and in this photo, there were smaller Xiaozhilin and Fuzi and Meow Ghillie Egg and Pikachu plus a bear Pokémon with a pink head and a black body dressed as a bear.

In the photo, Xiao Zhilin and Fuzi are happily hugging their clothes. .And Meow Meow Geely Egg Pikachu

It is held by a bear in a dress.

"That bear in costume was encountered when we went to Aro. La to play and expand our business. I don't know why she is very scary in melee combat, but she is really good at taking care of people, but the most terrifying thing is her combat power. As if everything would be the same: . . ”

Speaking of which, Miao Miao shuddered, even though he was a champion now, he still felt that he couldn't beat a bear in his clothes.

"Is that so? If you can be called powerful by Miaomiao, then it must be a very powerful Pokémon, right?"

When Xiaogang saw that Miaomiao said that, he couldn't help being a little surprised. And Pikachu wiped himself

own cold sweat.

"Pikapi.." (I feel that my mother's fighting power has soared after practicing Bajiquan with Xiaozhi. I don't know if I can beat her now:: )

-"1uckxL"-. (I don't know. The fighting power of a mother is a mystery..)

Little Ibrahimovic in Xiaozhi's clothes cried out in confusion when he saw everyone saying this.

"Boy?" (So powerful?

"Pickup" (that's pretty cool ⊥)

And in Alora - a clad bear tasted after picking up honey from three bees delivered by staff at the Continental Hotel

, then nodded.


Seeing that the bear was satisfied, the staff of Tailu Hotel also left.Wearing a bear is looking into the distance.

"Hey!" I don't know what happened to those children.Have time to visit them)_.」

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: I am the chef

When Xiao Zhi and the others watched the fight between the two so-called gangsters at Yaz Gym and Kaz Gym, the uncle's shop was still affected. With the sound of smashing things, San Dao thought of the voice that Xiao Zhi and the others were very familiar with. come.

"The boss is making [-] set meals to send to Kaz Gym, I want to make them now!"

“And another curry!_”

"Tea too!"

Hearing these three voices, Ash and the others looked at each other.


And just like Xiao Zhi and the others thought, it was the Rockets and the others who were doing things downstairs.

She's wearing Kaz's gym clothes now.

And the uncle seems to have seen the Rockets and the others. He said helplessly, "Well, Kaz Dojo already has a lot of credit. If I don't collect the bills, I really can't go on."

Hearing Uncle Tai's words, Meow Meow stepped forward to look at Uncle and said "Oh? So you're not going to cook anymore? It seems that I want to teach you some lessons~

Looking at Miaomiao, he seemed to be scratching himself. The uncle could only shout helplessly, "Please don't act like this, who are you guys?⊥

After hearing what Uncle said, Xiao Zhi and the others knew that they were coming again...,

Musashi, _"Huh? You said..."_

Xiaobian Lang: "Who?"

Musashi, "Since you are sincere and sincere."

Kojiro. _" I will tell you mercifully⊥,"

Musashi, "To prevent the world from being destroyed ⊥"

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