"Who are you?."

Sakagi was a little strange when he saw the masked man who suddenly appeared.But out of confidence in himself he didn't worry too much.

The masked man nodded gracefully and said, "I'm Sebastian, I have some small things to deal with this time. I don't know if I can make me

Join the operation?"

"You think I will."

Originally, Sakagi wanted to say something, but then he fell into a strange silence.

"Hey, how could it be 2.__Interesting... Hehehe is really funny"You_Come with me"

After a strange silence, Sakagi suddenly smiled and looked at Sebastian. Then he said something that surprised everyone else.

You must know that the boss of Sakagi is generally very vigilant.. But this time, why did he stay with this guy who doesn't know the details?

But out of greatness for oneself

The trust in combat power didn't say much, and at this moment Nazi suddenly stood up and said, "I'll go to Xishang with you."

Hearing Nazi say that, Sakagi nodded and said. "Looks like you saw it too. Come with us then."

"Okay." 1

After Sebastian Sakamoto and Nazi came to a secret room, Sakagi looked at Xiaozhi and said, "Okay. No outsider Ash will take off your mask now."

"That's right. I didn't expect that what the voice said was true... Dad Wang, you can really communicate the memories over there: Memories?"

Ashami Sakagi handed over his self

His own name was no longer disguised, but took off the mask, and at the same time looked at Nazi and said, _ "So

Nazi, you too?"

"I'm Nazi Xiaozhi. The L on our side, who was married to you in a serious manner, has just been replaced."

Saying that, Nazi raised her hand. _There is a ring on it that was sent by Ash.

"Huh? So amazing 2"

"Boss, it seems that the voice is very powerful."

Miaomiao looked at Nazi and Sakagi, who had obtained memories from another world, a little worried, this kind of power was a little scary.

and small

Tomo patted his head and said, "There is nothing to worry about. That level of power is no longer something we can contend with.,In that case, let's do our own thing well. But before that. ."

Xiao Zhi took out a bunch of bottles and jars from his bag and said, "Since you have your memory, godfather, then first heal the dark wounds of your magical treasures and stabilize your realm, so that your plan can better implementation."

"Oh? It's really sweet."

Sakagi was stunned when he watched Xiaozhi take out a pile of medicines and even magical candies in his memory, but then he revealed

There was a slight tinge, and he now fully understood why he in the world over there would recognize Xiaozhi as his godson.How long has it been since you felt this kind of affection?

"Since you were replaced, Nazi, are your Pokémon there?

Hearing Xiaozhi's question, Nazi took out her baby ball and said, "Don't worry, I brought them here, and there are three of them who came to help together."

"Hehehehe! ⊥ Mountain!"*3

With three weird laughter, _Ghost Stone and Gengar appeared from the shadow. And Xiao Zhi watched the three of them actually come

He couldn't help laughing and said, "Are you here to help? That's great. If the county is the three of you, there is a very difficult task for you. By the way, let me introduce to you, this is Sakagi. my godfather


Sakagi looked at Gengar and nodded, and he could feel that the three ghost Pokémon were terrifying.very horrible.

"Since you've come to help, Xiaozhi, then it seems that the plan needs to be changed. Xiaozhi, the moon you came here is Cang 2"

"Find someone, a worry-free girl."


But how could you think of helping me 2 even though you and I have a good relationship in that world.But here..."_

Sakagi's meaning was obvious, he was wondering why Ash would help him.

"Is it okay to see you?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's answer, Sakagi was speechless, and then said helplessly, "Really, what kind of answer is this, forget it... This is not bad, so now it seems that we are going to start a new plan, Xiaozhi, you bring How's your combat power?"

Was laughed at by a small wisdom like Sakagi - said next, . "Want to see 2": !

Chapter [-] Quick Occupation


Along with a violent explosion, the door of the Silver Company in the golden city was pushed open.And a man wearing a mask walked in slowly.

"Excuse me. Here we take over."

Hearing the words of Mianxian man, the security guards of Silver Company threw their precious balls directly.

"Fuck the Force! Defeat these guys

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