When they saw Arceus, they almost didn't frighten them, but because of the accusation, they just glanced curiously and started to help. Of course, they were also very concerned about Jun Shalan and Xiaozhi's family. Joykin gave a blessing.

On the other side of the operating room, Xiao Zhi and the others encountered a big trouble. The operation went well before, but when another part of the operation was performed, Feng Yu's sacred fire suddenly burned. You must know that it is King Feng. The flames of the house might be extinguished by the doctors in the house.

However, neither the doctors nor the auspicious egg happy egg as an assistant left, but held on to this fiery burning

Carry out work E.

"The crystal is found, my hand has been burned and cannot be operated on. Xiao Zhi, you will take over."

Obviously, it is a deadly word for a doctor.But from Dr. Du's mouth, it was very calm.

And Xiaozhi silently took over the job of Dr. Du and began to perform surgery on Ho-oh. The feeling of being burned by the sacred flame reappeared, but Xiaozhi just performed the operation in a cold sweat.

"Wipe your sweat."

After hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Joy Kim, who was in charge of assisting, silently wiped Xiao Zhi's hand without looking at Xiao Zhi.She knows I'm afraid: I'm afraid now Xiao Zhi's hand has been

Severely burned like the previous doctors.

"Crystal removal, next._ _

I wanted to call the next person to help.However, when Hoo's flame took out the penultimate ice crystal, the hands of all doctors, including Ash, were burnt out, including those doctors.

"Okay... It really looks like it can only be done to the end."

Just when Ash was about to continue, Joy King took Ash's scalpel and said, "I'll come." ,"

"Don't make trouble. You haven't had sex, but if you are... grab my arm man."


Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, Joey King nodded and grabbed Xiao Zhi's arm, and began to help him by controlling Xiao Zhi's arm as Xiao Zhi said.

But Ho-oh, who had been silently observing the operation, saw that the second-help doctor sacrificed all his hands to perform the surgery on Ho-oh from another world and slowly closed his eyes.

'It turns out...human beings can still be saved, _

Thinking like this, Ho-wang showed his body and poured his power on Ash and the others, and under Ho-wang's nine measures, Ash and his hands began to recover.

However, at this time, Xiao Zhi's roar came from the operating room.


Are you making it too difficult for me to heal it?! "

And when I heard Satoshi's roar, Hoo, who was already in tears, was embarrassed..

It seems that he really helped another Hoo to recover from his injury, and the crystal has not been taken!

Chapter [-] I don't want this big trouble

"Please come back, are you the funny guy invited by Xiao Bihou? I'm doing hair surgery here. What the hell are you doing to restore his injury? Do you think we're not tired enough from the surgery? Shan"

Seeing Xiaozhi who was obviously tired and resting on the bed and still didn't forget to scold Fengyu - the helpers were completely speechless.

At this time, Xiaozhi is enjoying the treatment like a king. Nanami helps to cut the fruit and Xiaojuer prepares a drink - Karuna helps adjust the bed and Xirona takes Xiaozhi's ice cream.

"Nana that's my ice cream,

After being reminded by Xiaozhi, Shirona reacted and quickly put the ice cream paint to Xiaozhi's mouth and apologized. "

Sorry, forgot.._

"It's alright, I'll just take a bite

Seeing Xiao Zhi who was helping Xiao Zhi make soup, Lin sighed helplessly.

"I'm already so tired, but I still don't forget to scold the beast, Xiao Zhi is really."___

"Lin, you can put down a batch of herbs.

"Oh, go ahead"

Under Fuzi's reminder, Lin quickly added new herbs and at the same time made Xiao Zi speed up the cooking process, while Ling Nv and Qing Mei beside them told Xiao Xia and Ke Na which herbs needed to be iced.

"These herbs are frozen, Lusa.

Menai Serena and Xiaolan, you all bring them to Xiaozhi and watch him eat them. This herb is what he doesn't like the most. "

He handed the cold herbal medicine to Rusami Nai and the others gave a special warning, while Rusami Nai showed a terrifying smile and said, "Keep it small. I will let that idiot take the medicine!"

The colleague Xiasha Minai who said so exudes a terrifying aura, which makes Xiaolan and Serena, even Xiaohuang Liliae and Glagio, who are watching from the side, a little scared.

At this time, Xiasha Minai turned her head to Nazi and Lilin and said, "Lilin, hold down Xiaozhi, Nazi, use

Super powers let Ash open his mouth and let's feed him medicine!"

Hearing Russa Minai instructing Li Lin with a wicked smile, he said, "Okay, come on, Nazi, let our little man recover well."

"Well, it's good to use super power to make him open his mouth, right?"

Then, along with Rusamine and the others, they walked towards Ash, and Glagio heard Ash shouting Ji.

"Hey hey"_ How can you have 3. Don't do this kind of herbal medicine!, Nazi! Don't use your superpowers⊥ Hey, I am here, but the wounded can't be suppressed, Sister Li Lin, you are very heavy! Lulu There is no such thing in the private revenge of Samina

Hearing Xiao Zhi's screams, Glagao could only say silently: "May you be healthy, my adoptive father. Seek more blessings.

Jiang - dividing line - one by one

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