Hearing the hoarse roar of Damu Botu, Xiaozhi turned around suspiciously. A And there is a roasted turkey right in front of Ash.It's just that the Botu people didn't see it because it was blocked by Xiaozhi.

"Bo Tu, isn't this turkey? I just made it."

".." *N_


Chapter [-] This is Arceus

Suigun Gong Di Lei Gong, these three Pokémon are the envoys of Ho-king in the world, and they all have their own tasks, but at the moment when Ash came back, they felt the appearance of the second Ho-king.

"Ugh?." (Hoo-sama 3 1"

"Roar 2⊥" (how can there be the first 2.L)

"Roar!" (Go and have a look"_ )

In this way, the three sacred beasts in the Chengdu area ran directly towards the Kanto area after feeling the existence of Ho-oh, and the Ho-oh deity in the world where Ash was also acted.

At this time, Xiaozhi is here"

"Xiaozhi⊥_⊥.⊥⊥ I beg you! Don't play with my old man like this, go ⊥⊥ My heart can't take it!"

Damu Bo Shi is already crying now, really crying.And Xiao Zhi leisurely cut the turkey in the communication video and handed it to Xiao Lan

Listening to her grandfather's words, Nanami really wanted to come - who said just now that her heart was hard, but looking at her grandfather Nanami who had already cried, she still didn't fall.after all.

The corner of Howang Nami I's eyes twitched slightly when she saw Xiao Zhi lying on the medical bed next to her.Myself, this fiance is too capable of doing things:

On the other hand, Xiaozhi was leisurely and Ogi Hakutu, they said that they would save Xiaolan and encounter the controlled Hoo Wang, including everyone working together to defeat the Hoo Wang.

"Like what I said. Now that King Feng needs some treatment, I will contact Bo Shi first because you need Bo Tu for your help. After all, King Feng's injury needs a lot of people to help-."

"No problem 1.⊥⊥"*N

Before Xiao Zhi's words were finished, all the doctors roared out. A and Ash was taken aback by the doctors.

"Oh, it's so good not to disturb you guys."

"Absolutely don't bother ⊥_ Ll. We'll go to the mountain right now!" N.

Seeing the terrifying Bo-tu people, Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Okay. Then I will contact the Junsha Clan Tai and Joey Patriarchs. I will also contact the Tai Go who can be contacted, after all Ho-oh's injury needs everyone's help."

"Okay! Go!"! "N

The knife that was yelled at by the Bo Shis so much almost made a wrong cut.So Xiao Zhi said helplessly L 2, "Why are you yelling so loudly: Sister Nanami, come over quickly, just as there is someone here who needs you to come and take a group photo~__.


Nanami was stunned when she heard what Xiao Zhi said.

"Anyone who needs a photo?"

"Yeah. When you come, you'll know it and treat it as compensation for his cheating on me. Then I'll inform the Junsha Patriarch and the others. Wait for you to come, Sister Nanamei."

Nanami fell into deep thought after Ash closed the communication.

Need a group photo? Who will it be? Why do I feel that a few hearts are not enough this time⊥

How long has it been since Meng Luo, whether it was the Junsha family, the Joey family, or even the Banmu family, there was a squirt, followed by 4 car anger


"All the senior Junsha bring the strongest partner with me to Xiaozhi's place immediately l⊥!

"All senior Joeys bring the best healing partner with me!!⊥!"

And Sakagi here is:.

"All the senior team members who are still panting go to Ash's place immediately L!" L1⊥ I mean all!⊥⊥"

No wonder Sakagi was so excited.What did he see? 1 Isn't the one who is cutting the turkey by Xiao Zhi is his daughter Bian Lan, who has been missing for many years"_⊥⊥

"Xiao Zhi 1. You really are my lucky star L Hahahahahaha! I finally found it

!. !. Hahahahaha! 1 1 L,"

Sakagi laughed so madly that tears came out. , but the cat boss and the big stinger understand very well, they know that their old friend's home is finally complete.

Two-one dividing line one-one

joint venture area.Xiaojuer had just finished a gym battle and was in the process of calculating her health when a group of employees of the Continental Hotel hurried over and said, "Go to the boss and ask you to use the subspace of the Tailu Hotel to teleport bricks immediately. He has something very important to do with him!"

Xiao Ju'er was stunned when she heard their words and asked. "Xiaozhi

Looking for me 2 and it's still urgent?"


"Why are you in such a hurry? 2 Okay, let's go

I was also surprised that Xiaozhi would be so anxious to find himself Xiaojuer, so he didn't take a break, but hurried to the mainland hotel first, and in the same situation, Xiaohuang Karuna Shirona Kona Fuzi Li Lin Qingmei Ling Nu and Rusamine and the others.

All the ones that were a little further away were invited by the staff of the Continental Hotel as a guest.At the same time, Xiao Zhi's mother and Xiao Zi were also invited.And another girl in Carlos was also invited.

And when Xiao Zhi these

It was only when the people who were related to Xiao Zhi used the subspace teleportation bricks to arrive at the Tailu Hotel and took a special car to the Famous Sagi's house, they realized why Xiao Zhi let them come here.

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