"Isn't this Ho-oh?!"*N

Seeing Hoo Russa Mina who was in the treatment room, they were really speechless, while Ash, who was observing Hoo's injury, turned back and said to them, "Oh. You guys are here. Then let that guy take a photo with us.

"Wait... you said group photo?"

Russa Mina was the first to interrupt Ash, she thought she called them here to see Ho-oh this time, but now

It doesn't look like 12

And Xiaozhi said to the side: "Can you show up? Just take a photo."

"It's okay... but taking a photo together is amazing."

With the figure of Arceus slowly appearing, Hirona was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Zhi and asked, "Is this Arceus?"

"Yeah, I was tricked by this guy and wanted to help other worlds with air-drying treatment, so the reward is to let him take a photo with us."

Seeing Arceus Russaminai covering her head, she felt dizzy and almost fell, but fortunately, Xiaozhi quickly hugged her and said, "Wife, you're all right.

Right?_Why are you the same as Damu Botu?,"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Lusa Minai pulled Xiao Zhi's collar and asked, "Have you done anything dangerous again? 1 Even Arceus is here. Believe it or not, I will die with you. Ah little ⊥!"

Looking at the somewhat scratched Russa Minai Xiaozhi comforted. "It's not me, it's really not me this time, I found this myself, and I wouldn't be able to find Xiaolan without his help.

"Then what about Feng Yu?_!" I actually beat him..",


"Oh, don't bite your head, wife

Don't do this! "Draw!"

Glagio was speechless as he watched his adoptive mother nibble on his adoptive father's head.A mouthful of Mom and Dad's dog food entered his mouth again.

And Lillie is better.She was looking at this Ho-oh, and like Lily, there were Kiku'er Ririn and the others.

Just when Russa Minai was nibbling on Ash's head, Nanami came over and said, Ash, don't be so scared next time/Grandpa is in shock this time.."_

Thinking that her grandfather went into shock because of being too excited after seeing Arceus, Nanami has a headache, although she can understand it very well.


And just when everyone is making a fuss

A blond-haired girl walked in and said, "That... is Ash here?

Seeing this girl, Xiao Zhi said with a smile

"Serena will send you here now, let's take a photo together."

The girl who came here is Serena s, the girl that Xiao Zhi knew when he was a child.” (zhangti anhao88) Support Fei Lu) original work, enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter 2 Group photo ([-] more)

- "Everyone say eggplant in ten seconds, meow

When Miaomiao pressed the timing burst, she hurried to Xiaozhi and the others. Then a group of people and Pokémon laughed and shouted 1_Eggplant⊥"

Click, click, click!

As the camera made by Meow Meow began to take pictures in a row, pictures began to come out of it.And these photos are of Ash and his family and everyone's Pokémon and Arceus.In these photos, the two phantoms are above Ash.

"Look at L. This is a photo with Arceus!"

After taking the photo, Xiao Zhi

I immediately shared the photo with everyone. Of course, many people couldn't react to it.

Shirona is still a little confused by this photo now, it is really too dreamy this time.

"Really:: a photo with Arceus? The legend I've been investigating is now complete 2"

Shirona hasn't slowed down yet, but who isn't?

Even though Rusamine has memories of her past life, she doesn't know much. , Now Xiaozhi actually took a group photo with Arceus, so what will happen in the future?

Of course, the one who received the biggest impact was actually Glagio.

and Lillie.

I originally thought that my adoptive father could defeat the giant fast dragon and the giant stinger jellyfish _ already very powerful.But looking at it now, they still underestimate their adoptive father: when they came back from a trip to other worlds, they brought a phoenix jade as a souvenir, and then brought their family to take a photo with Arceus?_ l Hmm:

"I feel: Even if I say it, it will be regarded as a neurotic:: and:." G. Lagio looked at the family in the photo and was a little speechless. There are too many people in his family:

And Lily found Ash and asked, "Daddy Ash, that-. We don't care about Ho-oh right now.


As for Lillie's worries, Xiaozhi explained, "Hoo-wang's problem cannot be solved by one person. Now I have to wait for others to come. After all, Phoenix is ​​a divine beast. Although I can treat it, it is still not enough insurance. So I Call someone."

Following Xiao Zhi's words, a bunch of Junsha family's dedicated police cars rushed over with drifting ones, as well as the Joey family's ambulance, of course, the Continental Hotel's motorcade also rushed here. ,

When these cars and even the aircraft stopped - help Junsha and Joey get out of the car quickly. After getting on and off, Junsha quickly pulled up the cordon, and Joey drove

Begin to prepare all kinds of equipment.The special car from the Continental Hotel was filled with doctors in white coats, and one of them was Dr. Du from the emergency center where Xiao Zhi and the others helped.Haohua really, what's the matter with calling us all of a sudden? Looking at the posture, I thought the medical conference was going to be held here::"

Doctor Du was speechless when he saw what could be described as a terrifying scene.Junsha Joey's powerful all came to the Continental Hotel, and even more than 3 heroes.Moreover, their group of doctors have also been invited, plus the second team and the aircraft Dr. Du who were seen on the road before coming here, it seems that something has happened.

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