"His L." (After all, I'm still very restrained by him)

And just when everyone was talking nonsense, Xiaozhi touched it with an overweight ball - next to the wonderful frog flower and then the wonderful frog flower entered the ball s

"Very well, the heavy tanks are in hand. Then:"

Saying so, Xiaozhi looked at the frog grass with red eyes.And the frog grasses swallowed their saliva.

"Let's fight the frogs."-"

Chapter [-] Preparations for the Doll Festival


With the last frog grass being turned on the ground, Xiaozhi has almost completely established his absolute dominance e

"Then, do you have any other challenge from the frog grass?_"

And when Xiao Zhi said this, the fire-breathing dragon behind Xiao Zhi glanced at the two-eyed frog grass.

After being looked at by the fire-breathing dragon and the companions who were lying on the ground, the Froggrass looked at each other twice, then nodded and shouted at Xiao Zhi, "Grass!" Thick (big one!)_

Although the frog grass is a little strange, Xiaozhi still understands it under Meow's translation.

It is to understand that the frog grass has recognized itself as the boss.So he said with satisfaction, "Very good _ you will be my younger brother in the future. I will let someone come here to set up a sign, so you don't have to worry about someone coming to provoke you L Hahaha!"

Looking at Xiaozhi Xiaoxia, who smiled like a villain, was a little speechless.But after looking at the sleepy Porkby in his arms, he had to remind, "Xiao Zhi, , it's almost time to rest. Right?. Porkby is sleepy..."

"Oh. Almost forgot about the little ones. Then now is the first order of the boss - let's all go to rest!"


! "*N (Long live the boss!

To be honest, the frog grasses were really tired after an all-nighter.Now that Xiao Zhi let everyone rest, of course the frog grass is happy.

And Xiaozhi is also preparing 7 tents in a sunny place to let the family rest.

"The only pity is that there are no beds:

"Meow, if you add a bed, are you sure it's a tent, boss?"

Miaomiao looked at Xiaozhi silently, then hugged Xiaozhi and handed it to her little Ibrahimovic and said, "Boss, don't be speechless, just say something directly::"


Kapi.." (So good to guess..

"::As expected of Pikachu and Meow, you've seen it out⊥ Then I'll ask you for Porkby. I'm going to rest here!",

After handing the sleeping Porkby to Pikachu, Ash instantly ran away. Pikachu looked at Ash who was running and shook his head helplessly.

"Pikapi.." (still shot :)

"Well: the hard boss has been holding back for so long, I hope Xiaoxia can hold on:"

And just when the two of them Pikachu and Miaomiao were talking, Shanai Duo ran out of the Pokeball and immediately activated his super power to activate

Hajime felt it, and then picked up a stone hand knife and chopped it down.

"Sana⊥⊥⊥⊥" (so envious 1⊥⊥⊥⊥)

one-one dividing line-one

"Chappy! Chappy!"

When Xiao Zhi was slapped awake by two little hands, he saw Porkby and two little Ibrahimovic in front of him.One is Xiao Xia's and the other is Xiao Zhi's, and behind the three little guys is Shanaido's


After looking at the time for a while, Xiaozhi asked with some doubts, "Isn't it not yet time? 2. Lunch is already ready. Now let me rest first - shh, don't make any noise.

Xiaoxia's mother is sleeping. "

Seeing that Porkby and Xiao Ibrahimovic were going to quarrel with Xiaoxia, Xiaozhi quickly pulled the three of them, while Shanaido was a little jealous of Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia when their father didn't let their children quarrel with their mother. ⊥⊥)

"Well: Shanaido, please let Miaomiao and the others watch Poker for a while. We need to rest for a while, um. In fact, Xiaoxia needs to rest:."

_ ..2.."

What can Shanaido say? It's impossible to use telepathy to tell Ash that he's actually been listening to the corner, right?

In the end, Shanaido could only keep tears with three little guys

Go back first, and wake up slightly after such a small dew.

"What's wrong, Chi?"

"It's okay, you go to rest first, it's not even time yet."

"Huh? But I really want to hear Porkby's voice."

"Well, even mothers with children need to rest. Now you can rest well. Don't they have a bear mother?"

"Okay, then I'll sleep- : a moment

Xiaozhi said so, thinking that there is no need to worry about wearing a bear to help, Xiaoxia continued to hold Xiaozhi to sleep, while Xiaozhi

He silently took out the tablet and started to check it.

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