one by one dividing line one by one

"Attention everyone!. Put on special earplugs" I'm about to start playing Fat Ding's song."

"Everyone pay attention to L and put on special earplugs." We're about to start playing Fat Ding's songs."

"Everyone pay attention to L and wear special earplugs! It's about to start playing Fat Worker's songs⊥"

Following this announcement, the staff of Tailu Hotel began to wear special earplugs, while Xiaozhi Xiaoxia Xiaoxuelin Xiaogang was sitting in the special seat ready to listen to a unique singer singing the song e

"Xiao Zhi, is this really all right?"

Xiaoxia doesn't know what to say about Xiaozhi's next plan. Should she say that Xiaozhi is too daring? She actually planned to play Fat Ding's songs in the whole city to let everyone sleep.

"Don't worry, our Tailu Hotel is still up to par. From now on, we'll let these impetuous guys have a restful sleep⊥"

"Then what? You must be holding up some bad idea from what I know about you?"

Lin looked straight at Xiao Zhi. It seemed that Xiao Zhi was holding on to some bad idea, but Xiao Zhi said directly, without concealing it, "Of course it is in

After those guys fell asleep, they painted a little bastard on their faces! In Xiahong City, I spent a lot of money to help Sister Junsha and the others because of the old troubles. Now is the time to make them pay the price. Let's start! "

_ "Learn about _ get started!"

Then Fat Worker's singing resounded throughout the city, under Fat Ding's singing. Countless people fell asleep. Because they told Junsha about their plans in advance, traffic had already been regulated. Now let these night owls Get a good night's sleep.

"I didn't expect it, this idea really works. It seems that it would be better to come once when there is time in the future."

Jun Sha looked at the people who were already sleeping and let out a sigh of relief.That should be a lot easier.

"There are so many ghost ideas, it seems that Lan's life in the future will be much more interesting."

The blue mentioned by Junsha of Xiahong City is Junsha Junsha of Vibrant City, and she is the marriage object that the Junsha family prepared for Xiaozhi.Bi Yixiaozhi and Jun Shalan have the best relationship.It's no problem to have her as a marriage partner.Of course.Now Jun Shalan doesn't know what it is.

And the marriage object that the Joey family prepared for Xiaozhi. In fact, Xiaozhixing has already met L, that is the inspector Joey.And this Joey

In fact, it is not to be underestimated

"Can you say that you are working hard to become an official gym? You are too weak. Latias uses the wave of the dragon!

"woo go"

Accompanied by the legendary Pokémon Latias' Dragon Wave, Kaz's Electric Shock Beast and Yaz's Flying Mantis were taken away by one move, and Kaz and Yaz could only stare at this young man shivering. After Chi left, Joey suddenly became very strong.

"That inspector, . . we,

"It's still too far away, your current strength is simply not qualified to open a gym. Let's talk about it after training for a while."

"Yes l⊥⊥"*2

Looking at this Joey, Kaz and Yaz decided that in the future, whoever said that Joey is gentle, they will definitely blow his dog's head!

After watching Kaz and Yaz flee, Inspector Joey sighed and said to himself, "Really, why can't I be strong every time I face Ash? And the patriarch actually asked me to do it. Marriage table..

"woo go"

Latias flew to Joey's side and gave her a puzzled look, while Joey said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm just thinking about something. Thank you for your hard work, Latias."


After Yas took back the baby ball.Joey silently wrote in his booklet, . "Xiaogang, the owner of the Nibi City Gym, is seriously lecherous and needs to re-observe his qualifications. !

Chapter one hundred and ninety-ninth, the bear mother is here

At this time, Xiaogang did not know that he had been targeted by the inspector for his own sake.Even if Xiao Zhi said good things for him, the Elf Alliance can not pursue it, but it does not mean that the inspectors will not find fault. Unfortunately, Joey is an unselfish type.Therefore, I can only hope that Xiaogang seeks more happiness for himself.

Of course, what Xiaogang wants to do now is what Yecao Xiaozhi does.

"Xiao Zhi, you really painted Wang'er on their faces..."_

Looking at Xiao Zhi who is drawing on the faces of the citizens of Xiahong City with Meow Meow Pika Chujili Egg and Fatty.Xiaogang really doesn't know whether to say Xiaozhi is childish or that she is naive

"I'll do what I say, paint quickly, and when I'm done, I'll treat it like nothing else,"

"Although it's naive, but I also want to do this and give it a try⊥"

Looking at Xiaozhi and the others, Xiaoxue took a deep breath and also joined the ranks of painting. Since it's a trip, let's have fun: a handful!

And Xiaoxue took the lead, Xiaoxia and Lin also left their restraint and joined the painting army.In the end, everyone started to draw. People thought they were fools.But I don't know why, when everyone is doing this prank together.They all laughed happily. Maybe this is also a good memory from the trip.


Two-one dividing line --

After bringing a big gift to the citizens of Xiahong City, Xiaozhi and his party hurriedly ran away. At that time, seeing Xiaozhi and the others running away, Jun Sha was helpless, but in the end, he didn't say much about officialdom. ,

And Xiaozhi and the others came to a strange place not long after they left Xiahong City, where a group of people are constantly digging something.And Xiaozhi and the others were also very surprised - they met Xiaomao.

"Xiao Mao, what are you doing here?"

It's a little strange to see Xiaomao constantly digging up what Xiaozhi is there.


Don't you know? I heard that there are fossils here, so I came here to dig, maybe I can find a good Pokémon fossil. "

"Pokémon see the fossil, if you really find it, please ask Big Brother to let him use the power of their company to resurrect it. It's not impossible,"__

Thinking that Taiwu's ancient armor and cradle lily were obtained from the resurrection of fossils, Xiaozhi had to admit that he was a little moved.

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