"If you dare to be sorry, Xiao Lan, I will screw your head off and kick it as a ball!"

Seeing his father's expression, Xiao Zhi knew that he was serious, so he nodded and assured, "Six and eight soils", "Don't worry, father. Look, I just brought this Y-head back from another world. ::"

"Huh? Other Worlds 2 Ash and tell me!,"

Sakagi was a little surprised when he heard that his daughter was living in another world. As the boss of the Rockets, he still knew something.

"Let me tell you:"

Although there is some accident that Sakamoto may be his father, Xiaolan is not naive and didn't say why you didn't come to save me. After all, according to the

Just now, Sakagi meant that the organization that took her was destroyed by Sakagi.But he mentioned running again, so he staggered, and since Sakagi wanted to help Xiaozhi talk about what happened before he got up, Xiaolan talked about how he strayed into other worlds and then Xiaozhi rescued him across the world.

And Sakagi took a deep breath after listening to what happened before Xiaolan and Xiaozhi. The other world is actually dangerous to that extent. If it wasn't for the Nido back that Xiaozhi gave Xiaolan to protect him, Sakagi really wouldn't dare. Imagine what kind of danger Xiao Lan will encounter

"Can you forcefully control Ho-oh's masked man? It's really dangerous."


what. .If it wasn't for my snake pattern, I really don't know how to deal with his little boar:."

Thinking of that masked man Xiaozhi is also very tired, the masked man and himself are calculating each other, all kinds of backhands are emerging one after another, it is very tired.

"It's really hard for you this time, Xiao Zhi.

Of course, Sakagi understands how tiring it will be to fight an opponent of that level, and Sakagi knows that no amount of words will be weak.

And Xiaozhi shook his head and said, "After all, it's about Xiaolan. I can't take it seriously."

"With your words, I can be relieved :: Really

My daughter and Jade son love each other, so it's nothing?_"

Sakagi thinks carefully and suddenly realizes that it is not a good thing that Xiaozhi and Xiaolan like each other. It is better to let Xiaolan marry a guy he doesn't know. It's better to be cheap Xiaozhi, at least Xiaozhi, this stinky boy, Sakagi is too familiar. .

And just when Sakagi was thinking so, the section that Joey had already helped check the ice in Fengwu's body came over and said, "Xiaozhi. Patriarch Joey asked you and the doctors to go to the meeting together."

"Huh? Are you done checking?_"

"Well, it's almost all done, then it's up to you, etc.

Next, I will tell you in detail about the ice situation

"Okay, then Dad, I need help here, you and Xiaolan are chatting first.

"Well, go ahead and leave it to me.

"Okay. Xiaolan, talk to Zhefu _ it's fine."

After reminding Xiao Lan a little, Xiao Zhi patted Serena's head, who was still in a state of shutdown.

"Hmm: The excitement is too great, so I can't come back for the time being, right? Little Ibrahimovic, will you accompany Serena first?"

"Boy on"

Little Ibrahimovic, who had been on Ash's shoulder, nodded and jumped.

Arrived on Serena's shoulder and licked her face.

And Xiaozhi went to the meeting with Kona.

[-] dividing line - [-]

"According to our inspection, there are many kinds of ice crystals in the body of Ho-oh from the other world. Under the control of those crystals, Ho-oh is driven by the masked man that Ash said, and this crystal is also the cause of phoenix jade. The culprit who has been in a coma now."

Patriarch Qiao Wu showed a schematic diagram in front of everyone while talking, and this picture is the position diagram of the frozen crystal on Feng Wang.

"All you can do now is ask

The crystals in Hoo's body were surgically removed.In this case, Ho-oh instinctively recovered. ,

".: Do you want to perform surgery on Ho-oh? That's a big problem.."

Doctor Du frowned a little at the picture.Bi, these doctors are better at treating people:

And Xiaozhi also raised his own question and said, "And there is another problem. As the god of life, Ho-oh's self-healing ability is very fast, so if you want to perform surgery, it must be done quickly, this-point is a Big problem."


"That's right ⊥ This is the real trouble."


With Xiao Zhi's question 4, 4 questions _ thrown out is like detonating a chat box. All the doctors began to discuss the difficulty of this operation. How can L more guarantee a success, and how about an unsuccessful measure

And Kona couldn't help but pull a smile at the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth, who was constantly discussing with the doctors.

"'This is my Xiaozhi...'.

And just when Ash and the others kept discussing how to increase the success rate and the measures in case of failure. . There are three more uninvited guests outside Sasaki's house.It should not be said that one of the four e's is hidden.

Hiding their figure and paying attention to this place, the other three quickly came out of the cordon, and they were all stunned when they saw these three Junshas.

"Three Holy Beasts?"-l

Chapter 2 Don't disturb the doctor's meeting ([-] more)

The three Pokémon, Suigun Gong Di Lei Gong, are the envoys of Ho-king in the world, so they are also known as the Three Holy Beasts.Now that these three appear together, the Junshas also know that they are definitely coming for that other world's King Ho, but the situation is special now, so the Junshas don't know whether to let them in or not.

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