And see the doctors come

Xiaozhi didn't delay, but went straight to the topic and said, "Sorry for inviting everyone here. This time there is a major surgery that needs your help. After the payment, I will call you, and then please come to see the patient with me."

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, the top leaders in the medical world nodded and followed Xiao Zhi to see the so-called "patients" and then:

"Isn't this Hoo 1⊥⊥_⊥" NL

Hearing the usual shouts, Mr. Sasaki and Mrs. Sasaki look at each other. It's really interesting.

And when a group of medical bosses came out with their heads covered, they all took the ice water handed over by the Geely Eggs on the side.

Take a sip and calm down - down.

"No: I'm still shaking in my brain right now."

Du Yiniu took two sips of ice water to calm himself down, but it doesn't work, I can't calm down at all, go⊥."

And Xiaozhi explained. _" That patient is Feng Wu from another world. It seems that he was forcibly controlled by the power of ice. Now he is in a coma after being beaten by me. This level of surgery can only be done on the back. everyone."

When an old doctor heard Xiao Zhi's words, he shook his head, "What is wrong with not paying? Feng is the messenger of life. Our doctor's duty is to

It is to save lives, we will definitely do our best to do this, you don't have to worry.But Xiao Zhi: Is your movie weird doctor Black Jack going to make a series? If so, I have a lot to tell you. Don’t get the details of the surgery wrong⊥”

The old doctor's words were like a fuse. In an instant, a group of doctors rushed in front of Xiao Zhi and talked about the matters needing attention in the operation. Xiao Zhi was speechless. Fortunately, there was someone at the scene who could subdue them.

"You idiots, the task now is to heal, not to help in the movie! And Xiaozhi, go and ask your fiancee Ke to bring it over to see if L is the Ho-oh who is forcibly controlled by the ice-type trick.

Well, she, an ice master, should be able to help!"

With Patriarch Joey's lion roar, the group of doctors instantly quieted down.And Xiaozhi also agreed with the suggestion of the patriarch Yu Qiaoyi to ask the material to help. After all, even if it can't be helpful, it is still good to let Kona feel the profound meaning of the ice system.

"Kona, I need your help here."

When Ash came to Kona, Kona was chatting with her mother-in-law Hanako, and she was a little puzzled when she heard that she actually needed her help. ,

"Me? How can I help?"

"It's the power of the ice element that controls Ho-oh, you can come and see.

It's also good for you to take a look at the mystery of ice. "

When Xiaozhi said it, he focused on the meaning of "under the ice".Kona understood what Ash meant when he heard it.

"I see, let's go and see."

"Okay. Mom, take a rest with us and treat the King of Phoenix. Then you can have a good chat with your daughters-in-law, or talk to Mama Bear, and I'll ask you to translate. "

Miaomiao nodded when she heard the task that Xiaozhi entrusted to him.

"No problem, leave it to me."

"Thank you. Let's go, Kona."

Saying that, Ash pulls Ke

Holding the hand quickly ran to Feng Yu there.And Kona jumped slightly faster when Xiao Zhi held her hand.

'Really.. Suddenly not hunting Ash but taking this innocent route is really uncomfortable, but it's not bad :.'

Thinking of this, Kona smiled and started to run.And Xiaogang, who was silently observing the situation on Xiaozhi's side, slowly crouched aside and drew a circle to curse you, "Draw a circle to curse you: Draw a circle to curse you: Nanguo Island, my fate, my love. When will it come?"

However, Xiaogang didn't know that his behavior was seen by the Junshas and immediately threw him out of the cordon.


"Don't help and don't make trouble!"

Hmm - Xiaogang's life is still tragic:. !

Chapter 3 Sakagi: We need to chat ([-] more)

"It's been a long time since I saw Mama Bear. Sure enough, Mama's shoulders are still so comfortable."

After seeing Mama Bear, Fuzi happily climbed behind Mama Bear to conceive, and after Mama Bear chatted with her mother-in-law Hanako, Fuzi found Lin and Qingmei.

Lin looked at Fuzi with a comfortable face.

"Cough cough: 1 We are not children anymore,"

"It's okay, it's okay, Momma doesn't think so."

And when Fuzi and the others were chatting, so were the others. Hirona, Xiaojuer, and Cassia were chatting about Arceus, although Arceus had

Beside him, Ling Nu, Xiao Zi, and Xiao Xue Xiao Xia were talking about an interesting anecdote about my brother's continuous insomnia after he got the Venom Beads.And the one who was most at a loss was a girl called Serena.

Serena's face turned completely red when she knew that the group of people who came this time were almost all of Xiao Zhi's betrothed except Xiao Huang as her younger sister.

"'Could it be that this is Xiao Zhi's confession? Could it be that I have already been defined by Xiao Zhi as a wife? What should I do? ⊥ Promise!, or a more reserved promise or a quick promise?

Just when Serena blushed and fantasized, Hou Xiaolan patted her.


? "


After suddenly revealing her thoughts, Serena quickly covered her face and vetoed. "No! Absolutely not-!"

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