I am also very unhappy about the scallion duck that the snake bear is aiming at itself, but there is no way that this snake bear is too fierce.Even if it is so fierce that the green onion duck is warlike - I don't want to die and carry it with him

"On the snake pattern.⊥!"(Give me the onion

_"Ga!" (No ⊥)


Just when Tai Lingya hugged his green onion tightly, Keita bumped into a huge Pokémon because he didn't see the way, and it was still very hard.

"Ah, it hurts" Who put a piece of steel on the road?"

Covering his head, Keita looked at the so-called 'steel' speechlessly.However, when he saw it, he was frightened because it wasn't a steel mill at all; it was only a steel-type Pokémon.


Looking at the serpentine bear behind Keita, Potucadora knew that she was definitely chasing the boy and Taisong duck, so she roared and shouted, and Xiaozhi's voice came from behind Boscodora. .

"Well... I smelled the taste of too scallion duck, which is rare and superb."

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi, who was wearing a glasses mask, walked out from behind Potucadora and said, "Ah~ Duck with green onions, this is my favorite food, it's really amazing."

"Uh" what are you going to do to my scallion duck?. Although we lied, but if you want to attack my scallion duck, I will definitely call the police."

As soon as Keita heard Xiaozhi said that he wanted to eat green onion duck, he immediately hugged his green onion duck, and because he was too nervous, he babbled all his own affairs.

Xiao Zhi smiled immediately after listening to Keita's words and said, "That's great, I'll just take you to Cheng Sha! Then I'll accept your green onion duck⊥ Potucadora_Gentleman Crow, Snake tattoo me"

"Roar up" (Boy, since you are a bad person, I'm welcome)

_ "Wow!" (Today's new dish")

"Snake pattern!_" (Master's green onion!_)

As the three Pokémon slow down

Slowly approaching Keita can only let out his last scream

"Don't come here, l_Aunt Junsha, please help".⊥⊥_⊥"

one-one dividing line-one

Today's Junsha is checking the latest cases.The case of Tai Cong Ya and a teenager partnering to grab bags keeps appearing in front of Jun Sha's eyes.

"Um... The two guys need to focus on arresting. It's true that just after a case of a hunter group was solved, there are a bunch of small cases."

Just when Jun Sha said this, there was a noise outside the police station, and then a boy and a green onion duck were thrown into the

outside her police station.

And a gentleman crow is holding a masked man by the shoulders, and the masked man is holding: z green onions.

"These two guys are the prisoners of the recent bag snatching case. Miss Junsha doesn't need to worry that the two of them have been controlled by me."

Junsha looked at Keita, who was obviously beaten, and the green onion duck who kept crying because the green onion was picked up, and waved.

"take away!"


After Keita and Scallion Duck were taken away by the police officers, Junsha looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "The Scallion Thief

!. You are here again!

"Don't say that, this time I helped you catch the bad guys, so this green onion should be fine as a thank you gift 3"

While talking about Xiaozhi-, he took a bite of the green onion and said with a refreshing expression, "Oh~ that's the taste, all the gluttons that haven't eaten me for a long time have come up, then goodbye to the beautiful Miss Junsha, this one I took away the green onions⊥ Hahahaha!”

With Xiaozhi's laughter, the gentleman crow used the flying technique to take Xiaozhi away.Jun Sha was silent for a while and started to interrogate Keita. After confirming that the scallion thief appeared again, he released the information.

go. .0_

This is the reason why Jun Shajing and Jun Shalan would have been notified before.

As for why Jun Shalan knows that Xiao Zhi is the green onion thief?. Of course, it is because Xiao Zhi tastes too scallion after cooking. Although Xiao Zhi takes advantage of the way to get the best green onions, Jun Sha Lan is still a little speechless Yu Xiaozhi's operation.

So not much to say.After all, according to normal circumstances, Xiao Zhi is actually chasing back his own green onions._ ,

And just when Jun Shajing rushed to the place where the green onion thief appeared, Xiao Zhi happily used the green onions he just grabbed to cook vegetables by the river.

The assistants are Meow Meow Pikachu and Fire Breathing Dragon.

"Oops. You can't make fire at will in the forest, you can only grieve you, the fire-breathing dragon. I'll give you a taste of my specialty later!"

While talking, Xiaozhi will stir-fry the mutton with spring onion, and the overflowing aroma makes the fire-breathing dragon suck in his saliva.

"Roar!" (Does this master belong to me?_ )

Seeing the fire-breathing dragon looking good, Xiaozhi said while adding the seasoning, "Isn't that natural?"⊥

Chapter [-] Daddy Xiaozhi

"I didn't expect the green onions of the green onion duck to be so good. No wonder you like it so much that you want to grab it."

After taking a bite of the scallion pancake, Xiaoxia finally understands why Xiaozhi likes the green onions of the green onion duck.,It is really fragrant.

After hearing Xiaoxia's words, Xiaozhi said with a displeased face, "What is this called?. I approached you and I helped Sister Junsha arrest people. This scallion is just a reward."

"Do not depend on"

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