Xiaozhi is looking at him

"Yo, are you awake? Before, you were very weak lying in the wild, if you don't deal with it in time, I'm afraid you will die, so I brought you back. Don't worry, in the eyes of Sister Joey and the others, every Pokémon Your life is worthy of respect, so don't worry about someone here attacking you."

"Live...". (Why__

Although Darubi was very weak, he still wanted to figure out why, why the human being in front of him would save him.

"Meow, the old lady asked why."

"Ah. Why are you? Because I think you're handsome, Darubi,

I want to subdue you. "


That was the first time that Dairubi was called handsome, which made Dairubi feel indescribable.

"I said Darubi, do you want to be my Pokémon? I like your handsome Pokémon very much.

Darube didn't know what to say.But Xiao Zhi's words were still in his heart.

The old Darube always heard monsters, demons, bad guys.

And now he heard praise for the first time and heard someone call him 'handsome' for the first time.

After that, Deru

Than became Xiaozhi's Pokémon, and started terrifying training with Xiaozhi, and Dairubi himself constantly challenged his own limits, even if it was purgatory Dairubi was not afraid, because,

'I've seen purgatory long ago, and now I just want to be by his side..__

Derby is gone.Here comes Heruga.It came back from purgatory and used its own purgatory flames to burn down all the enemies that stood in front of Ash because.__

'I never longed for heaven, however. . at least allow me to have a place by his side .. that's my last!

Two-one dividing line one-

The blue-green complexion that Heluga has been watching is very bad. He feels a deep sense of force, which is the powerlessness that comes only when facing an existence that he cannot defeat..._.

"Damn.. it's just two cadres and that's it.. Rada's hatred.___

Thinking of Rada, who had been poisoned for a long time in order to protect himself, Qinglu's hand tightly clenched his fist.

'I'm sorry Rada,.I also 3_07 is too weak..&#;

Feeling his powerlessness, Qinglu was very unwilling. When he faced the Rockets for the first time, Lada's poison in his body made him understand what it means to be disabled.

cool.And now this Black Ruga makes himself understand that he is still weak

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Your own Pokémon?"

Just when Qinglu was unwilling because of the huge pressure, Xiaozhi's voice sounded in his ear, and then Qinglu suddenly found that the guy with the mask was standing in front of him.And his words. ._

"Think of your Pokémon again?"

"Only you: only you go _ only you can't forgive! The fire-breathing dragon spews flames!"

Thinking of my Lada, the blue-green thread called sanity seems to be broken.

What fear? What weakness? Now I just want to do one thing! Defeat this guy! Even for Rada!

"This is for my Radha!. l!."

Chapter [-] are all routines (two more)

-"Roaring Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

Accompanied by the fire-breathing dragon's bulging belly, the powerful flame sprayed directly at Xiaozhi. The fiery breath made Xiaozhi feel the fire-breathing dragon's anger.


"Wang Er"

With the roar of Heluga's roar, the flames that sprayed out were completely crushed by Heluga's second-movement bite._ And Xiaozhi was in the middle of the green and green - a punch in his stomach _ Admiral knocked him out.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but since you have to carry it, please start."

Hear Xiaozhi

Well, because Lada has already lost his mind, Qinglu threw his treasure ball.

"Go" Iron Tyrannosaurus" with a straight drill!"

"Roaring Mountain"

The Iron Tyrannosaurus that emerged from the Poké Ball roared and swirled its own fish towards Helugardi. Helugar didn't need Ash's order at all. He jumped up to dodge and turned towards the Iron. The Tyrannosaurus made a wave of evil.

However, Qinglu suddenly roared at this moment, "That's right now 1. Directly attack that masked man!"


And hear the green

Ordered the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus to charge directly towards Ash, it turned out that the purpose of the green from the beginning was not Heluga but Ash, the trainer himself.

Seeing the iron armored tyrannosaurus Xiaozhi rushing towards him, he didn't panic at all but said lightly, "Heruga..."_


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