And then the host said, "I would like to thank the owner of Tailu Hotel for their sponsorship. This Tailu Hotel will be hosted by Tailu Hotel.

Exclusive title, thanks again to the owner of the Continental Hotel. "

After speaking, the host looked at Ash, who was sitting in the special seat while eating cake with his Pokémon.

'So the boss also wants to see beautiful women?'

"Then. Now the players are invited!"

Everyone was a little surprised as the girls appeared in the costumes of the Chengdu area.One thing to know though is that Greg is also in it so stand::

The auditorium exploded two!

Chapter 3 is already different ([-] more)

When a group of young and beautiful girls appeared, everyone was happy, and even looked forward to the appearance of the next beauty.And what do you do when you stare too hard at the next one, only to find that it's a super heavy tank and a heavy tank with explosive muscles?. Now stand H is the result:

"Ah ah ah go on _⊥ 11_ my eyes eyes" 1! "

"It's going to break my eyes, it's going to break ⊥⊥⊥"

"Why do I use binoculars to see that muscle, that muscle is squirming!!.⊥"

The entire auditorium was almost wiped out

state.The devastating disaster began after Gregory's appearance.Countless people covered their glasses and wailed, and they were all severely hit by Gegeland, who appeared in turkncharse. However, even in the auditorium full of mourning, there were such different crowds.

"Come on, Miss Gagland!_"

"Amazing Mrs. Gagland!"

"Beat them up! Up!"

Hearing that someone was actually cheering up that heavy tank, some unpleasant viewers watched it, and then they clung to it.

There's no way a bunch of muscular guys out there who dare to provoke 2 Now they always

It's understandable why someone refueled that heavy tank.Where is the co-authorship aesthetic:

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was in the special seat, had two guardians, Jenny Turtle and Pikachu, on his shoulders. In his clothes, there was a little Ibrahimovic, and Da Duck was lying next to him. next to Chi.In Xiaozhi's arms, he was holding a Porkby who was drinking a bottle of milk.

"Well, Mrs. Gagaran's Pokémon are all very strong. It's really hard to fight with Xiaoxia alone, but it should be fine if you have Absol and Windspeed Dog." He handed it to Jenny on his left shoulder. After Turtle-Pan Ping Ping, Xiao Zhi began to analyze Xiaoxia's chances of winning.

Mian Miaomiao said speechlessly after hearing Xiao Zhi's words, "Boss, your wind speed dog is already very usable. In addition, you are the rhythm of the abuse of the market."

"This is called being prepared, and only in this way can we fight safely to the end."



"Oh? Another cake? I'll have it delivered."

After the players entered the field, the game will start soon. Although the heavy tank Gegran is scary, it does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for watching the game.

And Xiaoxia

The game will start soon

"Come out Jewel Starfish["

9 Go to the mosquito-repellent incense frog "_"

"Oh, Miss Xiaoxia's magic treasure is like a jewel starfish. And her opponent is to send a mosquito to fight.,It seems that this is a showdown between the water system and the water system. I don't know how much this battle will be. Wonderful?"

"The Jewel Starfish uses the shock trick!_"


As the gem starfish rotates, it rushes towards the mosquito-repellent incense frog, and the mosquito-repellent incense frog is killed by Shun Jian under the impact of the gem starfish.

"2." *N_

The host looked awkwardly at the arena.Don't know what to say.Just finished talking about what exciting battles will you come to kill? Isn't this a bit too much..

Of course, the host also said so in his heart - let's talk about this, Xiaoxia is the fiancee of his boss. If this Nima offends him, he will definitely be fired.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect Miss Xiaoxia's strength to be so outstanding. It's an instant kill, so please ask Miss Xiaobai to list her next Pokémon!"

In fact, she was surprised that she was able to kill her opponent Xiaoxia in seconds, and she didn't discover one thing until this time.

In fact, she is already very strong, but she has been traveling with Ash before, which has broadened her horizons.

Think about what she's been through so far.Either one is unimaginable for many.Not to mention the group photo with Ho-oh when I traveled with Ash for the first time, and even the group photo of the previous world and the handed down and Suicune.

Thinking of this, Xiaoxia suddenly developed a kind of confidence that she believed that she could win.Because she has already learned a lot from the trip with Xiaozhi, but when Xiaoxia is full of confidence:

"The wife is amazing 1 and then kill them in seconds L I'll give it here

Come on, come on"


"Come on, this is your battle

She glanced at Xiaozhi who was cheering for her with a snake-patterned bear on her head in the special seat_Xiaoxia turned her head blushing, she could already imagine what others would say:

The star Zhuo sitting next to the host is also very good at assessing the situation. A saw this situation and said directly, "Come on from your husband, it's really good."

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