Just as Xiaozhi was talking, little Ibucong Xiaozhi popped out of his clothes and took a bite of the scallion pancake, then shrank back.

"Uh... it's all oil

Hey forget it.How's the fire-breathing dragon feeding?"

Asked by Xiaozhi, the fire-breathing dragon "May Fourth Earth" who was eating lamb with green onions raised his thumb.

"It's a pity that there is a group of tyrannical carp dragons after the name of Niduo. ? Although I know that your child is ready to go to school."

"Roar" (Let those little devils take care of themselves, okay, now I just want to follow you, master.)

After understanding the meaning of Potucadora through Meow Meow, Xiaozhi smiled and said. "Yeah, baby

Birds also have their own time to fly, so please come with me first. "

"Roar!" (No problem")

See how Xiao Zhi and the others understand each other.Xiaoxia - said while eating her scallion pancake. "Xiaozhi, you have a really good relationship with your Pokémon, if only I could do that."

"Take your time and communicate with them more. I'm here because I have Miaomiao, so it's easier. By the way, don't move."

"What's wrong?"

Although it is strange why Xiaozhi told him not to move, Xiaoxia is still obedient and Xiaozhi is helping Xiaozhi.

Xia took off the green onion from her mouth and threw it into her mouth and said, "There are too many green onions in the mouth."

are you not shy

"You are my girlfriend who only wants to get married, what am I ashamed of?"

Hearing what Xiao & Zhi said, and then looking at her ring, Xiaoxia smiled and said, "It's also

And just after Shuizhi and Xiaoxia finished eating and left, they went to a certain subspace teleportation brick of the Continental Hotel to come here, and went to the riverside along the taste of too onion.

"Well.,. Sure enough, the craftsmanship of this practice is definitely the internal staff of the Continental Hotel and..x

talking about you

Sha Jing picked up a piece of scallion pancake with a roller and put it in the evidence bag.

"Scallion pancakes, scallion fried mutton... It seems that the green onion has unfortunately died. I'm sorry I'm late_."__

After saying the words that made people speechless, Jun Sha smelled the surrounding smell again and said: _ "Damn, I have definitely eaten this kind of smell somewhere, don't let me catch you too onion thief!

Saying that, Jun Shajing rode on her model car and began to search for the smell and track the green onion thief.At the same time, Jun Shajing has already decided that when the time comes, he will ask an evolutionary type of too scallion duck to help, presumably those knight-z-like Pokémon will wish

I want to help. Although the bait is their incomparably important weapon. The green onion...,

While Jun Shajing continued to track a certain green onion thief, Xiao Zhi, the thief who was being tracked, brought his girlfriend Xiaoxia to a Pokémon center to wait for the eggs to hatch.

"I'm looking forward to the birth of Porkby

I am still looking forward to the soon-to-be-born Porkby Xiaoxia, and Xiaozhi, who has started preparing various parenting items beside her, said while washing the bottle, "Don't worry, I am ready here. With all the tools, I was waiting for the baby to be born.

looks ready

Xiaozhi Joey, Xiaoba and Geely Egg who are ready with tools are a little useless.

"Sana.."_. (In the future, you can bring your child _ dear ones!. )

Seeing that Xiao Zhi's side has such a complete set of equipment, Shanaido, it feels good.In the future, when you and Xiaozhi have eggs, you don't have to worry about taking care of them.

And the wearing bear on the side even took the bottle of milk that Xiao Zhi had already made and handed it to Muppets.

"Yi L." (Xiao Zhi's milk formula is no problem.)

"Hey, Neng Mom, it's thanks to the time I spent taking care of the happy egg, anyway, I have no problem with breastfeeding first.

It is. ”

Just when Xiao Zhi prepared a bunch of baby bottles, Joey said helplessly, "Although I know that you have experience with children, Xiao Zhi, but the egg hasn't hatched yet, so you don't have any of these preparations. Necessary, now you can rest for a while."

Hearing Joey say this, Xiaozhi looked at the pile of milk bottles he prepared and gave them to Ibrahimovic and Duck.

"Okay, let's take a breath first. But milk can't be wasted."



Just when Xiaozhi was giving Xiaoyi 2.1 cloth a bottle of milk, Happy Egg and Pikachu also joined in the fun and took a bottle and looked at Xiaozhi, who was speechless.

"They're big kids and they drink bottled milk.

. Are you two famous?

"Okay, Ash, let's rest first. According to Miss Joy, it will take a while for the eggs to hatch."

"Okay, then let's go to rest first. Sister Joy's Porkby's eggs will be placed with you first."

"No problem, you all go to rest first. The temperature has been set up right here.

But Xiaozhi Xiaoxia and Joey her

What we don't know is that the three eyes are staring at the egg that is being taken care of. _- 1

Chapter [-] You want to run away if you provoke your dad?

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