With the roar of Heluga.Terry Tyrannosaurus, who was rushing towards Ash, was directly attacked to the side by his impact, and at the same time Heluga also opened his mouth and bit down on the Tiereosaurus fiercely.

"Deep bite until he is completely unconscious L let him know the power of evil, bite the prey L tear the throat 1 us

It's a hunter! One hit kills". Until the end!

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, a red light flashed in Heluga's eyes and then he bit the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus more deeply.

Seeing this situation, Qinglu threw his Treasure Ball directly at Xiaozhi.

"Upper wind speed dog L with jet flame _from _"

Although I don't know what else this guy named Sebastian has, but Qinglu knows that he will be strong first, and the wind speed dog will harass Xiaozhi and use a jet of flame after he appears. This is another time against Xiaozhi. direct attack.

And this time, before Xiao Zhi could say anything else, a figure appeared from the side

The last bite was on the flames.The wind, the flame of the speed dog was actually bitten away by the sharp teeth.And Qinglu and Xiaolan only saw the true face of the figure at this time, a big wolf.

"Wuzhou LLL⊥"

The wolf dog took a deep look at the wind speed dog and then roared | it rushed towards the wind speed dog with one sound. The terrifying speed made the wind speed dog fall to the ground without reacting, and the big wolf dog was throwing the wind speed dog. Afterwards, he didn't use the bite he was best at, but when he accumulated flames in the wind speed dog's mouth - a slap was carried on the wind speed dog's face, and the flame accumulated in the wind speed dog's mouth under the slap of the Great Wolf Dog was completely beaten. scattered, and the great wolf dog also

This opportunity opened his mouth and bit the wind speed dog's throat.

"It is now that the wind speed dog uses the flame of the flash charge to wrap his body to defeat him! The fire-breathing dragon is now attacking Heluga with its wings!!"

With the anger of the blue and green... A terrifying flame broke out from the body of the wind speed dog and completely wrapped the big wolf, while the green fire-breathing dragon blew the blood of Heluga with its shining wings.

Seeing that Heluga was about to jump away, he found that the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus was hugging him tightly.

"Roar!" (Don't try to escape!. )

"It's the fire-breathing dragon right now!_


Qinglu clenched his fists when he saw that the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus had sacrificed himself and grabbed Heluga. This was all planned.He specially instructed his Pokémon just now to let Heluga get close to him and then he was restrained by the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. Although he didn't expect the masked man to have a wolf dog, it seems to be going well now .

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

Seeing Heluga being controlled by the fire-breathing dragon roaring and slamming into the Heluga, he showed a hideous smile in the face of the controlled attack of the fire-breathing dragon's wings.

After seeing this smile, Qinglu suddenly realized


"not good!".

_"Woo~ hoo LL!"

Just when the fire-breathing dragon's wings were about to attack Heluga, Heluga suddenly roared, and then his body erupted into a more terrifying flame, completely wrapping the fire-breathing dragon and the iron-armored tyrannosaurus, and the sky-high flame also made everyone People know that something big has happened in the golden city

When the pillar of fire soaring to the sky dissipated, Heruga slowly returned to Ash, stepping on the bodies of the fire-breathing dragon and the iron-armored tyrannosaurus.On the other side, the great wolf dog also bathed in the flame and walked slowly. Behind it was the unconscious wind speed dog.

"It's a very good calculation. It can be said to be a perfect strategy. Using yourself to pretend to be provoked to make me think you've lost your mind, it's actually calculating me step by step."

Xiao Zhi touched the heads of Hei Lujia and the Great Wolf Dog and said, "Ye but you forgot one thing, when the gap between realms becomes larger, any progress will be cracked by the simplest brute force."

After discovering that her purpose was seen through, Qinglu changed her angry look and looked at Xiaozhi calmly and said, "It seems that I am too weak: so what are you going to do?"

Even though I said that, a small treasure is sandwiched between the tips of the green fingers.

shellfish.He was looking for an opportunity to let his original partner Erfeitian Mantis take everyone to evacuate.

"Actually. I'm interested - one thing, what's the condition of your Lada?"

Hearing this guy calling himself Sebastian mentioning Lada's turquoise baby ball, he almost let it go, but he still held back. After all, the opponent he faced was really terrible.Must be steady.

"Humph: That's just the price I pay for being weak: My Radha was poisoned to protect the weak me. That's right, the weak me: all"

Xiaolan looks at Xiaozhi and Qinglu who are in the middle of a confrontation.

She asked if she should run first, but she didn't know why she felt that this guy who called himself Sebastian was a little familiar, and now it's not that she can run if she wants to, she can feel that there are a bunch of Pokémon around. Looking at her, it seems as if she will act whenever she moves

And just when Xiaolan was a little difficult to do, _Xiaozhi was silent for a while after listening to Qinglu's words, and then snapped his fingers.

"Enter Arbor."

Accompanied by Xiao Zhi's snap of fingers, a dark purple Arbor slowly appeared from the grass behind the green. The Arbor appeared after a slight glance at the youth hostel. A small bead appeared and then slowly disappeared.

Slowly returned to Xiaozhi

Qinglu couldn't help soaking cold sweat on his forehead as he watched Aber Monster pass by him.It turned out that Cong was the most dangerous in the beginning. But now Qinglu looked at the beads on the ground with some doubts.

"this is.". !

Chapter [-] Red

-"this is."

Looking at the small beads on the ground, Qinglu didn't know what the purpose of this man named Sebastian was in front of him.If you want to kill yourself, you can just let the Aber monster kill yourself just now. But because of this, the green will wonder what Sebastian is going to do.

"The bead in front of you is an antidote. It can remove even the toxins that have spread to the whole body. But once the poisoned person is not given the bead for a period of time, the medicinal properties of this bead will disappear completely, so how do you choose? ? Continue to disturb our plan, or risk being deceived to save our own Rada?


After talking, Xiaozhi quietly watched Qinglu, and the same is true for the Black Ruga wolf dog and the Aberdeen. Although they really wanted to carry this guy, they would not act without Xiaozhi's order.

And Qinglu, who was watching by Xiaozhi and the others, looked at the bead in front of him, slowly squatted down, picked him up, and wiped it.

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