"Go on Bibi Bird!"

"Go Shock Beast"

Seeing that there is still resistance, Xiaozhi smiled and said, "Two wolf dog, Helujia will solve them"



As the two figures sprang out from Xiao Zhi, they directly directed towards the magic treasure that was released. Seeing that the flames accumulated in the mouth of the strange force that just came out, Helujia shot out directly, and the strange force that just came out. After being stunned, I was completely devoured by the terrifying flames

And after Bibi bird came out, before it could reach level I, it was bitten by the wolf dog that Di came up to.

"Electrical Beast, go and help Bibi Bird!"

"electric shock!"

Hearing the master's order, the electric shock beast directly hit the great wolf dog with [-] volts.However, the great wolf dog is seeing [-] excellent

When Te rushed towards him, he threw Bibi Bird over with a shake of his head.


Along with Bibi bird's screams, he was eating. After one bite, he was hit by the [-] volts of the electric shock beast. He rushed to the front of the electric shock beast, opened his mouth and bit it with his sharp teeth.

"Quickly use the electric shock beast."_

Seeing that they also wanted to remind the electric shock beast Ash, he directly gave an order to Heruga beside him.

"Throw flames to shut them up."

"Roaring Mountain"

The security guards were directly swallowed up by the flames as the flames from Heruga's mouth shot out, and the employees of the Silver Company were completely panicked as the security team killed them. (dae!

"Yeah! ⊥⊥⊥"

"Run 1."

"Call the police!"

Looking at the already chaotic hall, Xiaozhi shrugged and then patted the wolf dog next to him, "Okay. If the electric shock beast is stunned, you don't need to bite anymore."

"Woo~ hoo!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the big wolf dog let go this time, and the one who has been bitten the most in the past

The Electric Shock Beast was lying on the ground motionless.

After taking care of the security guards on the first floor, Ash said to the Rockets behind him, "Then. Start the operation and take out all the rebels before the boss comes. Well, I'll go outside and have a look."

Seeing Xiao Zhi being so brutal, the Rocket soldiers quickly said:_"Yes!"*N .

Watching the soldiers begin to lead the team to solve the remaining resistance forces, Xiao Zhi brought Heluga and the Great Wolfhound to the outside of the Silver Company, and the guards in the Golden City outside the Silver Company were constantly attacking the three. Only Pokémon attack, but it doesn't work at all. Their actions are the most

The latter all ended in life or failure. And the three artifact treasures are Ash's Potukadora, King Nido and Queen Nido.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you attack the Silver Corporation?_"

When the two guards saw Xiao Zhi come out, they could not help but take out their horns and shouted 1 and released another batch of Pokémon at the same time.

And Xiaozhi smiled at the faces of the Pokémon who rushed towards him under the masks and said, "The King of Nido, the Sword of Taichi.


Hearing Xiaozhi's words, 2 King Nido and Queen Ni-z roared, and then the two magic treasures saw a unique combination.

The energy of the fist is carried into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Taidi began to tremble, and before the guards were out of trouble, giant swords composed of rocks began to rise from the ground.And every time the rock giantsword was raised, a batch of Pokémon was knocked into the air, and when the last rock giantsword broke through the ground, the last batch of Pokémon was completely defeated.The whole scene has been controlled by the Rockets

The members of the Rockets tied up all the defenders temporarily, and Xiao Zhi came to them and said. "Remember not to talk nonsense with the enemy next time. Take them down now. The Golden City will now be completely taken over by the Rockets!"


Afterwards, Ash came to the Queen of Nido and Potucadora and said, "It's hard work. The next thing is much simpler. Just wait for some troublesome girl to throw herself into the net. , but before

Xiaozhi slowly took out the badge that Nazi gave him before and said. "The chapter with magical power. It seems to have become a lot more interesting, so I don't know how those who need this badge will choose it 2 hahahaha

With terrifying laughter, the golden badge was put away by Ash.And not far away, Miao Miao and the others silently took this picture of Xiao Zhi.

The performance was recorded and said, "Well, it's not bad for the boss to play the bad guy, but I don't know if I will be hit with a headbutt by Sister Lin after I go back. I don't know e"

"Pikapi." (Why are we recording these?)

"Of course it's to collect information. Boss S uses himself as a bait to detect the combat effectiveness of this world. In this case, you'll be prepared, meow."

After saying that, Miao Miao looked at Silver Company again.

"Besides, even the legendary Pokémon can be subdued in this world. Although I don't know the exact combat power, this situation alone is enough.

Let the boss be vigilant, and the safety of Mrs. Pikachu will depend on you and Snake Bear.You two are surprise soldiers, protectors are the best

"Pickup." (No problem!)_-l

Chapter 2 Brother-in-law!Brother-in-law! ([-] more)

- "It's really scary, that guy named Sebastian took people to completely occupy the golden city in less than an hour. What kind of monster is he? _,

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