Musashi looked at Miaomiao and Kojiro with some headaches and said, "You guys are so embarrassing. Grab me and grab a batch of discounted goods and go eat."

Then the Rockets collided with Ash and the others

Chapter 2 Reloading the chariot Gegran ([-] more)

When Musashi thought that Ash and the others had a special festival here, he went to watch it.A group of sturdy men showing off their muscles gave her a direct hit.Mian Xiaobianlang and Meow are just dying of blood.

However, when they saw Xiao Zhi, they were all stunned.

"Little devil head?⊥" 3

"Huh? It's the three of you. It's a holiday, so I hope you don't die. I'm also hosting the event here."

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Musashi Meow Kojiro was a little surprised. But Musashi still took out the baby ball and said. "Wangran met. Then hand over your skin!"

A terrifying smile appeared on the corner of Musashi's mouth when he saw Musashi's plan to fight Ash, and he snapped his fingers.

The masculine guys who were showing their muscles in an instant came behind Ash and kept showing their muscles.

"Please, I didn't hear what you said just now."

"Sorry for bothering us to snap up" 3

Seeing Team Rocket running away in an instant, Ash shook his head, but still said to his surroundings. "Sorry for a small episode, in order to apologize to everyone, after the special event in the afternoon, all products in the entire mall are 5% off.

When Ash says all [-]% off


The entire mall also rang out.

"To everyone present, there will be a [-]% discount after the special event in the afternoon. I hope everyone is happy. This special event is the Queen of Dolls Festival in cooperation with the doll factory. The winner will receive only one set of Pokémon dolls. And also took a photo with Taixing star Zhuo. I hope everyone will actively sign up

after the broadcast ends.The beast in the hearts of the female surnames roared two

Accompanied by a horrific flow of people

Help the girls start running towards the Doll's Day Queen Contest.

And Xiaozhi is letting Tailu Hotel

The staff brought clothes for the buddy who just broke his clothes.

"Next time, don't casually explode your clothes. My side is also very troublesome: you don't want to be taken away by Sister Junsha as an exhibitionist!"

"Sorry, I couldn't hold back and exploded." Next time, I won't help people massage their buttocks outside the hospital again:."

....though know what you mean

I'm still inexplicably panicking:: Forget it." Little Chamelda and Gregory came over "Xiao Zhi, I'm going to participate in the Doll's Festival Anniu Contest, please let the gods of other attributes send babies. Can you help me?"


That Taisai is what I do to attract need to attend

"Little one this time, I want to show my sisters how good I am. This time it's time for me to take revenge." Help me. "

"Oh? Doll's Day Girl Jade? It's very interesting. Then I'll participate too.

Gegeland was very interested in this Dolls Festival Queen Taisai, so she was eager to try it out. And Xiaozhi looked at Gageland's body and thought about it, and said. "I'll ask someone to prepare Tai-size clothes: Merda Ma'am, are you participating?"

Merda was a little surprised when asked by Xiaozhi, but then he smiled and shook his head and said, "That's it. I

I won't participate here, just watch the game. "

Seeing that Sister Melda is not planning to participate in Xiaozhi, she turned to look at Xiaoxia and asked: .Who are you going to send here?"

"Am I here? Ammonites and gem starfish."

"Is that so, then Absol and the wind speed dog, can you two help Xiaoxia?"

While talking about Xiaozhi, he released Absol and the wind speed dog. After the two elves came out, they nodded and then stood beside Xiaoxia. And Xiaozhi also gave their baby ball to Xiaoxia.

"Then it's up to you. Although Absol and

The wind speed dog has no problem fighting by itself.I can only cheer for you here. "

"Don't worry, you will never be disappointed."

Gagland looked at Ash's custom dog and Absol and was a little surprised. But then she was eager to try it.

"No way. It seems to be a wonderful battle. Then we met Xiao Lu in the arena."

"Well, please don't leave Miss Gagland at that time!"

"Hahahaha" Very good! This is what a girl should be like, Shan Xiaogang, you have to cheer for me! "

stare rough

Following the words of Mrs. Gegeland - she was stared at by the big brothers in an instant.

'I really want to fuck him::' N

two - dividing line - one

"The Queen of the Dolls Festival is about to start. This is a special event for the Dolls Festival. I hope everyone can pass the battle! The winner will get a doll [specially made a limited set of dolls, and a photo with the handsome Zhuo Ye next to me."

With the host's words, the scene of Taisai began to become hot.

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