The reporter turned the camera to this strange Mianxian Qian. _two!

Chapter 2 Cerberus ([-] more)

"We are evil. Pure evil,

Du was a little surprised when he saw Xiao Zhi who was walking towards him with Heluga and the Great Wolf Dog. After all, in his knowledge, many people were quite afraid of evil-type Pokémon, but now it seems that he There seems to be an exception.

"In that case... go to Fossil_Pterosaurs attack with their wings!."

"Big Wolf!"


With two roars, the wolf dog and the fossilized pterosaur each rushed towards each other, accompanied by the contact of the two Pokémon, which surprised everyone who was watching TV

Appeared.The Fossil Pterosaur and the Great Wolf Dog are actually tied ⊥ You must know that it is the Pokémon of the King of Heaven" and the Pokémon that you usually see are completely different concepts

Although it is only a confrontation, there is damage in comparison. L The magical treasures that just fought against the fossil pterosaur were all killed in an instant. L was just killed by the wing attack of the fossil pterosaur⊥

And just when people were shocked because of the great wolf dog's performance, the first confrontation between the wolf dog and the fossil pterosaur began.And this time Du directly ordered the fossilized pterosaur, _"Using ultrasonic waves to interfere with his movements!. ​​Then use gnawing to get on"


Hearing Du's order, the fossilized pterosaur sent a harsh ultrasonic wave directly towards the Great Wolf Dog _ and the Great Wolf is much stronger in hearing as a canine Pokémon.Therefore, the super-sonic waves of the fossilized pterosaurs had a huge impact on the wolf dog, and when the wolf dog was disturbed by the ultrasonic waves, Xiao Zhi commanded the wolf dog; "Roar loudly."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's order, the big wolf dog's eyes lit up, and then Tai roared loudly.

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

Accompanied by the roar of the wolf dog, the ultrasonic wave of the fossilized pterosaur was disturbed. At the same time, the loud roar of the wolf art was an attacking move. The fossilized pterosaur could not help but reveal

Painful color.

"Rush up and take a deep bite".

"Wang Shang⊥⊥"

Hearing the command of deep bite, the wolf dog's eyes flashed fiercely, and it flew directly to the fossil pterosaur at an extremely fast speed, and the fossil pterosaur was stunned because he didn't know what deep bite was. Crossing also briefly stagnated in the dangerous river because he also didn't know what kind of trick deep bite was.However, it was the moment when A'Du and the Fossil Pterosaur paused that P Da Lang Da seized the opportunity to jump directly on the Fossil Pterosaur's back and then bite the Fossil Pterosaur's neck.

"Welcome"! "

The severe pain caused the fossilized pterosaur to struggle and roar.However, the more the fossil pterosaur struggled, the deeper the big wolf bite.In the end, it even reached the point of biting through the skin like the eyes of a fossil pterosaur and reaching the flesh.

"Fossil pterosaurs used ultrasound to get it down!"

A'Du saw that the fossilized pterosaur was in such pain, and knew that this and that deep bite had something to do with it, so he directly let the fossilized pterosaur use ultrasonic waves again to continue to affect the current big wolf, but this- once he made a mistake command..__

"Ya Shan⊥⊥⊥⊥"

Along with the fossil pterosaur again

The ultrasonic wolf dog frowned again.But this time, there is not only pain in the eyes of the great wolf dog, but also a kind of ferocity that has never been seen before.


Under the stimulation of ultrasonic waves, the fierceness of the wolf dog was completely stimulated. aAt the same time, the deep bite of the great wolf dog is constantly deepening! The deepening is deepening!

Severe pain continued to stimulate the fossil pterosaur under the fangs of the great wolf dog.Until the fossil pterosaur finally couldn't bear it and could no longer send out ultrasonic waves to attack a

"It's now!. Great Wolf Dog 1. Cerberus L Mountain 11⊥ Crushed him! 1_! Go⊥"


The fossilized pterosaur stopped the ultrasonic wave because of the pain in the head, and Xiaozhi directly issued the final blow command 1. After hearing the order of Xiaozhi, the whole body of the great wolf dog appeared countless black gas.Then, in the eyes of A'Du's accident and the shocked eyes of countless people, the Great Wolf Dog seemed to have grown two more heads against the backdrop of black qi, and the other two heads made of black qi looked at the fossilized pterosaur together. The sound of gnawing sounded and the sky exploded, and then Fossil: produced a huge falling pterosaur covered in blood, falling from the air, while the big wolf was surrounded by Xiaozhi with black gas 0_ "How? Watching_This is the magic treasure you have always looked down on

Fear of evil-type Pokémon⊥ Now you know how powerful they are Weak! We are also pure evil! ""Roar⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥,"*3 With Ash's voice falling, the big dog and Heluga growled together. When Absol also roared from Ash's Poké Ball to vent himself 5 Dissatisfied with the injustice that he has been treated in the past, the "disaster beast". It's a disaster beast, and that person dares to conquer the disaster beast" _⊥_! "When Absol appeared, the whole scene was chaotic, Absol 0.1 Lu

The _ this side of the world seems to have not been rectified, so when Absol appeared in everyone.Before and after, even if those reporters were no longer afraid of death, they kept retreating, and some people even joined in and started to flee.A'Du couldn't help frowning when he looked at Xiaozhi's Absolu, he had already seen that the realm of this Absolu in front of him was... E⊥ watching Xiaozhi's Adu put away the fossil pterosaur and said ,_ "In your realm, you don't have to be with the Rockets at all, right? Why do you want to help the Rockets?" Xiao Zhi smiled when he heard A'Du's question - said, ". "Why...because _-funny~ My name is Sebasti! One of the Rockets generals, so let's keep Lu remind you, read

Three things, two possessions, recommendations, and sharing 1. (zhan__ianhao88) Chi Fei Lu) original works, enjoy reading!

Chapter 3 Cerberus double gnawed ([-] more)

A'Du is having a headache right now. He doesn't know what to say to the person named Sebastian in front of him. He has never heard of such a number one person.

This Sebastian is definitely the first to be able to train evil-type Pokémon to such an extent.Of course, Li Lin in Chengdu can also be regarded as one, but that is only the king of heaven.

Looking at Xiaozhi's side, Absoludu took out a treasure ball and threw it out: "Go, go to the fast dragon and destroy the dead light!"


The fast dragon of crossing - appeared and sprayed the destruction light towards Xiao Zhi and the others.And Ash faces the attack that destroys the death light.

Bosol spit out waves of evil towards the fast dragon's destructive death light.

The two beams collided and formed a huge explosion, and now he said to Absolu, "Be careful that this fast dragon should be his ace. Be careful to avoid its fists and use the freezing light to deal with it. "

"woo go"

Absol nodded, and then quickly rushed towards. The fast dragon spurted freezing light at the same time.

"Dodge the Dragon!".

Looking at Absol's Freezing Ray in 09, A'Du's complexion changed. Although Absol's Freezing Ray is not a skill of this type, Absol is comparable to it.

The fast dragon champion of the same realm.Therefore, A'Du wouldn't let his fast dragon resist the ice-type trick with quadruple damage effect.

After obeying the order and avoiding the excited relationship, the fast dragon sprayed the wave of the dragon directly at Absol, and Absol responded with his own wave of evil.

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