Kojiro, _ "To protect the peace of the world⊥"

Musashi, _ "On Carrying Out Love and True Evil"

Kobeiro:_"A cute and charming villain! ,"

Musashi, "Musashi!"

Konoro. "Little Times


Musashi, "We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy!"

Kojiro, the white hole and white tomorrow will be waiting for us

Meow, "That's it!"

Looking at the three uncles, they were speechless.And just when the uncle was stunned because he was speechless, Musashi and Kojiro had already thrown out their magical treasures.

"Go, Aberdeen"_"

"Go and teach him a lesson from Double Egg Gas!"

"Go on the little fire horse with a vortex of flame!

Hearing the latter sentence, Musashi and Kojiro were stunned for a moment, but they didn't wait for him.

They reacted that Lin's little fire horse had sprayed out crimson flames to surround them. 2 And Xiaoxue also threw out her own baby ball.

"Come on Bangira, beat them out with their tails!"

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

As soon as Dark Bangira came out, it was a roar, and then it went up to Team Rocket, and under the powerful power of Dark Bangira, Team Rocket was directly beaten out of the store.

At this time, Xiaoxia also released her own water magic treasures to put out the fire.After all, the flame vortex of the little fire horse still spread to some tables and chairs.

"Come out gem starfish agate water

Mother Jenny Turtle, put out the fire with a water cannon"



"Jenny on"

Seeing the three Pokémon being extinguished, Ash nodded and Xiaoxia and they were also growing, which was good.

At this moment, a woman wearing Yaz Gym costume praised with a smile, "What a great trainer. It's really amazing that you can defeat the supporters invited by Kaz Gym. Could you please tell me you guys? Is your name taboo 3"

As she said that, the woman looked at Xiao Zhi, who had been silent for a while.Although Xiaozhi didn't make a move before, this woman's

Intuition tells her that Xiao Zhi is the strongest among them.

And when Xiao & Zhi saw this woman looking at him, she could guess that she was taking herself as a breakthrough, so Xiao Zhi said to the woman in an attitude of being too lazy to take care of things, "I'm just a chef accompanying me, not anything. Great trainer."

Speaking of Xiaozhi, Meow, Pika, and Chujili eggs, they put on a chef's hat. 2 And Xiaozhi introduced to the woman after feeding Eevee a snack in his clothes, "This is Meow, my assistant for cooking and cooking."

"Hello. I'm the chef's assistant, Meow, and of course his Pokémon.

Miaomiao saluted very gentlemanly. And Xiaozhi then introduced. "This one on my shoulder is Pikachu, my seasoning assistant, he is in charge of seasoning tasting."


Pikajin thought about the woman and nodded, then took out a bottle of ketchup and licked it.

"This is my auspicious egg, and she specially provides me with fresh eggs as raw materials.

“1uckxL”__ ,

"...And what about the Duck Duck behind you?"


Da Duck heard someone call him and gave him a strange look

The woman then pointed to her mouth.Xiaozhi took out a piece of dessert and fed it to him and said to the woman, "He's trying it out!"_⊥

Chapter [-] Shameful Xiaogang

The woman in the Yaz Gym looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly, she really wanted to say that Xiao Zhi's disguise was too bad.However, before the woman could speak any further, Xiaozhi had already pulled out the kitchen knife and at the same time Miaomiao also took out the pot.

"Show it to you on the spot!"

Afterwards, the woman who looked at Xiao Zhi took out the ingredients from the bag and began to process it after putting the Duck Duck aside for a moment.

"Meow meow is ready to stir fry, Pikachu is ready to prepare the seasoning, I will start chopping vegetables now l_"

Then Xiao Zhi and the others started cooking as if no one else, and the woman from the Yaz gym could only helplessly watch "Zero"

Zero Earth" glanced at Xiaozhi and turned to Xiaoxia and the others.

"Then I don't know if I can tell ::

"Wait a minute, the Pokémon on my side are also hungry, you see my children are drooling."

Xiaoxia didn't like the people in the Yaz gym or Kaz gym, so she pointed to the jellyfish who started drooling because she saw Xiao Zhi making Ping. They declined the women in the Yaz gym, and Lin also Touching his little fire horse, he said, "I'm sorry. Our grassland children don't like to reveal their surnames at will.

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