
With the collision of the two unique moves, the explosion happened again in the sky, and when Kuailong looked at the smoke of the explosion, countless air blades came out of the smoke and went straight to Kuailong's wings, facing the sudden attack of Kuailong. Did not panic.Instead, the fist burns with flames and knocks out all these air and blades


... Cong started saving just now, but what's the use?"

Looking at Absol Adu, who was constantly using his horn to activate the whirlwind knife, he fell into contemplation. Although the whirlwind knife is easy to hit the key point, it is not a problem for his own fast dragon.Those whirlwind knives are simply not fast enough to fight.

"Don't be addicted to using electromagnetic waves for warfare!

"woo go"

Hearing A'Du's order, Kuailong released electromagnetic waves towards Absol. .When Absolu saw the electromagnetic wave, he quickly avoided it. After all, once he was paralyzed in this kind of battle, he would be a piece of fish that would be slaughtered.

And just when Absol just dodged, the fast dragon rushed over - a flaming punch hit Absol e.


Absol, who was beaten by the flame fist, cried out in pain.But then it bites the dragon and activates the spirit.

Then the bitten fast dragon began to be continuously cut by the spiritual blade... and the fast dragon could not allow Absol to deal with him like this.Therefore, the fast dragon directly launched a hundred thousand volts to continuously shock Absol.

The battle between the two Pokémon was brutal.Each of Absol's Spirit Blades will

Cut through the dragon's skin. .And the [-] volts of the fast dragon are constantly shocking Absol.The two Pokémon didn't want to let go of their opponents even though they were in pain.

Absol firmly bites the fast dragon and fast dragon 2 firmly hugs Absol two Pokémon, both of which are suffering huge damage while constantly attacking their own enemies, and... just two Pokémon When the stalemate was stalemate, A'Du and Xiao Zhi roared at the same time. "It's the Dragon Tail/Wave of Evil now!"

Hearing the words of the two people, the fast dragon swept towards Absol with his tail, and Absol directly spread out countless waves of evil from his body.


As the two unique moves hit their opponents, Absol and Kuailong fell from the air.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and A'Du each ran to their own Pokémon, Xiaozhi directly hugged Absolu who fell with a powerful force, while A'Du released two Harker dragons and used his super powers to control Kuai. dragon falling body

Looking at the opposite Du Xiaozhi, he silently fed Absolu a top-grade medicine he made by himself. After Absolu took the pill, his injuries recovered quickly at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye. This.

"Are you all right?"

"Cry!" (No


Absolu quickly recovered to his best state under Xiaozhi's pill, and then looked at A'Du, and A'Du saw that Xiaozhi had completely recovered Absolu with a pill, and his face was a little different. .

He was able to find out that Ash's Absol had really recovered, even faster than he was using the power of Vibrant to heal the fast dragon, and he could feel Absol's mood to help the masked man defeat him own mood.

"Humph:: What an interesting opponent L Fast Dragon Taizi Fire Attacks Absol l Huck Dragon Double Tornado Attacks Heluga and Great Wolf Dog⊥"

Although he felt something interesting, A'Du knew that now was not the time to continue consuming it.Therefore, he directly used his ultimate move to decide the outcome with one move.

Looking at the approaching tornado and the big character explosion, Xiaozhi's face under the mask showed a strange smile. Then, under everyone's attention, Xiaozhi's body exuded a strange purple light, and the same is true. Lugar and Absol and -_ an elf who has always been in the dark.

"solve them on"

With Ash snapping his fingers, Absol and Heluga, and three beams of light soaring into the sky appeared in the forest, and then three figures suddenly rushed out of the beam of light.


A figure cut the tornado apart, a figure broke through the tornado, and the last figure completely followed the fire of Kuailong.

Then the mega Absol, the mega Heluga and the mea hornet appeared in front of everyone, and it was they who completely destroyed A'Du's tricks just now.

And everyone who saw these three Pokémon who had never seen the shape L and didn't know the evolution of mesa fell into a sluggishness.

"Roar L⊥⊥⊥"*2

Just when everyone got caught in ga Heluga and mesa Absol due to a situation they had never seen-

With a roar, he quickly rushed towards the two fast dragons, and black auras appeared on their bodies.

"Cerberus. Flame Cerberus, prison! Double gnawing!"


Accompanied by two phantoms from hell beasts, Huck Dragon was defeated in a scream.

And the mega bee is looking at the fast dragon, he knows that it is his biggest opponent so far ar!

Chapter 4 A'Du who retreated temporarily ([-] more)

In fact, Taiji bees have always known one thing, their own ethnic group is not popular with people because their own ethnic group is too weak for many people.

But the big needle bee knows one thing, as long as he works hard, he will be able to fight for a future. His father is like this.

And now is the time to prove that this group is not weak.It's time to prove the abilities of his childhood friend and master, Ash, from childhood to adulthood.

It doesn't matter if the attribute is unfavorable 1 because your poison needle can bring you victory.Therefore, Taijibee turned his attention to Xiaozhi.and already

Xiaozhi, who has a deep bond with the big stinger," nodded and said, "Come on, use your poisonous needle to pierce the fast dragon. ".


The Big Needle Bee nodded and then turned into an extremely fast light and rushed towards the fast dragon.And A'Du directly ordered after seeing the strange big stinger rushing towards his fast dragon: "Attack with wings!"

"woo go"

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