"Then you can just kill me when the time comes. But the power you really can't save my girlfriend can hardly exert much here.

"Okay. It seems that I can only rely on myself..."...

"Oops... as expected, in the end, I couldn't keep her.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are just the norm.

"I said if someone in Arceus took the curse on your behalf. Would you be able to recover?"

"Wait L. What are you doing! Stop and you'll be gone!"

"If I can, I really want to see the world of Pokémon with my own eyes.

Must be great, right?"

"You...is it worth it?

"Who knew that 1 head-z fever was so king, and suddenly I felt stupid...

"You know you're stupid

"But it's really interesting. I became friends with Arceus. If I go out and brag about it, I'll probably be regarded as mentally ill?"

"It always feels like you're scolding me...

"Hahaha L

Just take it as a self-consolation for a person who is about to disappear... But since you have regained your strength, Arceus, don't you know my girlfriend?."

"Don't worry. She'll be fine in my world."

"Then I'll be relieved. Thank you Arceus. It's quite a mistake to know you..

"No... thank you, this friendship is precious to me,

I recalled my excitement when I found the reincarnation of my short-lived friend who seemed to be my own.Arceus smiled slightly.

"The world... how wonderful. Are you right? My short-lived friend Ash_."


Chapter 3 Draw a little bastard on their faces! ([-] more)

After leaving Xiahong City, Xiaozhi and the others continued their journey.However, on this trip, the giant fast dragon always ran out of overweight balls from time to time and asked Miaomiao to help him see the situation of Huck Dragon.As for the behavior of the giant fast dragon, Xiaozhi didn't think there was anything wrong with it. If his wife is pregnant, Xiaozhi can guarantee that he will wait for his wife to give birth to the child before continuing to travel 1 ,

And in the case of stop-and-go like this, Xiao Zhi and the others rested in a forest, and when Xiao Zhi saw a unique fruit, he immediately asked Pikachu and Miao Miao to accompany him to pick some, while Xiao Yi Bu Ze was still lying in Xiao Zhi's clothes.

"Well. These throat lozenges

The fruit _ can be juiced for Gu Niu Niu and them, which is very effective in improving their singing, and this fruit is very refreshing to eat, do you want to try it?"

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, Miao Miao, who had tasted the juice that Gu Niu Niu drank, unexpectedly glanced at the fruit and took a bite.

"It really tastes like this. It just needs to be processed."

"Pikapi!" (You can try it with ketchup-, start with)

After tasting it, Pikachu thought it was okay and planned to eat it with ketchup, while Eevee in Xiaozhi's clothes stuck his head out and took a bite on the fruit in Xiaozhi's hand.


After taking a bite, Xiao Ibrahimovic immediately called out happily, while Xiao Zhi said with a smile, "Oh, do you like it very much? Then wait, pick some more."

"1uckv." _(that _ kid)__

Seeing little Ibrahimovic acting coquettishly in Xiaozhi's arms, Geely Egg showed an unhappy expression. _ And seeing Geely Egg, Xiaoxue could only say helplessly. _" Geely eggs are still so jealous

"1uckyL" (this is not jealous)

Watching Xiaozhi's auspicious eggs look jealous because of Ibrahimovic.Xiaoxia said, "It's really good.

Well, Ash's relationship between them. "


Just when Xiaoxia said that - a chubby Pokémon came out and then looked at the fruit on Xiaozhi's hand with glowing eyes.


"Huh? Isn't this a fat worker? What's the matter, do you want to eat too?"

Seeing that the fat worker kept staring at the fruit in his hand, Xiaozhi smiled and broke the fruit in half and handed it to her.


Seeing the fruit that Xiao Zhi handed over, Fatty J Ding happily took it and ate it all.

Then she bowed to Ash and started to sing. ,__

"POI~POI~ POI porcelain fell asleep with the song that could make A sleep, Xiaoxia, Xiaoxuelin and Xiaogang. However, Xiaozhi smiled and looked fat. And the same is true for Miaomiao and Pikachu and Ji Danxin, they didn't fall asleep until the end

When Fat Ding saw that Xiao Zhi and the others were not asleep, he jumped into Xiao Zhi's arms happily.And Xiaozhi said with a smile, "Well, it sounds good. But I don't know if Fat J is willing to help me - a small favor?"


Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Fat J is puzzled

He looked at Xiao Zhi and nodded.

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