A bunch of flying needles shot out Xiaogang's ass.

"Ah 11~_~ [-]!"

With Xiaogang's ecstatic screams, this farce finally ended temporarily.

[-] dividing line - [-]

"Uh... ass... uh

Looking at Xiaogang's swollen ~-circle and a bunch of needles inserted in her butt, Xiaoxia shook her sympathy, but who told him to interrupt Dr. Taimu just now.,

And a bunch of doctors and Xiaozhi were finally appeased by Joey and Junsha for the time being. After that, everyone knew that it was the three holy beasts. However._

"I don't care what three holy beasts you are! I

We have a meeting here to determine the treatment plan, what do you guys mean by interrupting?! This is also the case that the patient has strong vitality this time.If there are other patients, you are delaying the time to save lives."

The three holy beasts of Shuijun Yandi Lei Gong are being scolded by Xiao Zhi by pointing his nose.However, the three of them don't dare to fart one by one. It's because they made a mistake this time. They were saving King Ho, but the three of them came to mess with them.

Seeing Xiao Zhi pointing at the noses of the three holy beasts and scolding Xiao Ju'er, he hurried over to comfort him. "Okay, Xiaozhi. Now it's better to save him and get medical treatment. You can see that although Ho-wang is not life-threatening, you can't keep him in a coma, can you?


Xiaoju'er's placement of Xiaozhi is also a relief.Then she clapped her hand and said, _ "Okay. For your own sake, Sister Ju'er, you brought three idiots to see that Fengyu from other worlds, we still need to do the last thing here. confirm."

"Well, then I'll leave it to you, Ho-wang, but you were handsome just now~"

Although I'm a little sorry for the three holy beasts, Xiaojuer still wants to say that when Xiaozhi pokes them in the nose and scolds, he really hits it."_"

Chapter 3 Feng Wang: I was scolded? ([-] more)

When Xiaojuer took the three holy beasts to see Howang, Xiaozhi and the others finally decided on the operation plan, that is, the two z start hands!

Nozhe Ho-oh's self-healing ability is too strong. If Ho-oh can stand such a time-consuming operation, the doctors can't stand it either.Therefore, it's not as good as everyone - it's better to be able to quickly solve the problem except for the special positions of each other.

After establishing the policy, all the doctors began to act, because this time it can be said that the hand is the highest.Therefore, it cannot be the old doctors who are in charge of the operation. After all, if they slow down the operation, Ho-wang's injury will recover.

The person in charge of the operation is Dr. Du

Xiao Zhi and several uncle doctors are in charge.

"Now it's forbidden to enter the idle people and so on. It's right, it's the three of you! I don't care what the three of you are. The three holy beasts are now operating time. If the three of you dare to come in, we'll let Geely eggs carry you out! Touch L

As the door to the operating room was slammed shut, Emperor Suijun Yan Emperor Lei Gong glanced at each other awkwardly.These doctors are so rude.

And a group of auspicious eggs, happy eggs and wind speed dogs, Katie dogs, are responsible for watching these three outside the operating room.

Looking at the serious eyes of these Pokémon, U Bingjun explained it.


"Woo!" (We won't bother

"1uckyL" (You can't believe a guy with a criminal record!. )

Hearing Geely Egg's words, the three holy beasts were embarrassed, but they couldn't say anything at all.These Pokémon are all life-saving doctors who have respect for this kind of existence even if it is a holy beast.After all, their boss Fengyu is the messenger of life.

And seeing the three holy beasts so embarrassed, Xiaozhi walked over with a smile and said, "Okay, three. It's useless to wait here for nothing. It's better to go to the house with us to rest first. - eat something


"Come on," (but Hoo-sama)

"You guys are just making trouble here now."

"Roar." (Ok. Sorry... 2 -

Hearing Miaomiao say this, even the most hot-tempered Lei Gong had to admit that what Miaomiao said was right.

"Ming on" (By the way.. What about the black-haired girl just now? We want to thank her for her help.)

Just when I left with Miao Miao, L Sui-kun remembered Xiao Kikugawa who helped him three times before, so he wanted to thank him.When Miaomiao heard it, she explained with a smile, "Oh

, that one.That's actually our eldest wife.If you want to meet, I'll just show you and my old lady's wives.To Cheng, if there is a group of Bo Tu, please look at you and have an overreaction, they,

"Roar.." (Don't worry. _To_ the family of the person who helped Tairen Feng Wang had an overreaction on our way.)

Then Emperor Yan paid the price for Yuma's words.

"Wow! Legendary Pokémon_It's great to be able to meet! Let me see, let me see!."Let meow them hard..."_

Dr. Yew looks at Dr. Taimu

There, holding a magnifying glass and constantly observing the Emperor Yan was speechless, and there were other Botu people in the same way.

After these Bo Tu arrived, they saw that Taimu Bo B was harassing the beasts, and Xiao Zhi's family chatted with Suijun Lei Gong with the help of Miao Miao. Dr. Taimu harassed.

Of course, it seems that Dr. Yamanashi took it directly after seeing Arceus. Fortunately, Joey grabbed one by one and Yamanashi Hiroshi is now being carried away by the Joeys for rescue, and Suiko The side was a little embarrassed, it was the eyes of Xiaoxia and Ke Na that made her a little uncomfortable.

And Lei Gong also, the same is true. Xiao Ju'er kept staring at him and did not dare to say anything.Bi Yi..the boss is here!

When Sui Jun and the others came to the Shaozhi family, they found out:

Nima! Arceus 1, I'll go! How come this eldest elder who is more terrifying than Ho-sama is here, and it seems that he has a good relationship with Satoshi's family who has been poking at him?. L

With this idea in mind, the three holy beasts really don't dare to let go of their farts.Nima. What's the background of Xiaozhi?!

Actually, Jun Sha and Joey and they all understand the experience of the three holy beasts.To know

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