"Um.. the egg that the kid has to take care of? It should be a very strong Pokémon, right?,"

Looking at Ash and Xiaoxia asking Joey to take care of Egg Musashi, the first thing that comes to mind is that it should be a powerful Pokémon.It was the impression Xiao Zhi gave them.

And Kojiro nodded in agreement and said, "Indeed. Then if we steal that Pokémon egg and raise it ourselves..."

"Hey hey hey! The boss will praise us"*3

The three Rockets looked at each other and smiled and they were ready to act.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the sound of countless explosions coming from outside the Pokémon Center, Team Rocket could be said to be fleeing with fire all the way.

"Omg! Who planted a spider mine outside the Pokémon Center! 1!"

"You don't have to think about 13. It must be a kid."

"Who the hell put so many traps around the eggs⊥."

"Why don't you ask me if I'm still a kid?_!

The Rockets now finally understand just how dirty Ash is.Spider mines buried outside Pokémon Center

Say.They even put animal traps around the eggs.

Those spider mines are Meow-type mines that track suspicious people, and they're clearly coming in handy now.

Even so, the spider mines didn't stop the Rockets, who were holding Porkby's egg after all.For the safety of eggs, spider mines can only choose to stop attacking.But they still followed the Rockets one by one and began to record the position of the Rockets.

On the other hand, Kojiro was running away with his body covered in traps and holding a Pokémon egg.

"Damn" why am I unlucky⊥ You guys are too much⊥"

"You are a man. Of course you showed it at this time⊥"

"But it hurts so much"

Seeing that there were so many traps on Kojiro's body, Miao Miao hugged the eggs and said, "Then leave it to me. Thank you for your hard work."

"What a great feeling!"*2

"It's a good feeling to please Bo!" 16

a / 6

One by one dividing line --

"I didn't expect that egg thieves would be able to break through the defensive lineup I created, but

Looking at the big hole in the shape of Yinlang under the wall, Xiaozhi said speechlessly, saying,

"The Rockets didn't run, did they?"

Xiaozhi's Meow looked at the Taidong in the shape of Kojiro and was speechless, but he still said, "It's true that they didn't run away. The spider mines should be ready, so let's go find the eggs, boss."

"Well, let's go, this is a father's war, and some people dare to touch Lao Tzu's cub!"

Saying that, Xiaozhi took out a wrench and put it on Mama Bear's shoulder and said, "Nengmama, I'll leave it to you next. Come up too, Xiaoxia. Put your puppet on my shoulder, I need a lot of people. Squeeze - squeeze."

"Okay. _But is Mama Bear okay?"

Xiaoxia looks at the clothes that have already picked up Happy Egg and Meow Pikachu. Although she knows that the bear mother is very strong, it is too scary. 2

"Let's be small, mother's strength is still trustworthy."

"Yi!" (Catch the blank man, let's go!)

As Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi lie on the shoulders of the bear.Wearing the light in the bear's eyes - Flash then ran out directly.

And watching Xiao Zhi and the others go to retrieve the Pokémon Egg Joey waved his hand and said, "Be careful!"

On the other side, in Ash and the others who came to rescue Porkby's eggs

when..The Rockets are talking about how to hatch eggs at the end

"Really meow" let me come" Watch me use my body temperature to incubate eggs! "

Team Rocket's Miao Miao doesn't know what's going on. Maybe it's because Mother Love 2 is hatching like a nanny after snatching Porkby's eggs.

"Come on, baby egg, let me hatch you."

Seeing Miao Miao like this, Musashi and Kojiro looked at each other and said, "Miao Miao.. No _will it be possessed?"

However, what happened next made Kojiro and Musashi speechless, and Meow just turned into a female cat.

Eye.Almost inseparable.When you take a bath, you need to hold it, and when you sleep, you need to hold it.Even if it is to eat, you have to hold it.

As for the situation of Meow, Musashi and Kojiro were finally convinced of one thing.

"Miaomiao is absolutely magical⊥."*2

"You two idiots!,"

Thorn ⊥*2_

Following Miaomiao's madness, she grabbed Musashi and Kojiro and fell to the ground, while Miaomiao hugged the egg and said, "You two idiots, I'm here to hatch the baby in the egg better, do you understand? ?"

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