Seeing Serena's funny little blue face is full of smiles that want to bully her.

"Oh, the girl Huaichun is really good, but you may be disappointed if you say Xiaozhi."

"Hey? Why?."

Hearing Xiaolan say that, Serena couldn't be shy anymore.After all, she didn't understand what Xiao Lan meant, so she was a little nervous. , Do you say that you think too much?

However, Xiaolan smiled in her ear

Said "Xiao Zhi is directly" to propose "Marriage II~"


Serera blushed instantly, and Xiao Lan continued, "So let's talk~ You have to get ready, the meat-eating guy is going to shoot at you."

"What to do?"

Just as Xiaolan was talking, Xiaozhi came over, and seeing Xiaozhi Serena said in a panic, "No no no! Nothing L I didn't know you asked for marriage!"

Maybe because she was too shy, Serena started talking nonsense.However, when he heard Serena's words, Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment and then - grabbed her hand and said, "It turns out that you

understood.Then I'll take it to you without hesitation. "

Saying that, Xiao Zhi took out a box and there was a ring in it.

"Wait blah :: wait 1. The ring is ready, J2"

Serena is really messed up right now She didn't expect Hiy - As soon as he said that, Ash actually took out the ring, and Ash looked at her and said, "Please., you forgot that I went to Carlos to find you before. I asked you if you wanted to marry me while you were playing. Didn't you just say you would? So I'm going to start a trip to Carlos and I'll put the ring on for you, but it's just as you see it now. And Arceus The fact of taking pictures

It's too rare to be here, so I'll have someone pick you up.It's just that I didn't expect you to know it: It's really a surprise that the sense of ceremony is gone:"

While talking, Xiaozhi slowly put the ring on Serena, and now Serena is in the middle of the king's brain downtime, so she just stares blankly at Xiaozhi putting the ring on herself.

Of course she remembered what Xiao Zhi said, and it was not too long ago.At that time, Xiao Zhi also really asked if he wanted to marry him. She agreed at that time because she liked Xiao Zhi, but she didn't expect Xiao Zhi to be serious." L

Xiaolan watched Xiaozhi put a ring on Serena, and Serena was in a state of shutdown. She couldn't help but ask with a smirk, "Oh, you've prepared enough? What about mine?

In the face of Xiaolan, Ti Wen Xiaozhi said angrily, "You are too good to ask 2 Who was the one who took away the ring when he just bitten? Now ask me with the ring 3

When Xiaozhi said this, Xiaolan laughed too.

"So you already found out?"

"No wonder if you don't find it: you, the girl who wanted to steal from me the first time we met..."

"Hey hey, this has our own characteristics."

Not only is she not ashamed of what Xiaozhi said about Xiaolan, but she is also very happy, after all, that was the beginning of her and Xiaozhi's bad relationship.

"But then again, why did you come out? I thought you would keep following for treatment?"

Hearing Xiaolan, Xiaozhi silently looked at the sky and said, "I was kicked out by Patriarch Joey:: Patriarch Joey said that now is the time for examination and let us who are in charge of surgery have a good rest, wait for a while. It was Tai Engineering and Kona who helped out first because they knew about the ice system."ask for flowers

"Ahahaha l can you still be kicked out? l can't! Let me laugh for a while"

Looking at Xiaolan Xiaozhi who laughed at him, he shrugged helplessly, what else can he do with his wife:

Just when Ash was thinking about it, Sakagi arrived. , but Sakagi got off the car and didn't look at Xiaozhi, but rushed directly towards Xiaolan.Seeing that the uncle Xiaolan, who was running directly towards her, immediately ran onto Xiaozhi, this is a problem that she can't fix for the time being. After all, after living in such a dangerous world for a few days, she was a little scared and psychologically normal oL and Xiaozhi Sakagi who was very cooperative and hugged Xiaolan with the princess was - z was stunned.

Xiaolan looked at Sakagi for a while, thinking that he was afraid of Xiaozhi, so he said quickly, "

Ha, Uncle L, I tell you, even if I'm pretty, don't even think about approaching me. I have a man. I'll tell you that my man is strong!

After talking, Xiao Lan kissed - Kou Xiaozhi told Sakagi to stay there completely.

Seeing Sakamoto's unnatural performance, Xiaozhi was a little strange, but in order to prevent Xiaolan from misunderstanding, he still explained to her, Lan, this uncle is not a suspicious uncle: he is the kind that I have met in my family. . "


Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Sakagi and looked at Xiaomao.

"Your godfather? Your own person 3"


Seeing Xiaozhi nodding, Xiaolan understood that he had misunderstood.However, Sakamoto said calmly at this time, "Xiaozhi. Do you remember that I told you that I was looking for my daughter L, right?"

It was strange to hear Sakagi mention this, but now he nodded and replied, "Yes. You told me, what's wrong?"

"What you are holding now is my biological daughter, Bi Lan."

Except for Serena Xiaozhi and Xiaolan who were still in a state of downtime, they were all stunned.Then Xiaozhi looked at Xiaolan and then at Sakagi

"You, did you admit it?"

"How could my own daughter admit that she was wrong? I have destroyed the organization that kidnapped my daughter back then. Even though we are father and son, I think we need to be good about you becoming my daughter's man. Talk about it. As a man. With a fist!"

"Cough:: Godfather calm down we didn't do anything!". "

Chapter [-] Surgery on King Ho

Since the boss of Sakagi almost ran away when he heard his daughter's words about my man, Xiaozhi could only quickly explain his relationship with Xiaolan to his own godfather.

After knowing that Xiaozhi and Xiaolan were only engaged and gave a ring, Sakagi stopped the idea of ​​​​playing a full martial arts with Xiaozhi.

"Well: since that's the case, then I have nothing to say: after all, this is what I owe Xiaolan.,But Xiaozhi!"

Saying that, Sakagi rushed to Xiao Zhi with a fishy look on his face.

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