"Flowers!" (Come on. Let me see what you can do L )

"Ready? Then go! Blaze Horse!"

"Flowers!" (nmdwsl)

When I saw Xiaozhi burning the flame horse of this faint blue flame.The wonderful frog flower is very spit on Xiaozhi's face with saliva.

Although I know that the guy under Xiaozhi is not simple, but this one

The strange-colored flaming horse really surprised the wonderful frog.

And Xiao & Zhi's flaming horse came out and saw that the blue flames on the body of the wonderful frog flower began to burn continuously, just like the dream demon in hell.


Looking at Lie Yanma Frog Flower, he knew that he must not underestimate this guy, and then directly launched his unique trick, the petal dance.

Looking at the flower petals Mai Xiaozhi, who had almost no side effects, said to the flame horse. "Flame Jet ≈~."

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, the flame horse sprayed out a faint blue flame and burned all the petals.

And the huge flower on the back of the wonderful frog flower radiated a white light when it saw this situation.


With a roar of the frog flower, the flame of the sun, which is more powerful than the flame of the sun of the seed of the frog, went straight to the flame horse.However, at this time, the flame horse stepped out of its ghostly pace and launched a high-speed movement.

And with the high-speed movement of the flame horse.A dark blue flame road begins to form

"Flame Clone, the Road to Hell"_"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the flame horse's speed is getting faster and faster, and then all the flame clones like ghosts and nightmares start to intrude constantly.

frog flower.

Xiaoxia was speechless when she saw this scene that was both Jiang Li and weird.

Blaze Horse's blue flame is beautiful.But those flame clones have a weird feeling.

And the wonderful frog flower is not in the mood of Xiaoxia now. These flame clones can hurt him, and because the hidden feature of the flame horse itself is the flame body. , The wonderful frog flower can't deal with the flame horse by adding parasitic seeds to the vine whip.

And now the wonderful frog flower has finally fallen into the situation of the previous wonderful frog seed, 2 own attacks are useless to the flame horse. The petals

Dancing Flame Horse can solve it with a single flame jet.The Flying Leaf Knife can't damage the Flame Horse_Sunshine Flame, but it can't hit it at all.In addition, the flame clone harassed the wonderful frog flower, which could not be used at all.

Therefore, Frog Flower can only find the right time to use her last trick.


Just as the flame clone rushed to the Frog Frog again, Miao Frog suddenly released its own pollen, and then when the pollen came into contact with the flame clone, there was a huge explosion, and Xiao Zhi and the others were speechless.

"Pickupee!" (He actually knew about dust explosions?)

"Meow, it looks like an old monster too.

The sudden explosion also made the flame horse stunned for a while, while the wonderful frog flower took the opportunity to hit the vine whip into the ground under the impact of the explosion.

"Flame Horse! Bounce on"


Although he didn't know what the frog flower was going to do, Xiao Zhi didn't think it would make him do as he wished, so he directly ordered the flame horse to use the bounce to jump into the air to avoid it.And Ash's order was correct.Because when the flame horse jumped into the air, countless vine whips broke through the ground from the position of the flame horse just now, and these vine whips all exuded a hard color.

Eyelids jump.

"Nima. Whole-body sclerosing plant:: There is something in this sagebrush.: But?"

Looking at the frozen body, Xiaozhi, the frog flower, showed a trace of equality.

"Although you are indeed very powerful, you can even ignore the side effects of the flower dance and hardened plants, but even if you use so many hardened plants in one go, you will become stiff, right?"


Hearing that Xiao Zhi was so fiery, Frog Flower couldn't help shed a drop of cold sweat, just as Xiao Zhi said, he has fallen into a state of rigidity now, and seeing that Frog Flower has entered a state of rigidity, Xiao Zhi pointed

He said, "" You have lost, Li Yanma's Nether Road! "


The flaming horse, which jumped high, was already ready to attack, and at this time, the frozen frog flower was the best target. Then the flaming horse launched purgatory with itself as the center.The faint blue flame did not harm the flaming horse, but continued to help him strengthen it.

And the flaming horse that has completed self-improvement also turned into a faint blue fireball and slammed into the wonderful frog flower.Boom

accompanied by skyrocketing

Congzhu Xiaozhi slightly blocked Xiaoxia behind him, while the Froggrass slowly retreated a little, and the power brought by the blue sky Shaozhu made them a little uncomfortable.

And when Bizhu dissipated, the flaming horse took its own light steps and returned to Xiaozhi, while the wonderful frog flower was lying on the ground covered in black.

Xiaozhi walked to the wonderful frog flower with the seeds of the wonderful frog, looked at the wonderful frog flower who had fainted, nodded and then took out an overweight ball.

"His weight is still better than this, do you think?"

"Pikapi" (Miaohuahua will cry:: )


:" (Actually really defeated

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