After discovering this problem, Xiaoxia couldn't help but said to Miaomiao, "Then. What should we do now?"

"Hey, at this time, we have to rely on the snake pattern to power this kid. Feed the snake pattern!"

"Snake pattern?" (What's wrong?)

The snake-printed bear, who was called by Miaomiao until he was eating the orange fruit, looked at Miaomiao with some doubts, and Miaomiao said with a smile. _ "Boss's favorite duck with green onion appeared. Do you know what to do?"

"Snake pattern ⊥⊥" (green onion duck's onion ⊥⊥L small l)

When Chen heard Miaomiao say that, Snake Bear immediately knew what to do. Needless to say, L grab L

"Snake pattern 1⊥⊥"_ (Master's green onion. There ⊥⊥⊥)

As someone who likes to use the nose to search for items. Pokémon see 1 snake pattern can immediately activate his racial talent to locate by the nose

Okay, the green onion duck and the green onion in his hand. , then ..

"Snake pattern!" (Master's onion"" 1)

With the happy cry of Snake Neng, Snake Bear went out like lightning.Then it knocked down countless trees.

On the other side, a boy named Keita was talking to the green onion duck just now.

"It's a pity that girl didn't fall for it


Scallion Duck nodded sadly after hearing Keita's words.Seeing Tai Scallion Duck like this, Gui Tai comforted. _ "It's alright, let's find another one, the boy just now was not bad,

Maybe.."_ _

"Snake pattern on" (Master's onion"_ !⊥⊥)

Before Keita could react, the snake bear suddenly jumped out of the grass and headed straight for the green onion duck. The terrible (a ifa) attack made the green onion duck forget to dodge. Only let the green onion duck escape the second disaster.

"What? _ 1 This Pokémon is 2 ⊥"

"On the snake pattern.⊥⊥"_ (hand over the green onion⊥)

Before Keita and Scallion Duck could react, Snake Neng had already rushed to work again.



Seeing the serpentine bear rushing up excitedly, Keita immediately picked up the scallion duck and started to run away. However, how could the serpentine bear let them go? So a terrifying chase began.

One by one dividing line --

"oh go"

Seeing the relieved sigh of relief after drinking the water, Kota Ya Xiaozhi asked with a smile on his cheeks, "How's the water here?"

"Oh!" (It's delicious ⊥)

Although he couldn't understand the meaning of Duck Duck, he knew that the water here was very suitable for his appetite by looking at his happy expression.

And Pikachu is now

He came over with a glass of water.


"Oh thanks."

After taking the water that Pikachu handed to him, Xiao Zhi looked behind him and said to the other Pokémon who were still drinking water, "Everyone, hurry up a little bit, come over with Xiaoxia later, this is more suitable for rest. .

"Hooer" (Master, look! )

Just when Xiaozhi was going to go back and bring Xiaoxia with him, the hot monkey suddenly pointed behind Xiaozhi, and after looking over, Xiaozhi realized that there seemed to be some commotion in the forest behind him.

"Well.. in this case, it seems, _

_. .It's the child of Snake Neng.. Mother Bear, you and the puppet bear and others continue to drink water and rest first, Pikachu, Ibshen, and Potucado, come with me.

"Pickup!" (Walk!. )

"Don't follow." (Into Dad's clothes⊥)


"Wow!" (Look at the serpent bear kid who was provoked by the unlucky kid)

Then Xiao Zhi also began to move towards the position of the green onion duck.

And the boy Keita, who was running away, didn't know what he was about to face.

The scary guy e_: ⊥

Chapter 3 Xiaozhi: I accept your green onions ([-] more)

Kyu-da felt that he might not have looked at the calendar when he was doing something today? Why didn't his plan succeed today, not to mention that a demon-I-like snake bear followed?

But now it's useless to say anything.Because behind him the serpentine bear was chasing after him with glowing eyes.

"Snake" (Master's Onion")

"Gah!" (This is my green onion". ) .

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